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  1. Mehita

    Prometheus Testing for Remicade levels/Antibodies

    I'll call in a bit, but I think we're stuck because of CIC's "Here's the hitch..." comment. It looks like BCBS did pay $250. "We have exhausted our billing efforts with your insurance company. The balance remaining is your responsibility". Does anyone know what their income guidelines are?
  2. Mehita

    Prometheus - What has your insurance paid for the test?

    I just got the Prometheus bill in the mail today and am being charged $2250. As you all know the test is $2500 and then it says they've exhausted their appeal efforts with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota and the remaining balance is my responsibility. The maximum out of pocket was $250...
  3. Mehita

    Prometheus Testing for Remicade levels/Antibodies

    Okay, so I just got a $2250 bill from Prometheus today. It was $2500 and listed $250 maximum OOP from Blue Cross Blue Shield. Based on what you said in your first post, I'm stuck with the $2250, right? We will try the assistance plan they offer, but I don't think we'll qualify. On top of...
  4. Mehita

    Colonoscopy Prep

    That's what we always do. Half the prep with Gatorade and half with water. When he starts to get nauseous with the Gatorade, he switches to the water mix for awhile. That's what I did for my scope a couple of months ago too. I never drink Gatorade and to have had that much was beyond my...
  5. Mehita

    Do you use a probiotic?

    I've always gotten mixed messages about this. GI says they are a waste of money, his nurse said they're a good idea. He surgeon insisted and his ped is meh about it. He does take one because I feel even is its not necessarily helping his Crohn's per se, it may be keeping him healthy in other...
  6. Mehita

    Colonoscopy Prep

    Yup, he can't stand orange and yellow because of his other two scopes. We're going for white this time. You'd think by now someone would have come up with a better way of doing this.
  7. Mehita

    Colonoscopy Prep

    Someone remind me... is purple Gatorade ok? Or is it too close to red? What about blue? And it says bisacodyl, but not whether it's the stool sftener or laxative. I have to admit, I'm nervous. Even though DS feels fine, he's down about five pounds now. He says he's just not hungry.
  8. Mehita

    Rash 3 weeks post remicade

    That's interesting. Our GI wants to see DS' levels between 5-10. Good luck. Update us when you know the results.
  9. Mehita

    Add Methotrexate??

    A benefit(?) of Celiac is that most alcohol contains gluten and GF beer is pretty expensive. He's so picky though and can't even stand the fizziness of pop (soda) that I don't see him drinking beer for a long, long time - or at least not while he's on my watch. Thanks for all the input!
  10. Mehita

    Steroids - puffy face

    If I remember correctly, DS didn't lose his puffiness until after he was off steroids completely and then it took a couple weeks.
  11. Mehita

    Much Ado About Nothing! eh!

    As of this morning, my 11 week old puppy is on Flagyl. The vet was starting to give me the run down on the med and I stopped her and told her we're good (and why). Let's hope tonight we're not running outside every hour for diarrhea!
  12. Mehita

    Sibling Issues

    My son had similar episodes like that, but he also has Celiac so we always chalked it up to gluten. It turned out he actually had a stricture from his Crohn's. The food sort of builds up, has no where to go, and comes back up through vomiting. I really hope that's not the case for you, but...
  13. Mehita

    Add Methotrexate??

    Thanks for all the input, everyone. I'm 99% sure we'll go the mtx oral route after scopes. Only waiting until then (two weeks) because that's when we'll see his GI in person next and it will be spring break so no missing school if he does have side effects. Is folic acid a prescription or OTC...
  14. Mehita

    Opinions on Doctor's Diagnosis

    Any more news CavsFan?
  15. Mehita

    Add Methotrexate??

    So, theoretically, adding methotrexate could allow him to lower his dose or stretch out to eight weeks again at some (good) point in the future. What is the typical methotrexate dose?
  16. Mehita

    23andme - genetics & I

    We did it for my son. Like the others have said, it was interesting, but take it with a grain of salt. Since it was free at the time, we figured why not?? Plus if his data along with all the other IBDer's can point to something scientifically significant, all the better. He wasn't happy to know...
  17. Mehita

    Sibling being evaluated

    Like MLP said, I'm still confused too. What is your momma gut telling you?
  18. Mehita

    Add Methotrexate??

    No worries, Tesscorm! You're asking all of my follow up questions. I think we're leaning towards oral methotrexate. Is the pill once a week also? And what is the purpose of the folate? To prevent nausea? No ideas on why antibodies would drop? Again, I wish I could think quicker on my feet. I...
  19. Mehita

    Stomach flu advice

    I think the key is the fever. Like Lisa said, watch that or any other new symptoms. There is so much yucky stuff going around my kid's schools... spring break can't come soon enough.