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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. SarahBear

    New here

    Welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear what you've been through, but so glad things are looking better for you now! It sounds like you'll be a great help to others here!
  2. SarahBear

    Recently diagnosed and looking for advice and support

    Welcome to the forum! First, it's very likely that your symptoms have indeed been Crohn's all along. IBS is often used when they just plain don't know what is going on. Many of us diagnosed with Crohn's or UC were told we had IBS previously. Night sweats are considered a symptom of Crohn's...
  3. SarahBear

    New here

    Welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear what you've been dealing with. If you don't mind sharing, what was the reaction you had to the Remicade? I hope things start improving for you soon! :hug:
  4. SarahBear

    I really think its all in head

    Yes. 100% absolutely, yes. All testing I've had done in the past few years has revealed nothing, even when I was having the same symptoms (at the same severity) as when I was originally diagnosed. In addition to that, I was having a lot of symptoms that seemed to point to another condition...
  5. SarahBear

    Does this sound like Crohns?

    Don't be scared! Finding out for sure what is going on is the first step to treating these problems. Most people with IBD live normally, with only occasional problems. Whether or not you have Crohn's, having testing done is the first step to getting things under control. If Crohn's is the...
  6. SarahBear

    Does this sound like Crohns?

    It certainly could be. Are you seeing a gastroenterologist, or just the colorectal surgeon? If not, I'd suggest you get a referral to one ASAP. Have you not had any testing done to try to determine the cause of your problems? It sounds like you've been suffering for quite a while.
  7. SarahBear

    New Symptoms

    I'm glad your AS symptoms have let up! I'm not sure what to suggest. Low vitamin levels are my first thought, of course, but if everything is in order blood work wise, it's hard to say. You are eating alright? Hopefully your GI can get you in quickly and will know what's going on. Question...
  8. SarahBear

    A brief history

    Welcome to the forum! I hope things go well for you and those symptoms do go away soon. :)
  9. SarahBear

    Crohn's or not help please ...

    Sorry to hear what you're going through. It sounds very frustrating. :( I suggest that you write down a list of questions and take it with you to your next appointment. It can be easy to forget some things when you get there, so a list really helps make sure you get the answers you need...
  10. SarahBear


    I would associate a tightening feeling more with bloating than cramping, but it really depends. Was it very painful? Were you gassy at all?
  11. SarahBear

    New Symptoms

    Sounds a lot like my symptoms, so that's no help. :p How are you eating? What's going on with the ankylosing spondylitis now (sorry - I've been a bit absent lately - I should know that)? Do you know what all they checked with your blood work? Did the symptoms start before it was done, around...
  12. SarahBear


    Let me rephrase, then. Try keeping a food journal if it isn't stressful for you. If it is, then obviously you shouldn't. However, most people do find it beneficial to determine what, if any, foods cause symptoms.
  13. SarahBear

    Pain in the bladder??

    I don't have any answers, but I've been experiencing this lately, too. It's very frustrating. If you find answers, please keep us updated!
  14. SarahBear


    - My job is now keeping track of how many Facebook posts we make regarding work. I understand that advertising in any way benefits me as well as the company, but I would prefer 1) that they didn't rely almost solely on free forms of advertising such as this, and 2) that they stayed off my...
  15. SarahBear


    The puffy cheeks are a very common side effect and will likely start to go away soon. :) Personally, I had a fairly bad reaction to Prednisone but that isn't normal. You shouldn't have any long-term effects unless you were to take it for a very long period of time. Short tapers of a steroid...
  16. SarahBear


    Hi, WarrenVex! Like Cross-stitch, I'm also wondering if you've explored the forum a little and talked to others your age or in the same situation? Are you still seeing the doctor who put you on Imuran, or has your care been transferred completely to the new doctor? Why are your parents so...
  17. SarahBear

    Long time patient seeking experienced support (URGENT)

    Welcome to the forum, Derek! I'm sorry to hear what you're dealing with. :( Unfortunately, I don't have any advice but I'm sure there are others here who have been in similar situations and can help you. We're all eager to provide any support for you we can! I hope things start to look up for...
  18. SarahBear

    Need Advice.

    I haven't had surgery or been on biologics, but personally, I would try biologics before surgery. Surgery is best kept as a safety net in case the medications don't do the trick. I have no experience with treating with diet or MM, but some have had great success with it. You can read about...
  19. SarahBear

    IBD and Starting A Relationship

    I find honesty to be the best policy. I'm very upfront about my Crohn's, and I've never dated anyone I wasn't friends with before, so I've never had to worry about it. By the time things got to that point, they already knew. All my friends, coworkers, and even managers are aware of my...
  20. SarahBear


    I have a lot of unexplained bruising that all doctors I have spoken to (GP, GI, and rheumatologist) have just brushed off. It's generally polka-dot formations on my legs that I know for a fact are not coming from any sort of trauma. I know low platelets are associated with polka-dot type...