Pregnant with crohns

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Feb 18, 2011
pregnant with crohns

Found out today im pregnant, is there anything i need to worry about? I was on remicade but last month i got a couple of infections so i stopped taking it, waiting to see my gi doc about medications

I was on Remicade prior to and right after I got pregnant with my son. I had no complications from the Remicade. I am one of the lucky people, my Crohn's went into remission with both of my pregnancies. It was the most wonderful time of my life, I could eat whatever I wanted with no pain and my bowel movements were normal for the first time ever!

Are you currently flaring now? The best thing you can do for yourself if get plenty of rest, stay hydrated and eat as healthy as you can. Don't stress about the pregnancy. There are meds you can safely take while you are pregnant, talk to your GI and OB/GYN.

Good luck, so happy for you!!
That's the great thing i have been able to eat without my usual issues, though the smell and taste of meat makes me sick!! Which sucks cause im a meat & potatoes kinda girl!!! Thanks for the congrats, me and my husband have been trying for 7 years!

I was on Humira the entire time I was pregnant. I was in a flare the whole time pretty much, but I had a very healthy little baby girl!

What my GI doc has said, that with Remicaid and humira you are better off staying on them throughout the pregnancy instead of risking coming off of them and having a flare while pregnant. It is better for you to stay as healthy as you can.

Are you in a flare now, or are you feeling well? I was really worried about taking Humira while I was pregnant, but it was the best thing for me and baby. I could only imagine how sick I would have gotten without it.
I had a slight amount of trouble during my pregnancy but, after I had flares. So just be aware of your symptoms- kinda hard to do I know with a new baby in the house.

Congrats though on the baby!!
I had a terrible flare during and 7 months post partum with my last. I hadnt been diagnosed yet so no meds. I'm 8 months pregnant now and haven't been as sick. I'm on 3200 mg Asacol right now. It helps some. But if i miss a couple doses..yowsers :facepalm: I've only been taking them since starting my third trimester. Doc wants to put me on Humira after baby comes. And has been dancing around prednisone now. (I think is rather have my colon removed than be on that ever again :/) All my Docs agree that flares after baby comes are likely. And I tend to agree. CONGRATULATIONS!
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First of, Congratulation :)
I don't know if it is a common pratice other than where I live at. I've been directed to family planning as I was not even planning pregnancy (I know that part is not common) because of the whole situation regarding my health. So they set me up with a team of specialists for when the time would come Id want to get pregnant: ie, Internal Medecine, ObGyn and GI to work in collaboration in preventing any complications and adjusting a proper medication through the process and avoid the flare afterward. Other than that... I don't know much about pregnancy other than the "honeymoon" effect. But ill emphasis the fact you should not be worried too much about the medication and stress the need to be as healthy (crohnwise well... and in general too :)) as you can be!