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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    Help! Coworker responded poorly to me sharing that I have Crohns.

    Say with total sincerity, "Oh no! It doesn't sound like you have Crohn's but there are a number of mental illnesses you might have." ;)
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    Flare or not a flare?

    Son's #s all came back normal, so he's still in remission. Yet, after a week of feeling good and doing well, he had a very bad time in the bathroom, yesterday.
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    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    I'm 51 too and it's no time to let family dictate our lives. You are a grown up and you need to do what's right for you. Don't let them make you feel bad about applying for SSDI. It's sexist to have only the daughter take care of the parents. Your brother(s) should be helping as well...
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    Rowan's New Second Ileostomy

    Poor kid! I'm sorry to hear that she's suffering. :(
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    Crohn's and Anxiety

    Son had a good week, then today he got somewhat stressed out and his stomach fell apart for a couple of hours. We learned that he's still in remission just today.
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    2 years in and fed up.....advice & experience on aza and pentasa!!! :-(

    I think that he thinks my son is doing fantastic, relative to his other patients and sees his complaints as minor and to be expected, basically. They don't understand this disease.
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    2 years in and fed up.....advice & experience on aza and pentasa!!! :-(

    My son is in remission, yet he gets little aches a lot and often has extreme fatigue. He only takes Pentasa, no other drugs.
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    How long did it take for you to become symptom free on SCD?

    Both of my kids were already in remission when they started the diet, one from steroids, the other from 6 weeks of EEN. The diet worked for my first, instantly and perfectly. And has continued to work that way for her for 8+ years. No symptoms, no drugs. #2 is pretty much without symptoms...
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    Incredible E

    We're hanging in there with the SCD. I can't believe that my son has gone more than 8 months without chocolate. He's a bit sad about Halloween... He was 79 lbs in March and weighed in at 115 yesterday. The only drug he takes is Pentasa. I'm beginning to be a true believer in the SCD.
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    My son doesn't think chunks of raw vegetables would be good for his system, so he has a smoothie everyday, made of 2 or 3 organic bananas, a 10 oz bag of organic, frozen fruit (usually blueberries) and some organic nut butter. I often throw in a handful of organic greens, and they get blended...
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    Flare or not a flare?

    Saw the doctor today and I could tell he thought my son is still doing well and not in a flare! :) I hope that is true. He didn't have the results of the fcp, yet. They took blood, etc. Son weighed in at 110 and the doctor said that was good considering my son weighed 79 lbs in March. He...
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    Flare or not a flare?

    109 ^
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    Unrelenting nausea

    I'm very sorry your daughter is not feeling well.
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    Worry-a-thon 2013

    The truth can be very scary, but I still want to know it. I read a lot of scary stuff about Crohn's so that I know what to watch out for, but I often don't read the graphic details, as they are nothing but depressing.
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    Flare or not a flare?

    He's convinced he feels worse and no one is going to talk him out of it. Yet, he didn't say he won't have it done, just that he wants everything to happen on the same day. He is running the show, not me. He's basically an adult and that's how I treat him. Going to war over when a blood draw...
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    Fatigue has over taken my life and idk why? Does anyone feel they can sleep all day?

    I drink a soda pop about twice a year. Never diet. I fully believe that stuff is poison. I hate water, although I make myself drink at least 4 8oz glasses everyday + weakened organic juices (cuts the cost along with the calories) and green tea.
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    Flare or not a flare?

    He doesn't have a fear of needles or anything...he just doesn't think it's good for him to "donate blood" being so weak and underweight and he thinks that they take too much. He's rebelled so little, it didn't surprise me that he finally said NO about something.
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    Flare or not a flare?

    I know he should have given blood, but he refused and he's almost 17. He said he will do it at his appointment on Monday. He doesn't feel faint or anything like that, but he has convinced himself (rightly or wrongly) that he feels worse after they take his blood - ususally several tubes...
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    Flare or not a flare?

    16 year old diagnosed in March. Got down to 79 lbs. Quickly got up to 100 lbs, but has gone from 105 to 112 several times. Currently 106. Doesn't have much energy at all. Misses school 2 or 3 days a week, but doesn't have pain or discomfort in his stomach hardly at all and bms are perfect...