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  1. KayleighMeek

    Humira routine in UK

    Hello I haven't been on humira for a very long time but I will try and remember as much as I can. You do have 4 injections the first time and then if I remember correctly 2 and then down to 1 every 2 weeks. Your dr will let you know how frequently they want your bloods done it may start with...
  2. KayleighMeek

    Humira, 6MP, and Prednisone?!

    Hi I'm currently on cimzia, methotrexate and pred so far this has been the only way to keep me relatively healthy. I'm hoping I will be off the pred soon as I hate the side effects but it really helps in the short term. I'm continuing on 10mg of pred until my next Drs appointment in March and...
  3. KayleighMeek

    Cimzia & Methotrexate

    Hang in there m86 it's tough but so are us crohnies and its ok to have those days where you need to get all the crying out the way. When I was on methotrexate before I remember it taking a long time for the side effects to stop but they did eventually. Ive noticed after I do my methotrexate I...
  4. KayleighMeek

    Cimzia & Methotrexate

    Hi you sound similar to me on the meds front I developed antibodies to remicade and also had pancreatitis from aza. I'm on cimzia and started methotrexate 20mg probably nearly two months ago I still feel like I have a hangover most days and that's with increasing folic acid already, if you...
  5. KayleighMeek

    Before I start Azathioprine - Are there any alternatives?

    There are exceptions to being taken of biologics I haven't been taken off one yet only when they stopped working. Your Drs have to appeal to keep you on it or show you still have active inflammation which is stupid really as the drugs will stop the inflammation until you are taken off. I'm on...
  6. KayleighMeek

    Before I start Azathioprine - Are there any alternatives?

    Unfortunatley there aren't many other medication choices as a step up it would be aza/6mp or methotrexate. The US and UK healthcare is very different because ours is free you usually fail the cheaper options before moving up the ladder so to go on to biological you had to have failed another...
  7. KayleighMeek

    Humira and pregnancy

    Hi, I had my little girl last year and I was on cimzia(similar med) when we were TTC and up until I was 28 weeks pregnant. It was an easy choice for me to stay on the medication as without it I don't know if I could have become pregnant or if I would have been healthy enough to carry to full...
  8. KayleighMeek

    Sick of pain

    I have tried tramadol it makes me sweat uncontrollably and sends me into a daze, once I took it and it was snowing I stayed up all night watching it until it made me dizzy and sick. I really dislike tramadol and when I have asked my GP before they have said well there isn't anything else I can...
  9. KayleighMeek

    Sick of pain

    Thank you for all the support it really means a lot. I'm taking 5mg of folic acid two days after I do the methotrexate injection of 20mg but my dr had suggested upping it if needed and taking it over a couple of days something I am going to have to try and chase up. Who knows when I hear back...
  10. KayleighMeek

    Sick of pain

    I am so sick and tired of being in constant pain I don't seem to ever have relief from joint pain I have times when it gets a bit better but it never lasts. I struggle putting anything over my feet getting dressed is a struggle, going up and down the stairs takes more effort than it really...
  11. KayleighMeek

    Over it :(

    I bet you are a fantastic mum it's just this disease can make us feel like complete failures. I posted something similar recently as I feel like a rubbish mum to my 7 month old being ill and running around after a little one is tough try not to beat yourself up. Have you told your new job about...
  12. KayleighMeek

    Another bad reaction, running out of options

    Sorry to hear about the problems you have been having afidz. I'm similar with reactions to medications I am great at having them or not working. I also had an anaphylactic reaction to remicade and it was one of the scariest experiences of my life. Have your Drs suggested anything that you could...
  13. KayleighMeek

    Arthritis flare again

    Thank you for all of the replies I have been really struggling lately and haven't had energy to do anything. My arthritis flares without my crohns being active but can also be active at the same time as well. I feel like my crohns is getting worse as I'm having more bathroom trips and...
  14. KayleighMeek

    Mortified at work

    Your boss shouldn't be discussing with anyone why you are off sick no one else needs to know unless you choose to share it. I'm so sorry it has made you feel that way it's really not right. Do you have a hr department you can speak to about what's happened?
  15. KayleighMeek

    Arthritis flare again

    I'm starting to really struggle physically and mentally with the joint pain that I have I only have brief periods of it not being there and usually that's when I am on steroids. Has anyone been on any treatments that have really helped them with this? Also has anyone had surgery on their bowel...
  16. KayleighMeek

    General queries of a Crohnnie wanting babies :)

    Hi I am 26 and just had my first child in May of this year. I was on cimzia which is similar to humira until around 28 weeks pregnant and then stopped I think it was something to do with it crossing the placenta but I can't remember the exact reason (a lot has happened since then haha). I think...
  17. KayleighMeek

    Help! The whole of my bowel is inflamed

    It sounds to me like your Dr mean that the disease is through out your large intestine (colon) and some in the last part of your small intestine, I would give the GI a call to clear up what they meant it can be a lot to take during the appointments. I have crohns through out my colon and have...
  18. KayleighMeek

    Postpartum Polyarthragia? In a lot of Pain - Ankles, Feet, Hands, Wrists, Spine - Is This a Flare?

    Definitely not alone :-) it really is tough. Oh no that does sound scary, I hope your tests go well today and they can give you some answers.
  19. KayleighMeek

    Postpartum Polyarthragia? In a lot of Pain - Ankles, Feet, Hands, Wrists, Spine - Is This a Flare?

    Hello, I also have a 19 nearly 20 week daughter and since giving birth have had problems with my joints but I have had this before so knew that it was arthritis related to crohn's. I was hospitalised at the end of August because of the pain and swelling along with gut symptoms. I am no longer...
  20. KayleighMeek

    Advice when to start prep?

    Thank you. I will follow the afternoon plan then and hope that it does the job in time. It's been nearly 7 years since the last colonoscopy so I have been lucky to get away with not having to do this for a while.