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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Libby-Penny

    What are your SAFE and UNSAFE foods?

    It took 4 yrs for a diagnosis, in and out of the hospital every other month just a CT ran. Liquid diets didn't work, to salty, to much Red dye, sugar. I could taste the mold in the melted ice that passed for drinking water. Foods I once loved became taboo. Gastric Delay test finally showed...
  2. Libby-Penny

    BUTCHERED, why did I call it that? I read Ret. Dr Robert Yoho's book BUTCHERED BY HEALTHCARE, felt it was my story.

    Where do you start? The Hystrectomy for Endometrosis, waking up Puking acid from a hormone patch, that shut your bowel down,. To many attempts to find a hormone replacement until I refused any more, but the gastric damage was already done. A Meneriere's attack, loss of hearing, due to the...