
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 7, 2010

i feel like ive been flooding the forum lately so im going to start a blog instead of keep posting everytime. so ill post the link in here when its set up. just want to say thank you to everyone and your support.

so i was doing fine after the big blowout until last thursday..this disease has seriously ruined my life. i now officially have nothing. no job, no money, nothing. my mom told me to leave so i did. now ive been flaring ever since, im guessing from the stress. i wish i never got this stupid disease. its put its toll on everyone around me. i have no idea how im going to pay for my medications. i am stuck and it looks like im never getting out.
Remember the people around you aren't sick. They ought to be able to take some of your burden easily. If they can't, so be it.
I guess you need to start from scratch. Find yourself somewhere to stay that is a place you can use for healing. If you have to, then get your mom to take you back in (you know, explain things and cry a bit...) Even better would be if you could get your own place, if possible. Then take one small step at a time getting what you need. If you lump all the issues together it's really overwhelming.
It's a tough spot for you. Remember you deserve to be well treated and loved, at least by your own good self. You will find a way to get what you need.
all the best.
i wish it was as simple as getting my own place but im a little broke right now for that. my mom still hasnt called to apologize. i went home to see my dad last night since hes the only one talking to me and she has already transformed my room! i havent even been gone a week.. what the hell. i swear the **** never ends. and not to mention with all the stress lately i cant stay off the toliet or stop throwing up.. joy.
Where are you staying now? Are you parents usually supportive of you? I am sorry to be so nosy but why would your mom ask you to leave? I know this is all so difficult and you deserve to have some peace and tranquility while your flaring and you family should see that you need them now more than ever. I am wishing everything gets resolved. Have you applied for any kind of goverment aid?
Sorry to hear about what you are going through.

Take a look at the CCFA website. They have a TON of information about advocacy programs. IF you really do have to go about this alone, they should be able to help you find aid for your medications as well as some additional support groups in your area.

You don't have to go through this alone, even if your family isn't being supportive. :)

Hang in there! I know it can't be easy. :)
I can't believe your mom told you to leave when you aren't well! Unbelievable! Regardless of what could have conspired between the two of you, she should not have made you leave. Where are you staying?!

This stress is certainly causing you to flare worse. And that being the case, you need your meds more than ever! I agree with Marisa, perhaps you should contact the CCFA to ask for assistance with your meds. At least that will be one less thing to worry about.

I sure hope things turn around for you soon. Hang in there!