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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    What does remission feel like?

    For my 17 year old son, remission means a moderate appetite and only occasional difficulty pooping (either feeling exhausted afterwards, or he sees food in his stool) occasional aches and pains here and there and s-l-o-w weight gain. He feels good most of the time, but not great, not like a...
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    Generic Pentasa?

    Our son's Pentasa costs $200 a month until we meet his deductable ($2500) and then it will cost $50 a month.
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    16 year old just diagnosed

    My son was diagnosed in March, at age 16. Sorry, to welcome you to such an awful club. :( My son achieved remission with a 3 day course of steriods in the hospital, then did 6 weeks of EEN (zero food) and then began the SCD. His only med is Pentasa and aside from the fact he can't put on...
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    Trapped gas??

    When I have trapped gas, I make sure I'm alone, then I lay on our blue exercise ball. I try to relax as I roll around with my tummy on the ball and my hands on the floor, bottom up and everytime.
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    Son feels like he needs to pee, but can't.

    He turned 17 in November.
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    Son feels like he needs to pee, but can't.

    He had the feeling again yesterday, but not as bad. It's happening when he first wakes up, so not after a shower or anything. He thinks that it may be caused by not eating enough after he's taken his Pentasa. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a great appetite.
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    Son feels like he needs to pee, but can't.

    No UTI and he's feeling fine, now.
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    Son feels like he needs to pee, but can't.

    Son is feeling much better now, but they want him seen within 24 hours of when it started, so we are heading to the pediatrician's office in the morning.
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    Son feels like he needs to pee, but can't.

    We're waiting on the call back from the GI. "It's not burning exactly, but it's an annoying feeling, a tingling, feels like I need to go, but nothing is there." So, not a feeling of being full of pee and not being able to go. No other pain or symptoms.
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    Son feels like he needs to pee, but can't.

    It just started, maybe an hour ago. Does anyone know what this likely means? Thank you!
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    Wishes Come True :)

    To inform my children (who were 7 and 10) that they were going to fly to Disney World that day, I gave them each a golden ticket, just like in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and they were blown away!!! :)
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    Trying EEN for the first time

    Son ate nothing but Peptamen for 6 very long weeks.
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    Agonising Constipation

    I don't have Crohn's but I do have constipation every single day of my life (and I'm vegan!) I often used to spend 3 hours suffering on the toilet. Now I give myself a daily enema, (using several bags of water). It takes about an hour, but it's much less uncomfortable, faster and even my...
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    Dealing with neurotic family members...

    If I thought one of my kids needed to go to the ER and they couldn't afford it, I'd offer to pay if I could or I'd be quiet about it.
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    Momma bears patients are being pushed UPDATED

    I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that! Sometimes medical professionals aren't competent or caring and because of that, patients suffer unnecessarily. :(
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    Worrying about the future

    If one reads the adult section here, you'll see that there is good reason to be concerned. Many people with Crohn's simply cannot work and others cannot work full time. As parents of 2 children with Crohn's, we have tightened our belts, rented out a couple of rooms and are saving all we can...
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    What are you THANKFUL for?

    I just took a bad fall down our stairs and I'm thankful I didn't break anything, thankful I didn't need to go to the hospital and thankful that I now won't be expected to do much tomorrow. :tongue: I'm thankful that I am getting my first smartphone on Friday! (A Moto X) And very thankful that...
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    Favorite SCD recipes

    Cheese Bread 2.5 C almond flour 1/4 C butter 1 t baking soda 1/8 t salt 3 eggs 1 C cheddar cheese Beat eggs and mix everything together well. Put in a greased loaf pan and bake for an hour at 350. My son likes it sliced and toasted with cheese on top.
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    (Cautiously) Happy!

    I'm happy for you! :)
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    Flare or not a flare?

    He's seeing a psychotherapist, although more for depression and anger issues. I think his concerns are reasonable and eating smoothies or well cooked foods seems reasonable to me, too. This all still feels very new to us. He does not want surgery. I mean, he REALLY doesn't want surgery. A...