Stomach flu advice

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 1, 2014
Hi all....I could REALLY use some tips. Quick recap: My now 16 year old son was diagnosed in August 2014 after doc perforated him during colonoscopy which led to surgery, abscesses, fistula, etc. Then my now 14 year old daughter was diagnosed a few months ago and after months in the hospital had a resection in December. They are both now doing great on Remicade and even have it timed to go on the same day!

A few days ago, my youngest (that I STILL have to get tested....but that's another story) had a stomach bug. No fever but he threw up a few times and was back to normal less than 24 hours later. Now DS is feeling nauseous and he DOES have a fever. DD just told me she's felt "off" the last few days. I obviously think this is the bug my youngest had but now I'm TERRIFIED it will start a flare for them!!! Anyone here have experience with stomach bugs after diagnosis? I know it may take longer for them to get over because they are immune suppressed but I am seriously freaking out. This is bringing back a FLOOD of bad memories!
First, stop and take a deep breath....... :)

If a fever lasts more than a couple days, or goes above 101 I would be giving the doctor a call......I have been sick on and off myself with various bugs including strep, and was fortunate enough not to be thrown into a flare.

The big thing is to make sure hands are washed, try not to spread germs back and forth between the kiddos.....

And if in doubt, don't hesitate to give the doctors office a call.......
I had the same dread last week. With 6 children in the house and the stomach flu...Everyone in the house was so sick including my husband and myself EXCEPT for our child with Crohn's. She is also on a biological drug (Humira ).

She never got sick at all against all odds.
Hope they all get over it quickly. I know how you feel, I am always terrified a normal bug will cause a flare but so far it's been okay.
I think the key is the fever. Like Lisa said, watch that or any other new symptoms. There is so much yucky stuff going around my kid's schools... spring break can't come soon enough.
I know that feeling of panic! But, to give you some assurance, my Crohn's kid hasn't had a cold or flu last longer, or with worse symptoms, than my non-IBDer. Monitor the fever, give lots of liquids, and if you are close to infusion time, it may have to be postponed until at least the fever is gone.