What is Entocort like?

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Dec 5, 2010
Brian is showing slight symptoms. (even 3 days after injection), His doctor wants to be add entocort. What is it like? And Brian wants to know if it tastes as bad as Pred. The Dr is hoping to stop any beginnings of a flare. (He had strep throat in Feb, then pink eye in March...followed by clogged oil gland in that same eye). I'm bumming. We have had such a long stretch of feeling good. Just seeing a drop of blood occasionaly, and some mild cramps. His SED is 22, and CRP 1.1...she also said those numbers could be from the recent illnesses.
I really found entocort to not be bad at all. It doesn't have all the symptoms that Pred has. There was no taste at all. I've never been on pred but I know entocort was a dream!! Good luck!! :)
Izz likes her Pred...wonder why? (She hates both iron and flagyl). Hope the enterocort tastes fine and works quickly!!!
I'm on Entocort a month now and finding it fine, no real side effects to be worth the stress. I've a bit more energy, have some cramps in my legs occasionally and my appetite has dropped. Some people I've spoken to mention a caffeine effect but I haven't had it. It seems to work best taken early in the morning and your before food. Best of luck with it, it is the one with least side effects.
Kathy, I don't know which you'd rather try but when we tried to stop EJ's Asacol, he had blood. We've kept him on a 2/3 dose of it since and, well until this past weekend (ugh!!!), he'd never had any blood since. So far, the spot of blood he saw this weekend has been a one and done. Good luck!
Oh Kathy...:hug:...I hope things settle again for Brian and very quickly. My kids haven't been on Entocort so I have no experience with the taste but since it is a more targeted steroid than Pred I would be happy to give it a go if it were one of my kids. Good luck hun and let us know how you get on.

Sending loads of love, luck and healing thoughts your way. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
What is it like? And Brian wants to know if it tastes as bad as Pred.

Hi Brian'sMom. I'm currently on entocort and I can't even begin to tell you how much better I have found it over prednisone. I have had many less side effects, and while it took an extra few days to kick in and work for me compared to pred, it has been working well for me since.

Firstly, what I'm on (Entocort budesonide EC) comes in 3mg capsules, so they're not a tablet like the prednisone tends to be. I don't think that he'll taste much when swallowing -- they're designed to stay intact all the way until the end of your small intestine, as far as I know.

I see that Brian was previously on Pentasa, so these capsules are probably comparable to those, in that you should swallow the capsule whole. But the Entocort (at least what I'm taking) is nowhere near as big as the Pentasa 500s. They might even be smaller than the 250s if he was taking those.

Good luck Brian!
Kathy, I hope the entocort takes care of any issues really quickly!

Stephen had shoulder and knee injuries in Nov and Dec, and then had a cold over Christmas. He was also saying his 'gut' just didn't feel normal so I took him to the walk-in for tests - his CRP and SED both came back high. But, they were retested at end of Jan and had come down quite a bit and his GI thought the elevated numbers were related to the injuries, cold, etc.

So, Brian's elevated numbers could very well just be related to his recent illnesses :ghug:

Good luck!
Hi there,
I've been on Entocort for 18 months now. They do not taste of anything except a capsule so he should be fine. Nothing like pred! You need to take them an hour before food and in the morning (I don't normally manage an hour before food though as I'm always in a hurry in the mornings ;) )
One thing for you to know though is that it can take a while for Entocort to start working. For me Pred worked within a couple of days whilst Entocort took exactly a month for me to feel the positive effects. My GI said that this is normal.
Good luck and I hope he gets more relief soon
Stephanie me too, but again it doesn't seem to be working such a shame because it was so easy. I dread what's next.
Chrisnsteph and SarahDub - can I just ask if you have both been on Entocort for at least a month? I only ask as it took me a full month to get any benefit from it. I was ready to give it up in the weeks before but then, all of a sudden it kicked in and has been great for the past 18 months (I've struggled to come off it and my GI decided to keep me on it at 2 tabs a day)
I've been on it a month, I felt great up until last week and was convinced I was working perfect but it's all unravelled and I'm back to square one!
Kathy, we did entocort and found it to be very helpful. It was definitely much better than prednisione and had the added bonus of knocking out seasonal allergies I think we combined it with Bactrim.

Crud, I haven't been on much lately and had hoped that Brian was doing great.
I was on it for two weeks i was on lower than average dose along w pentasa. Not only did it make my tummy aches worse it gave me pancreatitis. By elevating levels in my pancreas. ;( just my story I've heard it works for others ! God bless
Mark, we started the entocort a few days ago. No side effects like the prednisone, thank goodness!! So far we're staying at bi weekly with the Humira, our scheduled appt is April 18th. She said we could see how he's doing. they did say that his previous illnesses could've contributed to his SED and CRP, but not the blood. However, haven't seen any blood for the past few days. And the cramps have also stopped. So maybe the entocort is helping.

Zoodles, Glad to hear from you! I'm just hoping that this is a little bump that we weather and then get back to normal...it will then just add to my confidence of Humira. That's what I'm hoping!! We've been thru our first 2 illnesses...and now if we get over this quickly I'll feel like a veteran and not a crohn's newbie!!
Kathy- we've been battling the bumps too (high CRP,sed and no energy). I think the winter time is rough for our kids. Do you think we'll ever feel like veterans?
I felt great on Entocort, and the side effects were minimal, if none (except for possible long-term effects). Prednisone is HORRIBLE, so this was a great alternative.
I have been on Entocourt for 2 months only side affects I had was a caffine overload. Didn't like the shakes but, much better than the hospital !!

Good luck!!

Kathy I'm late on this but just wanted to add that we didn't see any side effects from the Entocort. It didn't resolve Claire's isse and we had to move on but again, it was a-ok at our house.
