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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. M

    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Jen The waiting is so annoying! A lot of times we have to wait for the Dr. to review them before WE get the results. Not just with the GI Dr.s but with any of the Dr.s ....mine, my DH's, EVERYONES! It's very frustrating! One thing that I have had to do is get a Back Bone a few years ago when...
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    Our Surgery Journey

    Ahhh MOM.....Big Very Gentle Hugs to Gab & You! You do what you have to do to keep some sanity! Your doing as best you can under all these enormous emotions your going through! Baby steps & moment by moment! Let the healing begin! Praying for you All & so hoping that each day dawns a little...
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    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Oh dearest MOM!!!!! I can't say it any better than what everyone else has said it!!! Extra Special Hugs of Healing & Suport!!! Go ahead & let it all out!!! We are here!!! (((((((MOM))))))) (((((((((GAB)))))))))
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    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Zoodles I can't remember exactly but he was DX the last days of September & by the middle of November we had access cards. The insurance cards arrived in the very beginning of December & activated the middle of December. I know they went back retroactive for 3 months on unpaid bills. They...
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    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Waving to You ALL! ((((((Gab & MOM))))))) Just a quick note to let you know the first time you see her after surgery will be tough because of the tubes & stuff. But as the days go by & her strength returns & the tubes are removed. All will be a distant memory! We are in your back pocket today...
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    Bowel Prep Horror!

    Mom I am sorry your 18 year old knows it all! LOL!!! Maybe she wants the Dr.s to jump through some extra hoops tomorrow! Hahahaha But this is not the time for a pay back! I realize this is hours after you have posted I sure hope you 2 unlocked your "prep" horns & that she is in the clear now...
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    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Mom.....I've been thinking of You & Gab all day! Sending lots of positive thoughts your way! It's good to know you got the most important things ready to go! That there PUTER! :biggrin: All kidding aside Know their are Many Across the WORLD Thinking & Sending Positive Thoughts for a very boring...
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    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Oh MOM.G....Gentle Hugs Girl! You have every right to Worry, Vent & let your feelings free here! Dusty is right 3 Urologists are better than 1! In answer to your ?. The TRANSVERSE colon is the part above the belly button that goes across your abdomen. If you follow that from your left side...
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    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Dusty....It's funny you should mention "CAMP" that's exactly what I am worrying about! In our public school district in the US where I live. The 6th graders go to camp for 4 nights & 5 days. It's educational with lots of fun! Daniel is doing a lot better but is finding that he can only eat...
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    Great News for today !

    Wonderful News!!! It's so sweet to hear something GOOD!!!
  11. M

    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    :ghug:Group Hugs to ALL the Wonderful Parents!!!! Seeing our Kids go through so much just to be a Kid.... then add to that this Hideous disease! WE WILL WORRY!!! It lurks in my mind all the time.....every little ache & pain he brings to me! Dusty thanks for starting this Topic! I so hope...
  12. M

    A ? for the Females on Remicade!

    My Daughter-In-Law has UC & has been on Remicade for 2 years now DXed just about 2 1/2 years ago. It's not working beyond 2 weeks now but that's a whole different problem! Anyway has anyone had their Pap Smears come back bad & needing a biopsy? She has done some reading that says it COULD be...
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    No News-Good News? I hope...

    Marky Mark & the funky bunch!!!! Lol!!!! I have been reading but didn't know what to say as Daniel is so much better. I guess I was afraid of jinxing things!!! His system is not fighting bugs well, as he has a bad cold now. But the strep throat & tummy bug are gone & for the first time in months...
  14. M

    Biopsy Results

    Jen sorry she got DX but at least you know & can deal with it. I know my sons, especially the oldest one & the next one down with IBS felt that way. They know what they are dealing with (not that they like it!) but they now feel like someone will take them seriously & they aren't nuts in their...
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    Stomach flu bug in the house!

    Well today Daniel is doing better we had a recheck at the Peds office. He lost 2 more pounds but the nausea is some better & the pain is a lot better!!! The "D" is less but still 15 times today. His Dr. for the C-diff called last night I am doing all that I am supposed to do. I am just to keep a...
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    My daughter

    Dusty......Wonderfully Well Said! AMEN & the sentiment of me & probably many other parents out there!!!!
  17. M

    My daughter

    Hello from me too as I am also new here. I have 4 boys. My oldest was DX with CD Nov. of 2006, next son down was DX with IBS & in May 2009, & the youngest age 11 DX with CD the end of September 2010. I was not really aware of the statistics but knew there could be a link & know of some families...
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    Stomach flu bug in the house!

    Update....Daniel had a Dr's appt. early this morn at the Peds Dr. they started testing him at the office for flu & strep! BINGO....he has strep with NO sore throat! On to the poop studies as his C-diff may be back! He has already visited the loo 16+ times in less than 7 hours this morn. They put...
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    Stomach flu bug in the house!

    ???? Not sure how to phrase this....My son who has CD has a fever now along with the nausea & let's just say straight water the other. I went for a nap today with nausea only to wake with the same symptoms + cookie tossing, & the Other!!! I don't have a fever. It looks like we have the tummy bug...
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    New diagnosis

    Yeah I did it at least that much! Rachel I sure hope the next teacher change over goes smooth sailing! Unfortunately I think our children have to pay for the sins of those that went before them! Right or happens & it's not right. But it's up to us to show those teachers that not ALL...