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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. SarahD

    CCFA Nutrition Survey - 1 in 5 wins Amazon gift certificate

    I still haven't received my email with the gift certificate..have you Amy?
  2. SarahD

    CCFA Nutrition Survey - 1 in 5 wins Amazon gift certificate

    I got a message saying I was a winner after I submitted the survey, but they will send me an email with the e-certificate in within a few days. Let's see if it materialises.
  3. SarahD

    University and bursaries

    I got disabled students allowance whilst at University several years ago, both as an undergraduate and again as a post-graduate. It covered the difference in cost between a standard and en-suite room, and I also got a laptop, laptop bag with wheels that I could drag to lectures without the...
  4. SarahD

    What can interfere with Faecal Calprotectin test results?

    There is some research showing that protpn pump inibitors's, like Nexium, can significantly elevate fecal calprotectin levels.
  5. SarahD

    Should We All Be Gluten Free? Undiagnosed Immune Response

    I've just started reading a book called "The Immune System Recovery Plan: A Doctor's 4-Step Program to Treat Autoimmune Disease" which talks a lot about gluten and immune disregulation. In the past I took gluten out of my diet for several months and when re-introduced I didn't notice any...
  6. SarahD

    How soon after do you feel sick...?

    It usually takes 3-4 days of eating a trigger food before I get symptoms. With elimination diets it's usually recommended that you test each new food for four days, but wheat for 7 days.
  7. SarahD

    The importance of regular exercise?

    I'm in a flare right now and exercise is a real struggle for me. I have so little energy that getting through each day is a real struggle, let alone giving some of that energy over to exercising. I'm better during remission, and even though I don't have a regular workout regime I tried to...
  8. SarahD

    Botox for fissure?

    I've heard of botox for fissures before but haven't had it done personally. I'd be very interested to hear of your experience if you decide to go ahead with the treatment. I too have an anal fissure and am due to see a colorectal surgeon in 2 weeks time to discuss treatment options.
  9. SarahD

    Exploring Crohn's Treatment Options after Successful Surgery

    Hi CJ, Welcome to the forum! Have you been on any medication previously for your Crohn's? There are a few options: 1. Mesalazine based medications are the mildest treatment, not proven to be effective in Crohn's disease but they do help some people. 2. Immunsuppressants such as azathioprine...
  10. SarahD

    Newly diagnosed - Can you get disability for Crohn's?

    Entocort is generally meant as a short term treatment. Is your GI intending to start you on any other medication, like biologics or immune suppressants? Usually Entocort or other steroids are used to get you into remission, then something like Azathioprine is used to keep you there. The immune...
  11. SarahD

    White Blood Cell Scan

    I had a white blood cell scan when I was in my teens. They take some blood from a vein in your arm, then take it away for the white blood cells to be labelled with something radioactive which can be picked up on x-rays. Once the blood is labelled they inject it back into your arm. Then you wait...
  12. SarahD

    Is tramadol OK?

    I've used Tramadol for a couple of years and have had no ill-effects on my Crohn's from it. I was on Codeine prior to that which caused a blockage, so my GI switched me to Tramadol as it has less of a constipating effect. Most over the counter pain-killers, other than Tylenol/Paracetamol, are...
  13. SarahD

    Aza side effects

    I get quite a few side effects from taking Aza too. I'm on an anti-emetic medication because I get severe nausea, which does help but not completely. The Aza also makes me ridiculously tired and gives me all-over body aches and weakness. So far I haven't found anything that helps unfortunately...
  14. SarahD

    Aza side effects

    25mg Aza is NOT a low dose when taken with Allopurinol, which changes the metabolic profile of the Aza. It allows the Aza to be converted into more of the good compounds and less of the harmful compounds.
  15. SarahD

    Were you ever tested for Celiac's?

    I was tested by blood test and biopsy, both were negative. I think it's fairly standard to test for coeliac in people with undignosed digestive problems.
  16. SarahD

    Free online intro to food health course

    Open2Study also do a free course on food, nutrition and health: I completed this course, and whilst it was definitely interesting I found most of the information was quite generic. It talked about over and under nutrition, and...
  17. SarahD

    RHB 104 - Clinical Trial Documentary

    Thanks Villi, I'm definitely interested to hear how you get on. Good luck and I look forward to your updates!
  18. SarahD

    Infected incision - what do you do when you've finished antibiotics?

    I would definitely see the Dr to get it checked out, especially with Christmas coming up where it's harder to get in to see someone. Even if you just go to your GP they should hopefully be able to prescribe more antibiotics or put your mind at ease.
  19. SarahD

    First Trial of Bioelectronic Device to control CD

    That's really interesting, thanks for posting!
  20. SarahD

    How many times to re-test??

    Welcome to the forum Lorikeetie! A good, non-invasive test for distinguishing between IBS and IBD is called the Calprotectin test. You provide a stool sample and they measure the Calprotectin in it, which is elevated if there's something inflammatory going on. It's a simple test and I would be...