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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. hbonsky

    Started methotrexate

    his school said he didn't need a 504 because he is on an IEP (also has high functioning autism) but im going to push for one since we will be moving out of state soon and will need it at his new school. Marni's Mom, my son had the same problem. He was on every treatment known and blood work...
  2. hbonsky

    Started methotrexate

    Thank you, hoping the side effects don't last too long. He has been in trouble at school the past 2 days because teachers say he won't respond or work.. so frustrating, of course not, he feels like crap!
  3. hbonsky

    Started methotrexate

    yes, he takes folic acid, but he will chew them.. so not sure if they are really helping. He won't swallow pills and we have all of his meds made into liquids. He's also a huge fighter so we have to go to the nurse every week for his injection. It is impossible for us to do it at home right now.
  4. hbonsky

    Started methotrexate

    Thank You, his dr. is aware of both at the same time. I thought it was weird too because we started methotrexate because 6MP wasn't working. I'll call his dr. in the morning. Since he got the injection, all he does is sleep and is very cranky like having tantrums and all. He may also have a...
  5. hbonsky

    Started methotrexate

    Zachary got his first methotrexate shot on Friday. Ever since then he has been super cranky, sleeps alot and seems like he is sick. He is still on Azathioprine too. Is this normal for this medication?
  6. hbonsky

    Back from hospital

    Oh my gosh... so sorry you're having to go through all of this with no answers. It is so frustrating and overwhelming. I've been in your situation several times. Hospitals/doctors always seem to make me very stressed and I always had trouble explaining to a 4 year old that he can't eat :(...
  7. hbonsky

    5 year old on Methotrexate

    Thanks for all of the help. We are still waiting on starting the methotrexate (waiting for insurance approval). Don't know what I would do without this forum. Most of you seem to know so much. Las Vegas is terrible for medical care. Everything I know, I have asked others or had to research.
  8. hbonsky

    Pain relief for shots and IVs kids and adults

    Thanks for son hates all that mess and we have to tackle him down for injections. Yay!
  9. hbonsky

    I HATE Crohn's

    I'm pretty sure of 6mp doesn't work, they try Remicade and Humira types of treatment. My son tried all of those and is now going to try Methotrexate. So there are still some options out there that can help him. Hope he feels better. Crohn's stinks!!! And its hard to watch you child be sick...
  10. hbonsky

    Zachary's appointment today

    Thanks for all of the advice. We are supposed to speak to his doctor tomorrow and find out when he will start all of this
  11. hbonsky

    Zachary's appointment today

    The dr. is taling about the one that goes down the nose..... but I'm worried... it stays in for 8 weeks? Did anyones child have to wear this to school? How did that go? Just thinking he will have to watch everyone eat at school while he just sits there :(
  12. hbonsky

    Zachary's appointment today

    Zachary had his hospital appointment for the camera pill....we decided against it. I worried it would get stuck, plus I'm not too confident in his doctor. He did do a scope of the j pouch and saw an ulcer and inflamation so he wants to start Methotrexate and possible the liquid nutrition (I...
  13. hbonsky

    Weight and why does everyone's Grandmother have Crohn's

    So funny, I hear those comments all the time. it is always someone who knows someone else. :)
  14. hbonsky

    Any chance of an appetite

    welcome to the forum. My son has Crohn's and is 5 years old (had it since age 2). Eating has always been a huge problem and so has maintaining his weight. He drinks pediasure right now, a few cans a day. I know people with Crohn's react differently to different foods and its even more...
  15. hbonsky

    5 year old on Methotrexate

    I definately have alot of work to do. I really want to go to Michigan now, but we still need both incomes to make the move and other things work. We should be able to get there in the next few months. I am so thankfrul for all of the comments and ideas. I have lots to take to his next...
  16. hbonsky

    5 year old on Methotrexate

    Wow, I am so frustrated. Our doctor never explained anything and I didn't know that a J pouch is not recommended for Crohn's. It was a quick decision when he was in the hospital last year and I thought we didn't have any other option. He has the worst "butt burn " ever with blisters, bleeding...
  17. hbonsky

    Potty training!!

    My son has Crohn's and was diagnosed at age 2. I tried to potty train then, but it was a nightmare because he had no control and went about 15 times a day. I tried again at 3 and failed again. By age 4, he communicated better and was able to understand what was happening. He had a...
  18. hbonsky

    5 year old on Methotrexate

    Thanks so much for all of the support, I'm so overwhelmed at this point, but am going to look inot Medicaid. I thought he wouldn't qualify, but its worth a try. Its just my husband and I here in Vegas. We moved here for work a while ago so we are each other only support. I am going to call...
  19. hbonsky

    Humira and children in the EU

    Thats great. I know people who have had success with that here. My son took it here at age 4 and it didn't work, but he is a rare case. He even went up to an adult dosage which my doctor allowed and I read that it actually was not a good idea.
  20. hbonsky

    5 year old on Methotrexate

    He was diagnosed with Crohn's. The J pouch was supposed to help becasue his colon was very damaged. He was so sick at the time, I didn't have a choice. He was underweight, constantly sick, running 104 temperatures and nothing would help. The J pouch helped a little, but slowly he is getting...