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  1. moogie

    How long should he give remicade to work?

    Some people it works right away while others it take a lot more doses. My experience is that it takes more than three to start to feel better. 4 or 5 at least. Hang in there!
  2. moogie

    Sharp pain near my belly button

    This is the second time during my remi treatment where I am getting sharp pain in my stomach on my right side near my belly button. It feels like having a big bruise. Like I did to many sit-ups. It only hurtsd when I compress my stomach. Sitting down at work is painfull. The only time I have...
  3. moogie

    Remicade - fact of fiction?

    I talked about this with my doctor last timeI saw him. I take remi every 6 weeks. I am now feeling a lot better. However during my last visit he was telling emt hat soon we will be going back to 8 weeks. I asked him why and he says it's better since there are still some things we are not 100%...
  4. moogie

    Remicade: the good and bad

    Except being tired for a day or so after wards I feel like a normal person. Remicade is doing what all the other medication failed to do for me. I llove it
  5. moogie

    Something funny my kid said..

    hehe way funny!!
  6. moogie

    Pregnant with crohns

  7. moogie

    Who can administer Remicade? (Dayton - Insurance)

    The company that gives me the remicade is called Bio advance. They actually do all the paperwork for my insurance company to make sure I have nothing to pay and they have some private clinics where you go to get the medicine. Pretty neat stuff.
  8. moogie

    Who can administer Remicade? (Dayton - Insurance)

    I go to a private clinic funded by the company that markets Remi in quebec. It's all included in teh medicine price. Which my insurance company pays in full.
  9. moogie

    Remicade treatment and stomach cramps

    I do get stomach cramps now and again but it's usually because I ate something that I should not. It,s easy to gforget you are sick with Remi I feel so good usually that I forget my body still does not like some foods...
  10. moogie

    I think I hate popcorn.

    This week-end I celebrated, I'm selling my house, Good think because my mother in law lives upstairs and she is completly crazy and I can't live there anymore. Then I pre-bought Diablo 3 that is coming out May 15th can't wait to play it. (if anybody is getting it and wants to play a game or two...
  11. moogie

    Insurance pre-approval for remicade.

    OUch that's hard
  12. moogie

    No remission...but good enough?

    I still have liquid movement and I still go 3-4 times a day. But I have no pain and I feel great. I do not think you should have any pains if you are to be in remission. Lets hope your new treatment works out.
  13. moogie


    PLease let us know how it turned out. Good luck to you
  14. moogie

    Stem cell therapy trials

    What are stem cell therapy suppose to do anyhow?
  15. moogie

    Insurance pre-approval for remicade.

    Now that is strange especially with Remi when you re-start it's very probable that you will have a reaction to it. I discussed this with my GI last time. I'm on a six week regiment and he was telling me that since I am doing well we will stretch the medication back to 8 weeks. I told him I do...
  16. moogie

    Day 1 on Remicade

    Yep I'm tired too after wards. I get my infusions at 3H30 and when I get home around 7 or so I sleep until the next day. Quite common for me. I'm glad to hear everything is going good for her. Good luck
  17. moogie

    Some quick Remicade questions

    Good morning, I've been getting infusions since April of 2011. I do get pre-meds always, my docotr prescribed them, So I did nto have to worry about it. Steroids, benadryl and tylenol. The first few infusions really made me tired. I can drive but I feel like I have been up for 24 hours...
  18. moogie

    Insurance pre-approval for remicade.

    Good morning, I was wondereing if it's pretty much the same procedure with other insuracne companies out there. Every year I have to get pre-approved for Remi with my two insurance companies. I cannot get the medication without this approval. Meaning The company that gives me Remi is caled...
  19. moogie

    Possible temp ileostomy

    I had temporary Ileostomy too a few years back. Needed to let my stiches heal on my colon before I let anything in there., I had it for 6 months and I went back to normal after wards. Personally I want to stay away from the bag for as long as possible. So personally I would go for the temporary...
  20. moogie

    MDMA and Remicade

    Interesting experience :-)