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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Z

    School-504 plan- Advice?

    We also have a 504 plan. At the time, I didn't feel it necessary since our admin was fabulous about the issues- tardy, absences, etc. But my friend is a high school principal and pushed the issue. Now, we have a new principal who is strict about missed days and it has already proven to be...
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    Humira Club Support Group

    Our issue is with the Humira stinging after being injected. Keep hoping to find a solution.
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    Humira Club Support Group

    Sandi Creek going to try that with the next shot. I always do that with my horses but never thought to do it with my son. Does it minimize the post injection stinging?
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    About Crohn's Forum Families

    Just copy and paste the questions from below. As things change, you can later edit your info. 1. Diagnosis and date of diagnosis? Feel free to include other diseases besides IBD. June 2009 Significant weight loss and growth delay joint pain constipation 3. Location? Ohio 2. Boy or girl...
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    First humira shot

    We used EMLA under a dressing patch to numb the area to helple Brendan got used to the shot. It helped both of us from being totally panicky. Congratulations on getting through the first shot
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    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    I started putting money in a special jar whenever the Crohn's worries kicked in. I have a never ending pot of money for Legos, wine and chocolate
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    Logging bm's

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I uploaded my log into google drive (it was then google docs) complete with pictures and references to food. It was a huge help for us and my GI didn't blink when we showed him. He actually pointed out things we didn't realize - blood colors, etc.
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    How much stool softener do YOU use?

    We battled constipation and had to play with the dosage of Miralax. Our magic dose was almost 1 capful 3 x day and then down to 2 x per day. We never ended up with any backlash from over dose. At best, he was able to produce what looked like normal stool at this dosage. Increasing water...
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    Success Stories

    We have been almost one year without a flare. This is always a dicey time of year and not sure if it is back to school or another issue. Two years of Humira and Brendan is now over 5' tall and over 100 pounds and still growing. The days of paying him $5 to drink his protein shake are a thing...
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    Crohns flares in a cyclic pattern?

    We've noticed the same trend. Mid to late August we start to have more issues. So I tend to be more careful with food choices to compensate. We are hoping that this August is the exception. Knock on wood. Haven't had a flare since the last one broke around October. We had a pony with...
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    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Three hours on the phone today trying to get the script approved. I can call Abbott and get in their charity program quickly. There must be some unwritten Three Stooges clause between the insurance company and the specialty pharmacy. Frustrating but I'll deal with them to keep the medicine...
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    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    I didn't want to start another thread- so forgive me for bumping an older one. In our house Humira has been a blessing. Weight gain- quality of life and no pain. It's time to renew our insurance authorization. I'm the one with the upset stomach from dealing with the specialty pharmacy...
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    Anti-constipation diet.....(non-crohns)

    My youngest (non crohn's) would have constipation issues. We would give him mineral oil for a few months to help get his colon retrained. Bizarre concept but it was recommended by our pediatrician. He took miralax for a week and the mineral oil daily until his stools were smaller. My...
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    What is your IBDer allowed to do

    Jenn try the popcorners snack. They are pretty close to the taste and texture of popcorn. They have helped out in our house
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    What is Entocort like?

    Kathy- we've been battling the bumps too (high CRP,sed and no energy). I think the winter time is rough for our kids. Do you think we'll ever feel like veterans?
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    I feel like the worst mom ever today...

    Hope she gets the surgery date soon. For the secondary insurance, do they adjust for the medical expenses in your state? We were above the allowable income, but when our medical expenses were factored in we did qualify.
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    What is your IBDer allowed to do

    One word- Legos. Colonoscopy, Upper GI scan, Humira training were all Lego events. My house is bursting with lego sets. If he felt punky, he could build them for a bit. Our case manager finally pulled me aside and suggested that I find a way to deal with it better. My son never asked for...
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    What is Entocort like?

    Kathy, we did entocort and found it to be very helpful. It was definitely much better than prednisione and had the added bonus of knocking out seasonal allergies I think we combined it with Bactrim. Crud, I haven't been on much lately and had hoped that Brian was doing great.
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    Nose Bleeds

    We get the nosebleeds to and use a saline spray to help keep his nose moist. We've been able to avoid cauterizing this way. Hope it's the dry winter air and nothing more
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    Humira doing its job

    I'm going to add to this. It took me almost 6 months to decide to go with Humira. At this point, Brendan weighed 43 # and hadn't grown for almost two years. A little over year and a half later he has grown 6" and gained 60#. We're still not at normal blood work but pretty darn close. But...