Fatigue has over taken my life and idk why? Does anyone feel they can sleep all day?

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Aug 7, 2013
I've hade crohns since 99 and I feel one I was blessed with it I keep greeting diagnosed with more diseases/illness. To give you and idea yesterday I slept until 2pm today I got up took my son to school back in bed at 9 until 6:30pm mean out cold!! I'm on some new meds but they can't be worse than what I was taking plus I'm sleeping through doses!! It's crazy plus I am a diet coke fanatic I can't drink it I'm not eating. I just don't feel good I can't describe it. Just feel lousy??? Thoughts?
:rosette1::bigwave::rosette1: Hi there,
Sorry to hear you are suffering fatigue. I have just asked the same question as I am extremely tired and nauseous. I have been doing well on Remicade infusions, but have noticed a change over the last two months. I will be speaking to my Consultant later as I wonder if it is the side effects of Meds. Perhaps, that is also the case with you. Speak to your Doctor. It is lousy feeling this way. Fizzy drinks will not help your tummy: I stopped Coke, which I loved too, as it was making me squeamish. Try bottled ,flavoured water. I do hope you feel better soon. It could be your new meds. Perhaps , you will adjust to them. I hope I have helped a little.
it could also be the diet coke. almost everyone i know who has consumed this in one way or another, had issues. myself included. try ditching that stuff, but not for regular soda, consider drinking water.
I drink a soda pop about twice a year. Never diet. I fully believe that stuff is poison.
I hate water, although I make myself drink at least 4 8oz glasses everyday + weakened organic juices (cuts the cost along with the calories) and green tea.
I drank diet soda (aspartame) for twenty years or so...then when I started getting sick, I found that aspartame made me extremely sleepy and sort of nauseous. Try 2-3 weeks without it, then reintroduce and see if it makes a difference for you. I've tried to substitute seltzer or club soda for diet soda, but it really isn't the same. I miss it....
Two years ago, I switched from Diet Coke to Coke Classic. A few months ago, I was getting like you...sleeping all the time and needing more and more Coke thru the Day. Found out I was anemic. Iron deficient anemia!!
I don't think The Diet coke has anything to do with it. Been off weeks now, no choice! I'm falling asleep as I write ugh!!!
Hi Etan,

I have suffered with chronic fatigue for years now. I just put it down to my Crohns. It's usually after I've eaten when I get more tired.

Also I'd have a look at the side effects of the new meds if I was you.

Hope you get more energy soon.