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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. mikeyarmo

    Discrimination in the work place

    Hi ridethetrain, I think your wife handled this the right way by reporting the issue to HR. HR probably had to consider many different things when determining the appropriate punishment, including the track record of the employees in question. Hopefully this was a big enough scare to the...
  2. mikeyarmo

    My Crohn's Experience.

    Welcome to the forum Klynn2393! I am sorry to hear about all of the troble you have had growing up and since your Crohn's Disease diagnosis. I am glad you have had some relief with Humira, however it does not sound like the side effects are pleasant. We ae glad you did find us and hope you do...
  3. mikeyarmo

    Natural way to deal with mouth rash

    Hello! Sorry for not responding sooner... I looked into taking B12 shots however I was not able to find a doctor who was willing to give them to me. The doctors I went to (just 2) were both against trying B12 shots as they thought I should just try steroid creams (or one just thought Vaseline...
  4. mikeyarmo


    Welcome to the forum Christine! I am sorry to hear about all of your health troubles. Hopefully the new medication will be helpful. I am sure you have learned a lot about Crohn's over the past 30 years so feel free to share your experiences. We are here for any other support or informational...
  5. mikeyarmo

    New to Forum..not new to Crohn's

    Welcome to the forum latinchaha! I am sorry to hear you had had such a challenging time with Crohn's since being diagnosed :(. I am glad that things are getting less stressful (congrats on almost completing the program!) and that things are mostly under control now. Thank you for offering your...
  6. mikeyarmo

    All About Me

    Welcome to the forum Seebee! Thank you for sharing a bit about yourself.. I assure you it was not boring :). How are you feeling on the medication you are currently on? Are you still in pain? There is a great group of people here so I hope that you will continue to look around the forum and...
  7. mikeyarmo

    My Story

    Welcome to the forum Mimi! My diagnosis/initial suffering also happened while I was starting university. I remember how hard it was to go to school let alone think about socializing so know that you were not alone in that experience! I had a very similar surgery to what you are scheduled for...
  8. mikeyarmo

    Update from test

    Hi soconfused, Thanks for the update. I am sorry that I do not have a good idea of what you could have. Hopefully the biopsy will provide more details and give your specialist a better idea of what is going on. Good luck and keep us updated!
  9. mikeyarmo

    New update...

    Hi Sheryl, Thanks for updating us and sorry to hear you are feeling down with everything that is happening. At least if they are identifying these issues an action plan can be developed and hopefully an effective treatment plan will be developed and implemented. I know it is easy to get...
  10. mikeyarmo


    Welcome back Cath! Thanks for posting and letting us know a bit more about yourself. Glad things have been going well since January! There are many people in need here so your kind words and support would be most welcome! Take care and looking forward to seeing you around! -Michael
  11. mikeyarmo

    Flagyl taste

    Thanks for sharing Hannah06! I believe I was on this at some point, but it is getting hard to remember exactly what I was on as there were at least a half dozen different medications tried on me :). Does the pill leave a metallic taste in your mouth? I used to just fight through the taste but...
  12. mikeyarmo


    Thanks for sharing shutz1012. Did you see something online that you can post here that can explain why the warnings are being raised?
  13. mikeyarmo

    New to forum.

    Welcome to the forum Crohnsforlife! Thank you for sharing your story with us. By any chance do you remember what the "special diet" you were put on when you were younger was? Glad you have avoided medication and surgery so far and I hope the good health can continue!
  14. mikeyarmo

    Just joined, my story

    Welcome eaglesfan (and adele89 also :))! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! It is fairly common to have many of the symtpoms you spoke of (including weight gain and personality changes). You may not be aware but we have an dedicated Prednisone forum that you might be interested...
  15. mikeyarmo

    Re:- update from last post

    Thanks for the update catpee! Glad something positive came from going to the doctor. I hope you are able to function well until May. Let us know if you have any more questions or concerns!
  16. mikeyarmo

    13 free years - it had to end?

    Welcome to the forum Rob! I am glad you have already benefited from some of our member's experiences and knowledge. The people who are part of this community are truly special :). I am sorry to hear about your flare but am glad that a treatment plan has been set out for you and you are now...
  17. mikeyarmo

    Cakes, tarts or cookies - any suggestions?

    Hi SarahD, I don't personally know anything youcan try, but you might want to try a search on a search engine for gluten free vegan desserts. You still need to look at the ingredients to ensure none of your restricted foods are in the recipe, but that should hopefully help find some treats you...
  18. mikeyarmo

    Colonoscopy adventure!

    Thanks for doing this KWalker! Good luck with the prep and with the actual colonoscopy. Haven't met anyone yet who actually enjoys the process (I am sure they are out there though! ;)) but I hope it goes smoothly for you!
  19. mikeyarmo

    Just Joined

    Welcome to the forum sdw1028! I am sorry to read that you have had some issues lately but hopefully the Remicade is able to help. Please keep us updated on us on how things go and feel free to use us for any questions you might have or for support.
  20. mikeyarmo

    Hello, I am new

    Welcome to the community bomber! I am glad you are feeling better and able to return back to work. I am also glad to hear you are having success with the SCD. Hopefully this is a long-term turning point where you will be able to more effectively manage your Ulcerative Colitis. Welcome once...