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  1. dreamintwilight


    Yay for kitty! :) My male kitty is terrified of the fireworks going on outside. Apparently more people are setting them off this year. At least he hasn't resorted to running upstairs and hiding under the bed though. He's just crouched down low to the ground in the living room. Poor guy...
  2. dreamintwilight


    Yay, Wendy! Sounds exciting :) Hope things go well with your new man!
  3. dreamintwilight


    Cat - Thanks! No, my headache is gone. It could have been a headache due to the weather. It was super windy yesterday. We did have some storms in the area, but all we got where I lived was wind. But, that certainly may have been the cause. I remember one day, back when I was in college and still...
  4. dreamintwilight


    Well, this is a follow-up about my interview. It went really well. He actually told me right before I left that technically he didn't think I would have a problem doing the job. The only things he has reservations about is my maturity and ability to empathize with students for the job. He said...
  5. dreamintwilight

    Welsh-bird is having surgery again!

    Bummer :( At least you got one good night at home. Hoping this is a short hospital stay!
  6. dreamintwilight


    Cat - You're right. Guess I shouldn't be so selfish. There are probably people out there who need employment worse than me. So, I'll just remove my foot from my mouth now. ;)
  7. dreamintwilight


    Well...I'm going in for another interview this week. With the same person I interviewed with last month. A position opened up in the same department and he e-mailed me to see if I was still interested in full-time employment. It was exciting to hear that they thought highly enough about me to...
  8. dreamintwilight


    Aww, good luck, Wendy! Hope they find something out with this test. I've never had to have a tube inserted like that, but can imagine it's not a very comfortable process. Hope the day goes by quickly for you! :)
  9. dreamintwilight

    Welsh-bird is having surgery again!

    Wahoo! Enjoy being home :)
  10. dreamintwilight

    Welsh-bird is having surgery again!

    Yay! Very good news :) Hoping Tuesday is the big day!
  11. dreamintwilight

    Surgery Time

    Hey Kelly! Thanks for updating us on what's been going on with you. I'm glad you decided to go ahead with the surgery and get a fresh start for your stoma! I'll be praying he PG stays away this time! Hopefully those steroids will do the trick. I can imagine the worry you would have, considering...
  12. dreamintwilight


    Sorry to hear about what you are going through. Take a look at the CCFA website. They have a TON of information about advocacy programs. IF you really do have to go about this alone, they should be able to help you find aid for your medications as well as some additional support groups in your...
  13. dreamintwilight


    Yeah...I just worry about my cats. Silly, I know. Most people probably wouldn't think of such things if they were about to be blown away by a tornado, but I can't help it. I don't know if I'd have the guts to get in a car either. I'd probably just take my chances in the laundry room and pray it...
  14. dreamintwilight


    Yeah, he ended up taking the taxi. It wouldn't have made sense for him to stay in a hotel because he still had work this morning, which was not downtown, but 30 min. north of where we live. He actually heard this morning that they never got things working last night and many people slept on the...
  15. dreamintwilight


    This is more of a rant for my husband. They're doing construction near my husband's work and the power went out while he was working on typing up some hw assignments due for his class tonight. Then the internet went out, so he had to text me the script for his assignments so I could type them...
  16. dreamintwilight


    Haha, Cat! I did THE EXACT SAME THING today except, it was at the gas station. I swiped my card twice before I realized I was supposed to use the card swipe machine on the far left side of the gas pump. But, I still had to use the pin pad on the right side of the pump to type in my debit number...
  17. dreamintwilight

    Welsh-bird is having surgery again!

    Good news!! Go Andrea! :)
  18. dreamintwilight


    Not wanting to go running tonight. We move up to Week 3 in our Couch to 5K program and it's going to be hard! Plus it's super humid out and I hope it doesn't rain on us!
  19. dreamintwilight


    Had a good long cry last night over these family problems and my eyes are all puffy and swollen today. :( I felt bad for my husband this morning, who was nice enough to stay up and talk with me last night, since he didn't get much sleep and was very tired. He got a call today from the company...
  20. dreamintwilight

    Welsh-bird is having surgery again!

    Thinking of you! :)