I come from a family where autoimmunes generally did not exist. I am the only one with any kind of autoimmune disease. I was also diagnosed 3 years ago and my kids are, today, 11 and 8 yars old. I think that the having vs not having children issue has to do with each individuals opinion. Period. No justifications needed. You dont want to have kids, great, Crohns or not crohns you dont have to justify your decision. My parents had three kids, my uncle had no kids, it was their choice. Even if physically someone is incapapble of having children there are still ways to achieve it. On the other hand, if I want to have kids then I dont have to justify it either. Perfectly healthy Greek parents rely on grandparents for babysitting, I guess this happens everywere. Perfectly healthy parents may have kids with autoimmunes, leuchemia,cancer, psoriasis whatever. The russian roulette is not in crohns it is in our genes, thats nature. If you (generally) want children go ahead and have them. Noone can guarantee that they will be healthy and will live to 100, no matter what the parents health is. EVERYTHING else, taking care of them, being a burden rely on others etc are not side effects, they are consequences of having children and the package comes with every child. Pre dx there were days for me where I wanted to return my kids and ask for a refund. Well those days still exist and after dx. They exist for my healthy husband also. I agree with genetic counceling and pre-natal testing for devastating, life threatening conditions (cystic fibrosis, tay sachs etc), I agree in terminating a pregnancy which will cause such a condition. BUT I also agree that someone WITH a disease can have chldren if he/she wants, you can never EVER be 100% sure about your childs gene pool. As for "passing the suffering", come on guys, give me a break, we are humans we are programmed to suffer. In our lives we give birth, we get cut and burned in accidents, we get our appendix and our tonsils out, we fall and get chicken pox and measles, we break bones and get rushes from poison ivy, thats life, we cannot protect us or our children from suffering we can just hope that we will not win the lottery ticket for it. So everyone is entitled to have, or not have children and may the odds always be in our favor.