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Mar 14, 2016
Just to add more pain to injury I now think that with my recent struggles with my new Crohn's diagnosis I can add hemorrhoids to the list of things as well. I first thought I was having tons of inflammation that resulted in bloody bm's but after a talk with my doctor about where my disease is located and a self-exam I think my problem is hemorrhoids. I will know more next week after my appointment with my GI where he is going to do a wonderful rectal exam but I was curious if this was new for anyone else after their diagnosis. Did anyone else not have a problem with it before and then it all of a sudden appeared after a flare?
Yep.. I ended up getting a squatty potty and that helped a bit with the hemorrhoids.. I tend to get really constipated with my crohns thus hemorrhoids. I also got an abscess at one point which can seem like a hemorrhoid but has a white head on it sometimes (basically think of a pimple in the worst place possible) I never had problems with any of these issues before my crohns reared its ugly head.. however, it has gotten better for me now.
Oh the squatty potty! My husband was trying to be supportive of problems I was having and got one for every bathroom in the house for me as a Christmas gift (wasn't too sure at the time if this was a good gift) and then come February I was diagnosed with Crohn's (it's like he knew!) I sure do love it and it has helped a lot. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has had this all of a sudden happen. Thanks for sharing Jaime.
Before being diagnosed with Crohn's, I had hemorrhoids. I had to have surgery for them. I was slow in healing and the doctor determined I had Crohn's.
Sounds like you have a good husband ;) I wish I had a squatty potty at work too.. But I can't quite convince my boss that everyone would benefit from it.. However, she did buy one for her mother for christmas, so I must have talked it up at least fairly well.
Oh I wish I had one at work too but at least I'm grateful that we have a somewhat private bathroom down a secluded hallway that not many people use. And its kind of an unwritten rule that if you walk in and someone is in there then you walk out and either wait or find another bathroom. Its "that" bathroom :). But of course now I'm walking in each time with my Preparation H which isn't the funnest thing to carry around!
I once read that models and the like use prep.H. to tighten up their eye bags.
If any one asks why you have it,would you rather admit to hemmys or vanity over eye bags. hahaha
I had never heard of a squatty potty before, I am very short (5 feet) and my feet barely reach the floor LOL However, for some reason (I think I was just trying anything to poop, was quite constipated one day and had hemorrhoids) I started using my son's foot stool for my feet while sitting on the toilet and found it helped me clear my bowels A LOT better and easier, haven't gone without it since. So for those who can't afford a squatty potty, anything will do (ie a box, a foot stool, anything)! Even those who don;t suffer from constipation or Crohn's can benefit :)
I've tried a few different types of Preparation H (wipes, cooling cream, suppositories) and sometimes they help but I still have very bloody bm's every once and a while. I am starting to think they may not go away on their own. The doctor told me to try Metamucil to bulk it up but last time I took Metamucil was before I was diagnosed and was constantly running to the bathroom with runny bm's. So I'm a little hesitant to try that again since I'm a little afraid of fiber and have been avoiding it in my diet the best I can (probably why I'm having this hemorrhoid problem) but I may have to give it a try just to see if it will help before we go the surgery route.
I've tried a few different types of Preparation H (wipes, cooling cream, suppositories) and sometimes they help but I still have very bloody bm's every once and a while. I am starting to think they may not go away on their own. The doctor told me to try Metamucil to bulk it up but last time I took Metamucil was before I was diagnosed and was constantly running to the bathroom with runny bm's. So I'm a little hesitant to try that again since I'm a little afraid of fiber and have been avoiding it in my diet the best I can (probably why I'm having this hemorrhoid problem) but I may have to give it a try just to see if it will help before we go the surgery route.

I understand you being worried about fibre, I was, but maybe you should try Psyllium. I use it once in the morning, about a tablespoon added to water and it certainly helps. I have D more than C but it should help C as well. It certainly helped my fissures. These can cause blood as well btw, I thought I had hemmies but it turned out I had fissures. If a bowel movement is very painfull it's probably fissures rather than hemmies.

Let us know how you get on.
I have the squatty potty too, it definitely helps me....just make sure it's not actual perianal crohn's skin tags, mine were misDX as being hemmies so I always like to warn people with "hemmie" issues.
I use the masalamine suppositories and find that helps a lot. The fiber, Miralax and docusate don't help me. Preparation h helps with itching.
I've tried a few different types of Preparation H (wipes, cooling cream, suppositories) and sometimes they help but I still have very bloody bm's every once and a while. I am starting to think they may not go away on their own. The doctor told me to try Metamucil to bulk it up but last time I took Metamucil was before I was diagnosed and was constantly running to the bathroom with runny bm's. So I'm a little hesitant to try that again since I'm a little afraid of fiber and have been avoiding it in my diet the best I can (probably why I'm having this hemorrhoid problem) but I may have to give it a try just to see if it will help before we go the surgery route.

Soluble fiber like Metamucil (psyllium) is great for either diarrhea or constipation. Everyone should be on it. For the hemmorhoids my doctor gave me a script i haven't yet filled ($$$) for a suppository they use for fissures...NNH. Nifedipine, neomycin, hydrocortisone, and lidocaine.
Soluble fiber like Metamucil (psyllium) is great for either diarrhea or constipation. Everyone should be on it.

No, not everyone can use Metamucil, I know I sure can't! It wreaks havic on my system. I fluctuate back and forth between loose movements (95% of time) and constipated the rest, never ever normal. Metamucil takes me from loose stools to completely constipated in a matter of 48 hours! That then makes hemorrhoids flare up and the pain completely unbearable.
No, not everyone can use Metamucil, I know I sure can't! It wreaks havic on my system. I fluctuate back and forth between loose movements (95% of time) and constipated the rest, never ever normal. Metamucil takes me from loose stools to completely constipated in a matter of 48 hours! That then makes hemorrhoids flare up and the pain completely unbearable.

How much do you use??? Have you tried using just a teaspoon full? I don't dare to go any higher than a small tablespoon but built that up, starting with a small teaspoon mixed in water first thing in the morning. All that does is thicken things up a little bit so I can get to work without an accident, and the effect is gone well before lunchtime.

Too much Metamucil (it was used as contrast for a CT scan, 3 or more glasses of the stuff!) landed me in hospital with a complete blockage for 5 days so I know what you mean but a teaspoon here and there should be fine.
How much do you use???

I used 1 teaspoon in the morning and 1 teaspoon in the evening (my Dr's recommendation). So not much at all...he has since told me to use 1 teaspoon in the morning every second day...but I am too scared to even try...
I used 1 teaspoon in the morning and 1 teaspoon in the evening (my Dr's recommendation). So not much at all...he has since told me to use 1 teaspoon in the morning every second day...but I am too scared to even try...

I understand your fear! It took me a while to dare try again but now I've found what works for me I'm happy I did.

Maybe you could try half a teaspoon and see how that goes?