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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. hbonsky

    Skin around stoma

    he does leak sometimes, but the red skin is on the other side. The skin where it leaks seems to be fine. I have a number for a nurse to call and will get him an appointment. Not sure if some is getting under and causing the problem. Its not red all the way around the stoma so I'm not sure if it...
  2. hbonsky

    Skin around stoma

    My son is 3 weeks post op for his ileostomy. I notice the skin around his stoma is getting red. Not all of the skin that the bag sticks to just the parts right around the stoma.. Any advice on what I should do? I have to powder and barrier wipes. that was all my nurse said to do for red skin...
  3. hbonsky

    Anyone else single and doing this alone?

    So I logged on today to actually go into the stoma forum to ask a question. My son had his ileostomy surgery 3 weeks ago. But as I'm getting ready to ask my question, his bag leaks, dog pees on the floor and all kinds of stuff happens around here lol. I couldn't help but think I cant be the...
  4. hbonsky

    Bullying :(

    I did have a meeting with his teacher about this and she is working with the kids who say stuff about the pull ups. I think the other kids know just because sometimes they are visible of his shirt or pants move. Like I can see the top of his pull up when he is playing. I try to put longer...
  5. hbonsky

    Bullying :(

    I know we have all talked about this before but I have to vent. My son, now in 1st grade is always being picked on in school or on the school bus. It is frustrating. They make fun of him at school for wearing pull ups. Today he said a kid hit him in the face and gave him a nose bleed and he...
  6. hbonsky

    It's been a while..

    I know... wish I would have know more before I let the doctors do the pouch in Las Vegas. Hopefully they can figure something out. I remember between surgeries, he did well with the ostomy... The bag changes are just a pain :)
  7. hbonsky

    It's been a while..

    Feel like it has been forever since I've been on this forum... Zachary is still not doing well and we have finally moved from Las Vegas to Michigan and are working with new doctors.. Only been here 2 months and already these doctors are doing more than the past 3 years in Vegas (never go there...
  8. hbonsky

    Advice on Michigan doctors

    Wow, Thanks for all of the advice. I will definately check these places out and hopefully we will find a doctor that can help Zachary
  9. hbonsky

    Advice on Michigan doctors

    We are finally able to move out of Las Vegas and are going to be living in Michigan in about 2-3 weeks. Can anyone here living in Michigan recommend a good pediatric GI doctor? Was looking of U of M. Its about an hour away from where I am at, but don't care too much about a drive if the the...
  10. hbonsky


    Awe... these stories are so horrible and make me cry... and fear what could be around the corner for my son... You guys have some strong kids!! I don't understand how people who work in the schools can be so stupid and not care... :(
  11. hbonsky


    This is so sad and makes me very upset. I hope her school does something about it. It is so terrible how kids treat others sometimes. I see this starting with Zachary and he is only 5. He says he gets picked on for wearing "pull ups" to school. I work in the schools and see that sometimes...
  12. hbonsky

    NG tube and school

    Also, he is already on an IEP for special education since he also has asperger's (autism). So, I'm thinking all of the accommodations can be put in that or should I do the 504 plan too?
  13. hbonsky

    NG tube and school

    Thank you for all of the responses. I am sure the school is wrong. We are in the lowest ranked school district in the country.. lol.. and I also am a teacher in the district so I know how crazy some of the people are that work here. Luckily for us, he only has 8 weeks left here and we are...
  14. hbonsky

    NG tube and school

    So my son has been on Methotrexate and it seemed to work for about 8 weeks. Like every other med, it is not working anymore so Zachary's dr. wants to do the Elecare through the NG tube starting soon. I told Zachary's school today and the nurse says that he can't be in school with the tube...
  15. hbonsky

    Finally a med that works

    Havent tried EN yet. We did try to get him to drink Elecare, but he refused and will only do his pediasures. I think if he doesnt gain weight this will be the next step for him.
  16. hbonsky

    Finally a med that works

    Just wanted to share that Zachary started his Methotrexate injections about 5 weeks ago and it seems to be working :) He seems to be having a little more bm control with only a little leaking into the pull up. The med still makes him so tired and cranky but its improving. Now we just need to...
  17. hbonsky

    6-MP for Young Children

    my son took it for almost 2 years. Just minor side effects and they monitor his pancreas levels. It hasn't done much for him, but if it works, the effects shouldn't be too bad. Just a lower immune system and my son did get some mouth sores sometimes.
  18. hbonsky

    Parent of Child With Crohn's Disease

    Welcome... my son also has crohn's. He is 5 and diagnosed at age 2. Lots of mysteries in his story too. you'll love the forum.. people respond almost instantly to questions/support :)
  19. hbonsky

    One very sick girl :(

    I'm so sorry to hear this. I know how frustrated you must feel and sometimes doctors think everything is fine when it isnt. My son goes through the same thing. Has issues and his dr. says his labwork is fine. Hope you can get her to go to the doctor. Sounds like something is definately...
  20. hbonsky

    504 plan

    Does anyone have a sample 504 plan or know where I can find one for me to use when meeting with my son's school?