try a vitamin B complex tablet too? assuming your iron and b12 are ok? codeine is a short term high with long term addiction problems……eventually it will stop working and you will be taking 30+mg a go….not sure how to get off that stuff. good luck.
I have asked them and I am assured that these questions are going to be answered by the crohnsmapvaccine over the coming days.
Please understand, everyone is very busy working towards the cure.
it is fair to think that a drug company would try and suppress the crohns map vaccine if it can cure the disease. Simply because with infliximab/humira they are making BILLIONS every year, whereas with the vaccine they would only make money for one dose and then never make any money from crohns...
From my limited knowledge, the t-cell vaccine that Hermon-Taylor at crohnsmapvaccine has developed also 'resets' the immune system, by enabling the immune system to effectively kill off the MAP bacteria. It is not an anti-biotic pill that treats the symptoms, it aims to fix the immune system of...
Hi David,
I took time out to ask professor Hermon-Taylor about this and his reply is below…..thoughts? If you 'PM" me i can send you the pdf paper?
'The answer is in the attached paper para "Inflammation in CD caused by a two tier co-operative pathogenic mechanism". The segments of gross...
that is very sad about the diabetes…what was the treatment?
the more you get into this medical pharm world you realise how it is entriely driven by profit and they are profiting off the diseases, big time.
We all need to be on our game to make sure that doesnt happen….there is no doubt in my mind that a big pharma company, if they were aware there was a cure, they would TRY to buy out JHT for millions….millions and millions, hundreds of millions!
I believe there is still the opportunity to be a stakeholder in the whole thing…and from what I can tell about Dr Hermon-Taylor, he will do whatever he can to make sure his lifes work results in the cure for crohns for ALL OF US. That is his mission. He is 77, i am sure money is not that...
not sure they donate to countries like England, i think they are more interested in helping third world countries? Their website is very very good, you can see all the information there as to who they might support. I remember looking at it and reached a dead end.
there must be a way to get a tax break if you are in the US and donate to a charity in the UK???? Surely????
maybe there is a tax expert on this forum? Might be worth asking……?
thank you for helping.
i do hope it is the cure~!
very understandable Mummy bear.
good for you for looking into it…
There is no 'map bacteria test' currently…well, there isnt one that is available to the masses, but dr hermon taylor and others have the ability to test for it in resected gut tissues….(gut that has been operated on)….You are...
CCFA - in my opinion - wont write back to you, wont write about anything to do with MAP bacteria and moreover they have a vested financial interest in Crohn's disease and they probably dont want a cure. Bitter pill to swallow, but that is my opinion after numerous attempts to communicate with...
I like where you are coming from David and it is true…change the environment and the Crohns symptoms change. Maybe whatever the bacteria is (MAP for example) maybe it thrives off processed sugars, starches and things not found in liquid diets….?
Then again, people who have incredibly healthy...
there is currently no reliable diagnostic test for detecting MAP bacteria in Crohns patients…but Dr JOhn Hermon-Taylor and Dr Saleh Naser are bother very close. All Hermon - Taylor needs is funding to complete his diagnostic test, he is based in London.
Dr Naser has funding in the US and is...
he needs $MILLIONS to do a 'human trial' of the modern t cell vaccine….hence the fundraising.
it has, however, been trialled and successful on mice and cattle.
can I chime in on the enteral nutrition?
The Crohn's gut can get to a physical state where it cannot digest anything other than liquids…that is why this diet helps, because the gut is so ulcerated, narrowed and compromised.
What causes that narrowing and ulceration?
It isnt diet.
Once the gut...
Who is the Larry Smarr fellow?
If crohns was cured, everyone at CCUK would need another job…..gastroenterologists would need to tighten their purse strings and billions of dollars would be taken from the pharmaceuticals. Curing crohns would be a disaster!