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  1. SarahD

    Reaction to food

    Is there any chance it could be related to something you ate the day before that you've overlooked?
  2. SarahD

    Anal fissures

    Hi David, I have an anal fissure so can empathise with the pain - it has almost made me pass out at times it's been that bad. There are treatments available though fissures can be pretty difficult to treat. My GP prescribed me some glyceryl trinitrate (GNT) which helped my fissure immensely...
  3. SarahD

    Modulen Weight Gain

    I used to have the same problem from time to time, I had 8 drinks a day (I think they were either 200ml or 250ml each) and some days I felt like I was having to drink them too quickly and too close together, especially the evening ones. It was fine if I was getting up early for work as I'd start...
  4. SarahD

    Modulen Weight Gain

    I haven't tried Modulen, but I've been on E028 several times which is similar. I've never gained weight on it, the first time I lost several pounds even though I was drinking the full amount suggested by my dietitian, more recently my weight stayed perfectly stable on it. I would be worried I...
  5. SarahD

    Was on Imuran, Now I'm NOT

    What an incredible story, thanks for sharing. Long may your remission continue!
  6. SarahD

    Sickness Absence- Bradford Factor

    I don't have any experience with this, but wondered if you could speak to occupational health or get a letter from your consultant to pass onto HR to explain that azathioprine makes you more susceptible to bugs and that taking the medication is helping to control your Crohns so that you don't...
  7. SarahD

    EN and formed BMs?

    It was very annoying when she sprang the extra two weeks on me! It was only two days before I was due to finish too and I'd been thinking a lot about what food I was going to make myself. I'm just really thankful I'll be finished the EN in time for Christmas, I don't mind doing EN generally but...
  8. SarahD

    EN and formed BMs?

    Thanks for asking Diane, my Crohn's seems to be settling well now although my IBD nurse asked me to do an extra two weeks on the EN, so I've still got 1 more week to go. I've got a blood test booked for next week and had one just before I started the EN, so hopefully it'll give me a good idea of...
  9. SarahD

    Long-Term Use of Common Heartburn and Ulcer Medications Linked to Vitamin B12 Deficiency

    I know many of us here take proton pump inhibitors so thought the link to vitamin B12 was interesting. Abstract Importance Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) suppress the production of gastric...
  10. SarahD

    Loosing job with crohns

    Im so sorry to hear that :( I agree with mccindy about seeking legal advice, if you have the energy to fight the decision. 1 day off every 3 months isn't much time off even for someone without a disability.
  11. SarahD

    Vitamin D status and ill health: a systematic review

    Summary Low serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) have been associated with many non-skeletal disorders. However, whether low 25(OH)D is the cause or result of ill health is not known. We did a systematic search of prospective and intervention studies that assessed the effect of...
  12. SarahD

    Ringing in about symptoms??

    Could you look up your IBD nurses number on the internet? My hospital has it listed under the gastroenterolgy section, yours may too. Otherwise I usually make an appointment with my GP, who then decides on whether I need to be seen by my consultant and if I do then he makes the necessary...
  13. SarahD

    Loosing job with crohns

    That sounds like discrimination to me, Crohn's is covered under the disability discrimination act so they shouldn't be able to fire you just because you have Crohn's and have had to take some time off due to it, it's illegal. Crohn's Colitis UK have an info sheet for employers and part of it...
  14. SarahD

    Anyone have problems with probiotics

    I tried probiotics once and seemed to have problems with them so I stopped taking them. They don't suit everyone.
  15. SarahD

    Specific Carbohydrate Diet Support

    Out of interest wildbill, what sort of foods do you eat?
  16. SarahD

    EN and formed BMs?

    That's a good answer :rof:
  17. SarahD

    EN and formed BMs?

    Thanks happy, it's good to know I'm not alone! It came as quite a surprise to have formed BM's since my previous two experiences on E028 were quite the opposite, and I was expecting the same thing this time around. Did you notice you were more likely to have formed BM's whilst on EN when your...
  18. SarahD

    EN and formed BMs?

    Hi there, I'm doing my third round of EN, just a two week stint this time to see if it will speed up my healing whilst Azathioprine takes effect (I can no longer take steroids). Previous times I've taken E028 and ended up with frequent liquid BM's every day (diarrhea is not one of my Crohn's...
  19. SarahD

    Three Days into LDN - Pain Management

    Hi Sally, That's amazing, it just goes to show that it is possible to get LDN on NHS prescription. You're the first person I've heard of in the UK who's been able to get LDN prescribed for Crohn's without having to go through a private doctor. Well done for managing to get your doctor on side...
  20. SarahD

    Three Days into LDN - Pain Management

    Hi SallyJane, Can I ask where you got your LDN prescription from? It's something I'd be interested in trying if my current meds don't do the trick (I recently started Allopurinol with Azathioprine) but was under the impression that UK doctors will not prescribe it as it's not licensed for use...