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  1. DEmberton

    Ulcers in Neoterminal Ileum

    Yep. I had a colonoscopy about a year after surgery and had "ulcers in the Neoterminal Ileum", which is when they started me on Azathioprine. The next colonoscopy about 3 years later showed none, I'm pleased to say. I was told from the start that it likely comes back at the surgery site.
  2. DEmberton

    Being one of the vulnerable 1.5m in UK

    They've updated the advice (though it doesn't seem any different):
  3. DEmberton

    Covid-19 & the 3 'risk groups'

    Podcast on the subect here if it helps anyone:
  4. DEmberton

    Azatioprine side effects

    The worst I ever had was half an hour or so of nausea/dizziness after taking them, and that was the first week. Was that 8-weeks where you constantly felt like that - or just after taking them? I've been on 150,100,125 and now 150 again. I do notice that if I take the three in one go it makes...
  5. DEmberton

    Family history of Crohn’s.... anyone??

    No family history at all. Doctors always seem to be surprised by that.
  6. DEmberton

    Being one of the vulnerable 1.5m in UK

    Thanks for that. This is what I received via SMS: That was slightly alarming. I don't see how I am at high risk, and I'm not the NHS's problem anyway.
  7. DEmberton

    Low B12

    I had a blood test for some other reason that showed low B12, that the doctor didn't think was important, and about the same time in my life started getting lower right pain that was put down to IBS. Many many many years later (about 17) my "IBS" got worse and I was eventually diagnosed with...
  8. DEmberton

    Small intestine resection - glad you did it?

    Hi MM. Glad it went more or less okay. They found an unexpected fistula with mine too. Good video. I started cycling again about 10 years ago, although I have to admit I'm quite bad at being a warm weather only cyclist. I've been driving to work all winter and only doing the occasional weekend...
  9. DEmberton

    Small intestine resection - glad you did it?

    Not really. I did feel a bit anxious about something going wrong in general, but not really related to eating. After months of being a sick person I really wanted to feel normal again, and being able to eat properly was a big part of that.
  10. DEmberton

    Small intestine resection - glad you did it?

    Hi MusikMaker, I think I was pretty much eating normally as soon as I got home from hospital. In fact I was intentionally eating more than usual because I wanted to regain the weight I'd lost (which didn't take long). Being able to enjoy eating again was really great. On the subject of pain...
  11. DEmberton

    Small intestine resection - glad you did it?

    My "Good luck" was for MusikMaker, but I'll wish you good luck too Merv.:D
  12. DEmberton

    Small intestine resection - glad you did it?

    Good luck. If I remember correctly: my surgery was on the Monday; on Tuesday I just sipped water, on Wednesday I was able to drink tea and I think they gave me some jelly. But on the Thursday I was able to eat a tuna sandwich, which took me about an hour because I had zero appetite, but...
  13. DEmberton

    Issues after IC valve removal

    Sorry you've had it so bad. Mine was 4 years ago and I don't think not having the valve has made any difference to me. As I understood it the only likely problem is an increased risk of SIBO. Have you had the Bile Salt Malabsorption test?
  14. DEmberton

    Hard lump that dissolves with massage. Anyone else?

    This takes me back a couple of years. When mine started doing that I started losing weight and ended up having surgery.
  15. DEmberton

    Bile Acid Malabsorption Support Group

    Hi there, After my surgery 3 years or so ago I was told about BAM, but nothing happened about it as I wasn't really getting diarrhoea I never thought it was something to worry about. I moved this year and it seems here in Yorkshire the NHS take things a little more seriously; the consultant...
  16. DEmberton

    Crohn’s tattoo

    How about a piece of bowel with a snake wrapped round it, constricting and biting it?
  17. DEmberton


    I think all of the above. It's a tube that food has to pass through, so the narrower the more likely something gets stuck. Inflammation makes the tube narrower, and with persistent inflammation over time scar tissue builds up making it permanently narrow. I guess if it gets really bad it could...
  18. DEmberton

    When to take azatioprin after food?

    I double checked mine and it did say with food. Read this one: When I've forgotten and taken them later in the evening then I do get some nausea. So I think Sophabulous is right and is about reducing the side effects rather that the effectiveness.
  19. DEmberton

    When to take azatioprin after food?

    Mine say to take with a meal. Are you mixing up your leaflets? Sounds a lot like the advice for iron tablets.
  20. DEmberton

    Appointment with specialist

    Is Uveitis different from Iritis? I thought they were the same thing. It sounds very unpleasant; I was told if I do get that to head to the nearest eye hospital. I have raised eye pressures, but so far not a problem. My father has Glaucoma and that gets me an eye test every year, so perhaps...