Started methotrexate

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Feb 23, 2011
Zachary got his first methotrexate shot on Friday. Ever since then he has been super cranky, sleeps alot and seems like he is sick. He is still on Azathioprine too. Is this normal for this medication?
I have not heard of any one on both at the same time . We were told to stop the 6-mp prior to starting Mtx .
I would call your Gi first thing in the am to clarify and make them aware of his issues.

My son was tired on Mtx but he was NOT on 6-mp at the same time .
My son recently started MTX and he has never been on 6MP but I have never heard of both being used. My son takes his MTX in pill form and he hasn't experienced any side effects as of yet. I would agree with MLP that you should call first thing in the morning or even the on call GI and clarify both immunosuppressants and make them aware of the symptoms he is experiencing now.
Thank You, his dr. is aware of both at the same time. I thought it was weird too because we started methotrexate because 6MP wasn't working. I'll call his dr. in the morning. Since he got the injection, all he does is sleep and is very cranky like having tantrums and all. He may also have a fever, but need to go get a new thermometer as ours is broken. so not definate on that yet.
Some members do get side effects from the MTX, I'm going to tag Jmckinley as well because their son is also on MTX. Is Zachary taking folic acid along with the MTX? C takes a daily dose of folic acid px'ed by GI, since MTX is a antifolate supplementing with folic acid may cut down on side effects. I hope he is feeling better much soon!!
My son will be starting Methotrexate either this week or next :( I have been dragging my feet thinking after his Remicade infusion and doing some chiropractic care that he would be feeling better. Although he is feeling better than he was two weeks ago, he says his pain is still bad enough (especially when he is having a bowel movement) that he wants to start the methotrexate. He already receives allergy shots every other week in his arms so I'ms wondering where these other kiddos administer their injection at? Is one place better than the other? I sure hope this helps him. I HATE seeing my son in pain and it seems he never gets a break either.
I sure hope it helps too.
My son has been doing his own MTX shots for over a year now. He does them in the top of his thigh - alternating right and left each week. They told him that he could use his stomach too but he didn't like that idea so has stuck to his thighs with no problem!
Good luck!
DS had allergy shots and Mtx injections
We were told to alternate location
I gave it outer thighs upper arms - there was the stomach option but I didn't go there .
yes, he takes folic acid, but he will chew them.. so not sure if they are really helping. He won't swallow pills and we have all of his meds made into liquids. He's also a huge fighter so we have to go to the nurse every week for his injection. It is impossible for us to do it at home right now.
I can tell you that when I first started methotrexate I felt like complete crap for the first few days after. In fact, my doctor told me to take it on Saturday morning because I could rest for the weekend. I don't remember how long it lasted but it did go away. Mine was literally so bad that I spent the whole weekend on the couch.

After that, my only real side effect was a light headache the night I took the shot. I could bare it, or I could take acetaminophen and it would go away. I did get occasional night sweats and they were brutal though. I always sleep with my window open (even in winter, and it gets cold in Canada lol) and even then I woke up soaked a few times from night sweats. It's more of annoyance than a problem, but it still happened once and awhile, just so you know it's possible.

I would definitely still talk to the doctor because anything could be happening right now, but I just thought I'd let you know how it was for me.
My son Ryan has been on methotrexate since last June. I give his shots on Saturdays because he is tired through Monday. He is also cranky (also a teen though) more so on the weekends, has occasional complaints of ankle pain and headache. Every shot makes him very nauseated immediately. He takes zofan with shot for that and a folic acid supplement.

I am so sorry you are having to give this shot to your 5 yr old. I hope that his symptoms decrease as his body gets used to the med. He may not be absorbing as much of the folic acid as he should since he is chewing them. I would ask GI about that. Maybe look at a health food store or GNC and see if there is a liquid folic acid. It is absorbed in the small intestine, so if he has any inflammation there, he's not absorbing the whole amount.
Thank you, hoping the side effects don't last too long. He has been in trouble at school the past 2 days because teachers say he won't respond or work.. so frustrating, of course not, he feels like crap!

I have been on subcutaneous methotrexate for a couple of months now...when I first started taking it I used to feel really sick the night of my injection- felt very vomity without actually vomiting. I used to also get tired after my injection. After a few weeks this settled down and now I'm fine. The one side effect I still have though is hair loss. Switching to oral methotrexate and should be reducing my dose soon to see if this helps reduce the hair loss.

I know I'm cranky when I'm tired so maybe the tiredness induced by the methotrexate is causing your son's mood swings and poor concentration. Hope things get better and his side effects lessen.
504 plan! If your son doesn't have one at school, you need to get one. The school will have to make accomodations for him with discipline, absences, going to the restrooms, anything he might need to make it easier for him at school.
I'm glad I checked in this morning. I'm new here and am not used to reading this blog yet. My 10 yr old, who was dx when she was 4 just saw her ped GI doc yesterday who reported that, again, her blood labs show no sign of the mercaptopurine (6MP) in her system. It's as if she's not even taking it. So, he's changing her to Methotrexate to go along with her Humira, which she started a few months ago because the Remicade wasn't working.

It's so helpful to read what everyone else is going through and seeing that what we face is not all that unique among the Pediatric IBD community. So, thank you! While I'm sorry that all of you and your kids have to go through this, your posts sure help the next person who comes along to know what ot expect like in this case with the Methotrexate. Now I know to expect her to be very fatigued and cranky. Wait, she already is both of those, so now I can look forward to it being worse. Oh no!

So far this academic year, she has missed 25 full days of school, and this is a good year!
Marni's Mom, sorry your girl is missing so many days. Getting the medications straightened out takes so many visits. If your GI is like mine, he's only in clinic a few days a week and we have to work around him. When we were doing remicade (which failed) that was more visits!

Yes, it's hard to tell with them about the crankiness. My son is 15, so who knows if it's the medicine making him impossible to live with or the teen angst? Some days, I could just......... (use your imagination!)

I hope the methotrexate works and she is feeling better soon!
jmckinley, I agree teen boys, angst and CD what a combo!!!

Marni's Mom I hope the methotrexate works and your little one is feeling much better real soon!
his school said he didn't need a 504 because he is on an IEP (also has high functioning autism) but im going to push for one since we will be moving out of state soon and will need it at his new school.

Marni's Mom, my son had the same problem. He was on every treatment known and blood work always showed nothing in his system. Wonder if there is another issue along with the Crohn's
Oh no! Now, I'm really in trouble. If Mtx makes Marni cranky that will be in addition to my middle school daughter who lives in that state of mind! LOL. Calgon, take me away!