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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. SarahBear

    Not sure if it's Crohn's or not, but here I am :)

    Welcome to the forum, Lindsey! Has your doctor suggested any other possibilities? Are you having any further testing done? As kel said, it's not uncommon to have trouble securing a diagnosis. A lot of conditions have overlapping symptoms, and the conclusive evidence we need can come and go...
  2. SarahBear

    Aunt looking to support teen newly diag w/CD

    Welcome to the forum! I agree with Nicola - it is awesome that you're here and so dedicated to supporting your nephew! First off, encourage your nephew to join the forum (if his parents allow it)! It's a great place for advice and support. Dealing with Crohn's as a teen can be rough, and...
  3. SarahBear

    How Long did it Take to Receive a Diagnosis

    It took me nine years. My problem was that my mother didn't believe me and told every doctor I saw that I was faking it. They chose to believe her over me, so my symptoms were dismissed. Eventually they increased in severity, and while my mother continued to alternate between, "You're faking...
  4. SarahBear

    Does anyone have a service dog for Crohn's?

    That's great! The dogs I've seen trained are police dogs, but the trainer is the one who worked with my dog (although just briefly, as we really just wanted to get him under control) and does train others. These dogs are absolutely incredible - obedience wise, they're above and beyond typical...
  5. SarahBear

    Does anyone have a service dog for Crohn's?

    My dachshund definitely could not do it. :p He's too strong-willed and stubborn to train. Obedience training would break him. One thing they watch for is resentment after the training stops - if the dog immediately goes back to normal and interacts with people happily, then it can train. If...
  6. SarahBear

    Does anyone have a service dog for Crohn's?

    Pretty interesting. I'm familiar with dog training in general. My boyfriend is learning to be a handler. He will be able to train working and personal protection dogs, and of course any level of obedience. They usually don't start training dogs until at least eight months old though, to...
  7. SarahBear

    Does anyone have a service dog for Crohn's?

    Awesome! I figured it was some sort of chemical change - that's how they sense oncoming seizures. How old was Blaze when you started training? What did you have to do to get him registered as a service dog?
  8. SarahBear

    Does anyone have a service dog for Crohn's?

    That's great, Blaze! :) Out of curiosity, how do you train a dog to sense oncoming symptoms? How exactly does the dog tell you're going to get sick?
  9. SarahBear

    Active Crohn's- TTC

    Hi, Memmy! How are you feeling now? Personally, I don't know anything about the effects of Cimzia on pregnancy. I'm going to move your thread into the Pregnancy / TTC section of the forum, though. :) I would absolutely try to get my Crohn's under control before conceiving. While some people...
  10. SarahBear

    Totally confused!

    Hi, Zoey! Could you possibly see a new doctor? IBD definitely does cause ulceration, and IBS definitely does not. Additionally, IBS doesn't cause blood in your bowel movements. You really need to find out what is causing that and get it taken care of. I'm sorry - I don't know much about...
  11. SarahBear

    Adults Who Were Diagnosed As Children Support Group

    Yeah, I think most of us just haven't noticed the group or misunderstood the title or something. I was diagnosed at sixteen but I started showing symptoms at around age eight. Like Cross-stitch, I was always very small for my age. I attribute this only half to Crohn's, as genetics definitely...
  12. SarahBear

    My Story :)

    Welcome to the forum! I'm also wondering if you've discussed with your doctor other treatment options. It's not uncommon to have to go through a few different medications to find one that really works for you. There are other things you can try. I hope things get better for you!
  13. SarahBear

    Just got back from 5 day stay in Hospital.

    How are you feeling now? Is Pentasa the only medication you're on for your IBD?
  14. SarahBear

    Me and my enemy CD

    Wow, Fitzy. I'm sorry to hear what all you've been through. :( I hope things get better for you soon! :hug:
  15. SarahBear

    Battling something that could be Crohn's?

    Have they made any mention of a colonoscopy? Do you know what blood tests they did? Yeah, IVs are kind of weird. The needle comes out and you're left with a thin, flexible tube that stays in your arm. Since it's flexible, you can bend and use your arm, which you wouldn't be able to do with a...
  16. SarahBear

    Anyone had more than 2 surgeries?

    Welcome to the forum, Jetty! I suggest that you read through the Surgery section of our forum, which you can find here, and maybe post your question there as well. Would you like to tell us a little more about yourself and your journey with Crohn's here? I hope things are going well for you!
  17. SarahBear

    Help 6mp a mother of an 11 year old

    Welcome to the forum! Sorry you've had need to find us. :( Unfortunately, your best bet in this case is probably to follow the GI's advice. Please don't alter his medication without first consulting with his GI. Why are you opposed to doing the tests? Most likely, they want to better...
  18. SarahBear

    It is about time I said Hello

    Welcome to the forum, David! Your GI sounds rather odd, just giving you worst case scenario information. :( That sounds like a horrible way to be diagnosed. Have you become more comfortable with their care? Have you tried a food journal to better determine what foods/drinks aggravate your...
  19. SarahBear

    Crohn's in stomach?

    Hi, Hopefull! I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. It sounds very frustrating. :( Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with this, but I'm going to re-title your thread and move it into the General section so that more people will see it. :hug: I hope things get better for you soon!
  20. SarahBear

    Newly diagnosed with Crohn's

    Welcome to the forum, Emh! I personally have no experience with Humira and Imuran together, but I have heard of this before. Is your inflammation considered mild, or your symptoms? The two don't always correlate. Personally, in your situation, I would ask my doctor why Humira was chosen as...