How soon after do you feel sick...?

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Sep 5, 2014
I've been on a low residue diet ever since getting out of the hospital in September. I'm so tired of breads and pastas. I'm ready to try new food again. Mainly fruits and veggies.

How soon after you eat a "trigger food" do you feel the effects? As I try new foods, I want to make sure my schedule allows it in case I get sick. Could it take hours? Days?

Before my DX I never could find anytning that hurt me because I always felt sick. I usually struggled with constipation until my flare in august that ended up with a trip to the ER and finding my crohns.

I'm also just starting remicade, will that help me be able to eat more normal foods again?
For me, it seems to vary depending on what the food is. It can be anywhere from immediate to the next day. If I eat coconut, I feel ill almost immediately (my aunt used coconut flour one year to thicken the gravy at thanksgiving, and I started feeling ill as I was still eating my meal). Salad seems to take about 2 hours to start causing trouble. If I eat something like garlic, I usually don't feel ill until the next day. It may depend on how fast your digestive transit time is, but for me it seems to also depend on the specific food. When I'm trying a new food, I usually do it on Friday evenings - that way I have the whole weekend to recover if it doesn't go well. I hope that helps a bit. Good luck!
For me, I notice most trigger foods within 12 hours (digestion time) Salads, anything with heavy cream and raw veggies I notice almost immediately, or within about 30 min of eating. Also coffee. God I miss coffee.

Those are my main trigger foods. As for things I'm sensitive to, when I am in a flare I'm sensitive to an assortment of things, and usually don't realize until about 4-6 hours later that I shouldn't have eaten that. Popcorn, Oatmeal, cheese, certain meats, I usually try and have things I'm not sure about for dinner, or on a weekend when I can lay about a bit.
Really depends on the food, for me. Salad, some pizza's, eggs and others im still learning about. I was diagnosed in 4/14, resection in 9/14 (diarrhea since resection).
We really haven't found one food that hurts my son. His trouble seems completely random and unpredictable. :(

For our other family member, the SCD has worked perfectly, no meds, for 9 years! :)
I always take a couple of days, even now that I have no colon.

But amount of fibre in your diet as a whole will probably matter more than specific foods, that's how it is for me anyway.
Some things, ( like fibre plus pasta I unknowingly are) are almost immediate. Others ( like popcorn) take about 4 hours. I would go for a weekend where you don't have plans to experiment.
I can't time mine. Sometimes halfway through a meal. Sometimes 10 min after I eat something like a 3Musketeers. Which now I can't eat at work because they make me get stuck running to the toilet. Sometimes 30 min later. Usually within an hour though.
It usually takes 3-4 days of eating a trigger food before I get symptoms. With elimination diets it's usually recommended that you test each new food for four days, but wheat for 7 days.
I think the amount of time it takes for a trigger food to cause symptoms depends on the speed at which food passes through ur intestines and the amount of damage to ur intestines by crohns.
My symptoms are very quick after eating a trigger food but im also 4 months post bowel resection and have extensive damage. Its bothersome but hopefully will slow a bit as my health improves since surgery.
Good luck.