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  1. teeny5

    Abdominal pain even with remission

    I have mentioned it before, but he feels since its not all the time and not a lot of pain to not worry. He feels it is more my body telling me I'm doing too much. I guess I just get frustrated that in my thirties I can feel like I'm 80 years old. I thought yay remission I can do anything...
  2. teeny5

    Abdominal pain even with remission

    I'm not sure if i have asked this before, but does anyone have abdominal pain even when in remission? My struggle is I have been in remission for quite some time, but still have pain. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining, I am very thankful for the remission, but what is the deal??? If I...
  3. teeny5

    Diagnosed as IBS?..

    I would ask to see another Dr.!!!! Even if they think you are over reacting or something they need to have a good bedside manner, not shrug it off. Take the time to explain why something is or isn't the case Sheesh! And since when is rectal bleeding not concerning???? I too thought that IBS...
  4. teeny5

    New user, 22 years old, indeterminate colitis?

    I have the same diagnosis...looks like Crohn's, but listed as indeterminate colitis or sometimes just IBD. I have only had it in the large intestine, never any bleeding. I never thought I had digestive issues, but looking back I think I had signs...even went to urgent care as a child due to...
  5. teeny5

    Scope prep day today.....

    Hope the scope went well!
  6. teeny5

    Sugar causing gas

    What fruits are you eating? Apples can cause me bloating, pain and at times diarrhea. The fiber in them seems to be the issue.
  7. teeny5

    Crohn's and Menstrual Cycle?

    I had lost my periods when I was flaring badly. My GI said it was due to stress on the body and the extreme loss of weight. It all came back when I had gotten better and gained some weight back.
  8. teeny5

    Opinions on Doctor's Diagnosis

    I was on Entocort for a bit to kick my body into remission. Here is what my GI said...the stronger meds are to help get you into remission (Entocort still is pretty mild) then he said I would take maintenance medication for the rest of my life. He constantly reminds me no matter how great I...
  9. teeny5

    Travel anxiety?

    Counseling might help. I was on Prilosec for anxiety for a bit which helped. I understand how you feel. I thought once in remission I would go back to "normal" but I actually feel like a ticking time bomb. Yes, I enjoy the foods that I can while in remission but I am just waiting for the next...
  10. teeny5

    Crohns disease, depression, and anxiety. Is it real or are we making it up?

    I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I was on Prilosec but have since come off the meds for that. I know I am a worrier and stress a lot naturally. When I was flaring being in pain all day was just too much and the meds helped. I know that chronic pain can cause depression as well...
  11. teeny5

    How are you feeling today?

    Tired, tired, tired. Just feel so tired today...don't know why. :yfrown:
  12. teeny5

    Getting Night Sweats with Crohns Disease

    I only seem to get night sweats when flaring.
  13. teeny5

    Entocort side effects!!

    Sorry to hear you are having these side effects. I was on it before, but DoD not have any issues. Let your dr know for sure!
  14. teeny5


    Check out this article that discusses why squatting may actually be better.
  15. teeny5

    I'm looking for someone who has a similar story on if they got Crohn's from NSAIDS

    I was on NSAIDS for a while due to hip pain when I was diagnosed. I think it contributed to the flare, but I believe I had the disease in me prior. Had a couple of times with really bad pain when I was younger but never saw a Dr about it. Also had what I thought were normal "tummy issues" as a...
  16. teeny5

    Colitis makes period worse??

    I have Crohn's Colitis and my cramping is much worse since being diagnosed. Seems heavier too, but I have stopped taking birth control so that could also be the reason. My mom says I have always had diarrhea with my period, but I only really remember it being bad in the last few years.
  17. teeny5

    IBD and Birth Control Pill

    Well, this was not true for me. We tried to have children for years with no luck...was on the pill for years, never had any pregnancy scares. When I was flaring badly my cycle stopped all together.
  18. teeny5

    Constant stomach gurgling & depression

    I get the gurgling, but it isn't constant. Seems to be worse when I haven't eaten, have eaten anything fibrous or even breads, after a salad, or when stressed. I have never found a way to control it. GI was never concerned unless the noises were accompanied with pain.
  19. teeny5

    Colonoscopy when pregnant?

    I was told they wouldn't do a colonoscopy if I was pregnant. They even have me take a pregnancy test before the procedure. I hope you feel better soon! Congratulations on the pregnancy!
  20. teeny5

    Fiber and Crohn's Flares

    He has me on Benefiber right now. So far, so good...doesn't make me feel bloated at all.