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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. serrickson

    Do you want children knowing they could have crohn's?

    We have FOUR kids - 10mo, 4, 7, and 9. Our 9 year old was diagnosed with Crohn's at 6, right smack dab when we wanted to have our fourth and final. He's had his ups and downs for sure. We were shocked when he was diagnosed because Celiac is on the maternal side big time. We thought it was...
  2. serrickson

    My Son John - Age 9 - American in Germany

    I just looked over my records and magnesium was never checked on John's initial bloodwork--when his symptoms really got bad in '10. This bloodwork was ordered by his PED, along with a host of other tests (flora, c-diff, allergies i.e. soy, etc). His specialist is really sort of hit or miss...
  3. serrickson

    My Son John - Age 9 - American in Germany

    Thanks, the doctor wants him on AZA just prior to starting Remicade, then dropping the AZA and keeping the MTX. Not unlike Prednisone, the AZA takes time to clear the system. I will say this: we are now another week gluten free and we notice a difference in his fatigue. The brain fog is...
  4. serrickson

    My Son John - Age 9 - American in Germany

    My son John was diagnosed with Crohn's at age 6 in August 2010 at a German hospital near Ramstein AFB. As a baby, John was a big eater--we suspect this was the first clue to his condition. At only about 8 1/2 pounds, we were surprised at how much he would nurse. As the first of FOUR we...
  5. serrickson

    My battle with crohns since age 6

    My son has Crohn's. He's 9 and was also diagnosed at 6. You're definitely a fighter. This disease is horrible and as a "healthy" person I doubt I have half the courage you and my boy have. Keep fight'in man--we'll be praying for you to get better!! God Bless you and your family!
  6. serrickson

    Are Throat Problems or Strep Throat Common Chronnie Issues?

    I know this an old thread but my son was sick (colds/fever/ear) A LOT from 12mo to 6yo... Breastfed until a year, maybe 8 1/2lbs at birth, would feed non-stop. Fussy as all getup. NOT a good sleeper. Off the charts height and weight which everybody saw as normal. Hmm...maybe it wasn't? I'd...