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  1. teeny5

    Going back to work in the morning!

    Good luck!
  2. teeny5

    Regular checks if you are taking 5-ASA medicines

    The longest my GI has ever let me go between blood work is 6 months. More often if I have worsening of symptoms...regardless of what med I have been on.
  3. teeny5

    Cat's Exercise Diary

    Best to rest and let your body fight the cold. I hope you feel better soon.
  4. teeny5

    Worrying and Over-thinking Every day is too hard

    I feel for you...I have anxiety, if it's not Crohn's it's something else I am worrying and obsessing about. Very hard for me to control. Took Prozac for a bit, but prefer to try to manage it on my own when possible.
  5. teeny5

    Early mornings are tough on my tummy- what about you?

    I work an early job too. I usually get up around 5am and I find if I get earlier my tummy is all messed up. I seem to do better if I am not rushing in the morning, but still have issues the earlier I get up. I think setting the alarm a bit earlier is worth a try. I would love to know why this...
  6. teeny5

    Saying hello. New, currently mild, still scared

    Hi! Welcome to the forum!
  7. teeny5

    What does a flare feel like for you?

    Start to feel nauseous after eating, then pain after eating. Diarrhea and frequency increase. Pain in lower right side and often behind belly button. Feel exhausted and achey.
  8. teeny5

    Have you ever used this term?

    I am much more prone to down play how I am feeling as well.
  9. teeny5

    How severe were your symptoms when you went on Social Security Disability?

    When I went on disability my doctor had written a note saying I was unable to work. Same when my husband went on it recently. Do you have a Dr note stating you are unable to work? Also make sure you applying for state disability, not social security disability. Here is the link for California...
  10. teeny5

    To Flu Shot or to NOT Flu shot?

    I only had a flu shot when I was taking Entocort since it weakens the immune system. Usually I do not get sick...knock on I haven't gotten the flu shot. Only had one shot in last 10 years or so. For some people it might be great, for me I choose not to get it unless it's necessary...
  11. teeny5

    Vegan Ensure substitutes

    Have you tried Vega One?
  12. teeny5


    I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder
  13. teeny5

    So Confused With Everything...

    I have no signs of the disease (or active disease as my Dr put it). Still have the disease, just not patches of inflammation. It might be embarrassing but if you want more answers and info from the doctors you will need to push for it. If you don't understand something then let them know that...
  14. teeny5

    New to Pentasa - how do I know if it's working?

    What symptoms do you have? CT scan should help see extent of inflammation in the small intestine...but I am puzzled because colitis implies large intestine. Did they see it in the colon during the colonoscopy?
  15. teeny5

    Newly diagnosed 27-year-old looking for support/advice-thanks!

    I think the stronger meds are a good idea to get you out of the flare. Aside from the pain, flaring causes damage to your intestines. I figured out what I could/couldn't eat through trial and error. It really varies from person to person. For me the foods that bother me the most are fried...
  16. teeny5

    Question about insurance options

    Thanks for the info. I do not work for Kaiser, just have their insurance. What I am considering is becoming self-employed so COBRA will be great, but my concern is what would I do when it runs out? I will have to dig deeper I think and try to find out from Kaiser what the next step would be.
  17. teeny5

    Alcohol/crohns advice

    Beer lately has been giving me issues. You could have one and have water or something in between to lessen the chance of getting drunk. I seem to be good with Vodka, ciders, rum. But, all in moderation. Last time I had a hangover I swear it lasted 3 days.
  18. teeny5

    Question about insurance options

    So, I am seriously considering quitting my job and going into a different job field. Currently I have Kaiser Permanente insurance through my employer that I love. I have looked up the quotes for independent insurance, which I knew would be expensive, but I know I will need insurance. I am not so...