EN and formed BMs?

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Feb 20, 2012
Hi there,

I'm doing my third round of EN, just a two week stint this time to see if it will speed up my healing whilst Azathioprine takes effect (I can no longer take steroids).

Previous times I've taken E028 and ended up with frequent liquid BM's every day (diarrhea is not one of my Crohn's symptoms ordinarily). However this time I'm still passing formed stool, and going only once every few days.

I've heard of people on EN having frequent liquid stool, and I've heard of people having no BM's at all due to complete absorption of the EN formula. However I've never heard of anyone continuing to have formed BM's whilst on EN. I was always told "liquid in, liquid out". I'm hoping it's a good sign and indicates that some healing has taken place. I just wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar?


Hi Sarah, sorry to hear that you needed to go back on EN. Yup, formed stools sometimes while on the EN for me. If they get too dry, try adding a little bit of Miralax to make it easier to go. And drink lots of water with the EN. Good luck. Hope the EN does the trick.
Thanks happy, it's good to know I'm not alone! It came as quite a surprise to have formed BM's since my previous two experiences on E028 were quite the opposite, and I was expecting the same thing this time around. Did you notice you were more likely to have formed BM's whilst on EN when your Crohn's was doing better, or was it just random for you?
Hi, Sarah,
How is the IBD now? Good you don't have the big D this time. I certainly have liquid in liquid out issues, lol. But then if I eat I also have everything dashing straight through. The 'no bowel movement' sounds like a luxury for those having major issues. I wonder if I have tried that one, whichever it is. Would be worth knowing.

Let us know how ur getting on, Sarah.
Best wishes,
Thanks for asking Diane, my Crohn's seems to be settling well now although my IBD nurse asked me to do an extra two weeks on the EN, so I've still got 1 more week to go. I've got a blood test booked for next week and had one just before I started the EN, so hopefully it'll give me a good idea of whether the EN has helped. Pain has always been my main symptom and it has now pretty much disappeared altogether for the first time in 2 and a half years, so that's really encouraging. Fingers crossed that I don't take 10 steps backwards when I introduce food again!
And I bet you had been looking forward to something proper to eat when nurse sprung the extra two weeks on you, lol. Good to be pain free. Putting up with it takes so much energy out of you and life becomes hard work dealing with it.

Here's hoping to good results, but don't make mince pies the first thing you eat, lol. Bland turkey might be more suitable.
It was very annoying when she sprang the extra two weeks on me! It was only two days before I was due to finish too and I'd been thinking a lot about what food I was going to make myself. I'm just really thankful I'll be finished the EN in time for Christmas, I don't mind doing EN generally but I think it'd be awful having to do so on a day which is so focused on a big family meal.

I've got a few foods I know are safe so I'll be sticking to those when I start eating again, and then after a week or two I plan to continue with my elimination diet. I have some potatoes, rice, chicken and bacon ready to go when I can finally eat again, soooo looking forward to them :)
I bet you're read for food, Sarah. I think my heart would have sunk on hearing the nurses words of two extra weeks. I hope you gave her a nasty glare! Must admit I found bacon a bit difficult to digest myself. Nice though. I'm norty, I have a few boiled sweets sometimes, and one specialist asked half heartedly if I had tried marshmallows and jelly babies as they have a binding ingredient. Never had occurred to me to pop those into my limited diet. I just stared at him and started to giggle. But he was being serious. So don't forget to add those sweets to the diet, Sarah. Enjoy them.