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  1. CeeCeeGo

    Anyone on LDN and imuran?

    Hi Joshuaa Sorry to hear that you are feeling yucky since you've increased your dose. I think though whilst your bloods (esp. Liver) are OK, it may be worth trying a couple more weeks to see if the nausea and headaches settle down. Are you splitting your dose and also are you taking it with...
  2. CeeCeeGo

    Worried and alone

    Hi Amy How are things going? Did you manage to get some advice/help? Take care😎
  3. CeeCeeGo

    Worried and alone

    Hello Amyj89 Just wanted to send you my support and I totally agree with what everyone has said. It is really important that you are seen and for what it is worth I do not think that A&E is extreme. You are feeling poorly at the moment and probably scared, so by going and hopefully getting...
  4. CeeCeeGo

    Benefits of Crohn's/UC

    -Increased compassion & understanding for others with debilitating illnesses. -Increased attention to health and the implications of diet on my health. -Loving family and friends who are supportive. -Joining support groups and this online community. -Caring doctors and nurses who are trying...
  5. CeeCeeGo

    Is this a flare up and what should I do?!

    Hi Ryan Sorry to hear that you are not so good at the moment. Like you, in the past, I would have 3/4 goodish days and then 2/3 days of loose and/or diarrhoea but no vomiting. I think if you are vomiting for a day or more (unless you may have a tummy bug or food poisoning) you should think...
  6. CeeCeeGo

    What happens once in remission?

    Joshuaaa Glad to hear you've gone up to 100mg. Glad to hear you are still feeling good & I hope it continues to work for you. 😎
  7. CeeCeeGo

    Imuran side effects

    Yeay, lets hope it continues. :dance:
  8. CeeCeeGo

    New Diagnosis-6MP/baseline labs

    Hello Here is some info from the NACC in the UK.... What checks will I need? It is important to have regular blood tests while you are on azathioprine or mercaptopurine At the start of treatment you will need a Full Blood Count (FBC) and a Liver Function Test (LFT). This is because...
  9. CeeCeeGo

    Taking 6MP after bad liver tests on Aza

    Hello Bigtruck Yes - it is the gamma-glutamyl that was high but it is coming down now I have stopped the Aza. I think once my liver has gone back to normal I will give the 6MP a go. Thanks for your comments. 😎
  10. CeeCeeGo

    Imuran side effects

    That's good - at least they can keep on top of her bloods. Hope the weekend trial goes well. Hugs 😎
  11. CeeCeeGo

    Imuran side effects

    Sounds like a plan and great that the bloods aren't showing any effects from the Aza. When are the bloods being done again? I seem to remember that I felt nauseous first thing but that eating something took most of it away - strange. Hugs 😎
  12. CeeCeeGo

    Taking 6MP after bad liver tests on Aza

    Hi everyone Wondered if you can help? I had to stop Aza after 3 weeks due to my liver function tests being raised even though I think it was maybe starting to calm my bowels down. I also had severe headaches, stiff neck and nausea. I am keen to try 6MP before any other med but wonder whether...
  13. CeeCeeGo

    Starting Azathioprine

    Hello and welcome Here is a link to some useful info on Aza - Hope it helps. You may also want to check out our wiki pages. Good luck with the Aza 😎
  14. CeeCeeGo

    Stress and IBD - vent

    You should be SO proud of her. You have (and continue to) raise a wonderful human being. Young people can sometimes put us oldies to shame. Lots of hugs 😎
  15. CeeCeeGo

    Ways to Make Crohn's a little more liveable

    Tube Fishing sounds like great fun! 😎
  16. CeeCeeGo

    Ways to Make Crohn's a little more liveable

    That is a lovely idea. I don't have any children and I can't imagine what it must be like watching your child go through this illness. What is so clear from this forum is that a lot of these young people have great parents (like you) and I am sure that it helps. All my best wishes to your...
  17. CeeCeeGo

    Stress and IBD - vent

    Hi Samantha Sorry to hear that your gorgeous girl is feeling rough. Hopefully when you have March break you can do some of the many great things you mentioned in post 35. She is so lucky to have you as her mum and you are so lucky to have her. If I was much younger I'd ask you to adopt me...
  18. CeeCeeGo

    Decided it's time to stop lurking

    Hello Talaia I totally endorse what David has said above and also the post about Vit D. I recently have had both Vit D and Vit B12 checked and they are both very low and I am now being treated for that. There has been a quick win in that I have loads more energy in the last week - maybe I...
  19. CeeCeeGo

    Imuran side effects

    Whilst these are common, I still think you have to balance the side effects against what benefit the meds are giving to your daughters condition. I'm glad that her bloods are being checked tomorrow - but even if they are fine, please ask that they are checked weekly for the next few weeks as...
  20. CeeCeeGo

    Decided it's time to stop lurking

    Hello Talaia (what a beautiful name) and welcome I have been taking an iron tablet for the last two years and have tolerated it well. I am taking Ferrous Sulphate 200mg every other day. I always take it after a meal and the only effect really is black poos (tmi - sorry). I am in awe of what...