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  1. J


    it has been about 5 months since my last surgery placing my bag on for the second time, you learn to deal with it quick. everyday i am accepting the bag better. the hardest part right now is the hole relationship and going out thing. but asfar as how i feel, i feel like a new person, my CD is as...
  2. J

    What annoys you the most when you are in a flair?

    hmm i would have to say that the hospital stay bothers me, everytime i flare i endup in the hospital, the only good thing is the pain meds! i know thats a bad thing to say but.... hopfully none of us have a flare anytime soon!!:cool:
  3. J

    Are you scared?

    Man, if i wasnt scared i might be normal! With the way my CD has been who knows what tomorrow brings!, shoot i was dead on the table in febuary so now i live life one day at a time and i think thats the best way right now... Im afraid to goto bed at night most of the time, then its like my...
  4. J

    Ileostomy Information

    alot of info was correct but each experence is very different.
  5. J

    Question on location?

    oh, sorry to have posted that here mike..
  6. J

    Question on location?

    im wondering if there is anyone from the massachusetts area here, if so please let me know, if not why dont we all sound off on where we are located.. thanks im interested in meeting someone from my area.. josh
  7. J

    How many times have you been hospitalized?

    hospital stays In total i would have to say that ive spent at least a year total in the hospital since i was 10, so thats 15 yrs. i think is closer to a year an a half tho!!
  8. J

    My story!!

    Hello everyone, my name is joshua. iam a 24 year old male who has had a bad friend named crohns since i was 10. as a kid i was pretty good disease wise, id feel it doing its thing alot, mostly when i was playing baseball. Lets skip ahead to 2000-------> this is where i really started to take a...