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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Layla

    FODMAP Diet

    I found it very useful to see a dietician about this, not so much for general food advice but for FODMAP there is a lot to know. I think there's almost no point trying this without a dietician, you'll never work out what foods could be causing issues.
  2. Layla

    FODMAP Diet

    The FODMAP diet isn't really a diet as usual. You start with an elimination diet to find out which type of sugars (the acronym is made up of different types of sugars, fructose etc) cause issues for you. Depending on your reaction you then need to be careful and minimise or avoid those foods...
  3. Layla

    Investigational Crohn's Treatment

    I expect you want your patients to be from the US?
  4. Layla

    To Aza or not to Aza.

    I'm similar to you in a way, I was without meds for around 20 years until I needed a resection. My GI said if I was lucky it would take that long again before the next surgery but there are no guarantees that it would work that way. I've been on Humira for a while now and a recent colonoscopy...
  5. Layla

    25 years in...

    Humira worked just about instantly for me but that only lasted during the loading doses so around a month. I'm now on weekly shots and I think it's starting to have results. I had had no side effects from Humira at all and much prefer it over anything else I've been on so far. Yes the shots do...
  6. Layla


    I understand you being worried about fibre, I was, but maybe you should try Psyllium. I use it once in the morning, about a tablespoon added to water and it certainly helps. I have D more than C but it should help C as well. It certainly helped my fissures. These can cause blood as well btw, I...
  7. Layla

    Anxiety with Humira

    I also switched to the syringe and I find it a LOT easier. I can't do the pens anymore, my partner has to do it for me, but I have no problems with the syringe at all. As Clash said, it hurts slightly less but it really cuts down on anxiety at you can't really screw it up and there is no click...
  8. Layla

    What to eat on pasta?

    Yes pesto is always a good one. Another option is to cook the pasta, drain it and then mix in smoked salmon slivers, crème fraiche and de-skinned chopped tomato. Stir it all through while still on low heat and serve, easy peasy and very soothing. Add some basil for extra flavour. Otherwise...
  9. Layla

    25 years in...

    Welcome TIR, I've had Crohn's for around 23 years now so not far behind you. I've had a few more flares than you and more medication but all in all I'm not doing too badly. Hope you won't need this forum too much!
  10. Layla

    Humira Club Support Group

    I felt great for the 1st month too, almost immediately so I don't think it's all in your head! Sadly it went down hill from there and a year and 30cm's of inflammation later, I've changed to weekly shots around 8 weeks ago which is starting to do something I think. My levels were tested and...
  11. Layla

    Genuinely scared

    I've had propofol and still woke up when they hit the narrow part. They tried balloon dilation and sent me for an MRE which showed around 30cm of inflammation despite being on Humira. In my case it's likely to be narrowing from inflammation rather than scar tissue as that has recently been...
  12. Layla

    Hospital? Or no?

    Agree with the others, go to the ER. That sounds like way too much blood to me. Can someone drive you?
  13. Layla

    Humira and Dietary Treatments

    Not having inflammation causes me to be able to eat more things I otherwise can't. Humira might work for you and therefore you may well end up being able to eat more than now. When I don't have inflammation I can eat a lot more dairy for instance, yay cheese back on the menu! I'm still not...
  14. Layla

    Diarrhea after Normal Bowel Movement???

    I've had this happening for years, for me it's not related to Humira (I've only be on that for a year) and it happens when I'm not taking loperamide as well.
  15. Layla

    It's TMI Tuesday!! 😉

    Yes that can happen, on bad days I make sure to be near a loo around 20 mins after I eat. If I have a soft boiled or poached egg I can virtually set the clock at 20 minutes exactly!
  16. Layla

    Does this ever happen to anyone?

    Are they like cramps? I get that but not so much other pain.
  17. Layla

    I could use some help (Medication and mental side effects)

    I use amitriptyline to take the edge of the pred. It's only a very low dose, 10mg rather than 100mg or more when used for depression (I think) but it stops me wanting to kill people every 5 minutes and it really helps with getting some sleep. I know it's not great to have to use another med to...
  18. Layla

    NHS : Any advice gratefully received

    Oh Grumpy I really feel for you! I couldn't eat solids for about 3 months until I could get agreement that surgery was the only option and I thought that was bad! Lucky for me I had insurance so could go private and the surgeon had a spot the week after but I was already really really grumpy by...
  19. Layla

    MAP drug trial, does anyone know anything about it?

    Good on you for signing up for the trial! I've had a look at the eligibility criteria but I'm not eligible otherwise I would consider signing up myself. My considerations to join were that it involves well known antibiotics with well known (side) effects which eased my worry about them. If you...
  20. Layla

    Beginning Humira with a known stricture?

    What Clash said. I have strictures and am on Humira hoping to stop the inflammation which would resolve the strictures. I've had previous strictures surgically removed as they were due to scar tissue from having inflammation for too long (years).