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  1. DEmberton

    HELP! Narrow Terminal ileum w/ fistula to bladder and sigmoid????

    I had the fistula to the sigmoid, that they only discovered during surgery. Hope it goes well. You should be much better once you've got through the surgery and recovery. Try to focus on that.
  2. DEmberton

    Budesonide and remission

    I've been on it twice, and both times it was 9mg for 28 days, 6mg for 28 days, and 3mg for 28 days. Some doctors obviously think tapering is important.
  3. DEmberton

    Termial Ileum Resection

    The pain post surgery was nothing like as bad as the pain I was having beforehand so don't worry too much about that. I have a one inch scar down from my belly button and had three other tiny incisions that I can't find anymore. That was done laparascopically; if they have to do open surgery...
  4. DEmberton

    100mg, two doses?

    You should be taking them with a meal. So get into the routine of taking them with your evening meal and you won't forget.
  5. DEmberton

    Budesonide and remission

    I was put on Budesonide as a precursor to Aza. The idea being that the Budesonide would kill off the inflammation and Aza would keep it away. Perhaps the reason the doctor wants you to try it is to test whether your symptoms are being caused by inflammation in the area Budesonide treats.
  6. DEmberton

    Do I have it?

    It does sound similar to some of the symptoms I had, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. It lead to me having a gastroscopy, but not a colonoscopy, and then being told it was IBS. And like many others here, I've never seen any blood. Have they mentioned a colonoscopy?
  7. DEmberton

    Azathioprine difficulties

    How long? It made me feel nauseas for about the first 4 days but then it went away. Except that is for the time I forgot to have them with food and took three at once later on in the evening.
  8. DEmberton

    Repeat prescriptions

    That sounds really dumb. I just request it online and then go the chemist 2 days later. Every 3 months I make an appointment for the blood test, which coincides with my B12 injection that I was going for anyway. What I never understand is it's the GI consultant who decided to put me on the...
  9. DEmberton

    Pls explain how a stricture surgey went

    Laparascopic for me. If I remember correctly I was sipping water and had a couple of cups of tea the first 2 days. But I was sick a couple of times which wasn't so good. On the third day I managed to pass some gas and they let me have a tuna sandwich, which took me about an hour to eat. But...
  10. DEmberton

    Report of ultrasound: what does this mean?

    The ultrasound I had showed nothing at all. Colonoscopy couldn't see into the Ileum, but the CT scan showed a 20cm stricture.
  11. DEmberton

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    On a possibly related note: Last year they had me reduce my Aza dose from 150mg to 100mg as my liver results were out of range. I saw the consultant again recently who said that it probably wasn't anything to do with Aza after all, and the recent tests have been fine so now I'm on 125mg to see...
  12. DEmberton

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    Nobody ever told me not to drink on those. And I have. Though I never had all three together. I think just be sensible. Certainly don't stop taking them. If you're feeling dizzy on taking them you probably aren't going to want to drink anyway, which is probably why they say it as it could make...
  13. DEmberton

    Middle-Age Onset CD

    I hope 45 isn't "later in life" as I'm 45 and I still have one or two things I'd like to do.:eek: It started for me at 23, and I had a similar attack you describe that landed me in hopsital for a night; "suspected appendicites" they said. After that some symptoms continues so I was checked out...
  14. DEmberton

    Crohn's in the family.

    Nobody else in my family, and both my brother and my Dad were heavy smokers. Doctors always seem surprised by that. I guess most people they see have a family connection.
  15. DEmberton

    Small intestine resection - glad you did it?

    I'm a 6 foot tall man, and I went from about 13 stone to 9 over 2 years, and was seriously skinny, as well as anaemic and pretty ill. After surgery I gained 2 stone back in the first 2 months just eating normally. Amazing really. It would have been nice to have stayed about 12, but now I'm back...
  16. DEmberton

    Terminal ileum fistula surgery

    They didn't remove any of the colon if that's what you mean. I remember the notes said something like "wedge and block" - whatever that is. I felt great for about 3 months, then minor symptoms started to creep back. 1 year colonoscopy showed some evidence of inflammation in the TI again, but I...
  17. DEmberton

    Terminal ileum fistula surgery

    I had a fistula to sigmoid colon (that they didn't know about beforehand), as well as the TI and valve chopped out. Mine was laparascopic; presumably open surgery is going to take a bit longer to recover from. I was more or less back to normal after 2 weeks, though still took it easy for another 4.
  18. DEmberton

    Small intestine resection - glad you did it?

    I'm really glad I did it. I couldn't have carried on like that.
  19. DEmberton

    Strictures and osmotics

    Walking does you the world of good. You shouldn't just stay in the house. I remember getting home from hospital on Friday evening and staying in all weekend and feeling guilty about it, but then Monday went out for a walk and apart from it then really hitting me how weak I was I felt much better...
  20. DEmberton

    New medication- Azathioprine

    Errr yes. I had a test after a week, then another after 2, and every three months thereafter. And I think that's less than some have had. He really should be being monitored more closely. Vomiting could be down to the disease and not the drugs of course.