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  1. kello82

    Food to gain weight

    in my opinion, even if its not diarreah doesnt mean that the food still isnt going right through you. if your intestines are inflamed and scarred and everything, all of that carnage is blocking the little fuzzy things that line our intestines from absorbing the nutrients, you know? so the...
  2. kello82

    Food to gain weight

    hi there!! IT IS NOT ALL IN YOUR HEAD! the weight issues are very real and we all know its easy to start doubting yourself when docs tell you youre thoughts are wrong and it sucks, but just know that you know yourself best. anyways, yeah weight has been a huge issue for me. when trying to gain...
  3. kello82

    I would be dead.

    dunno i appreciate the perspective that TOO much concern over passing on diseases is futile. like a few of you said, we cant just stop reproducing alltogether for fear of contaminating the race. but idk, i just feel there must be somewhere in the middle. i feel that the human race as a whole is...
  4. kello82

    Ticking Timebomb

    ive never really been in your situation so i cant say, but i wouldnt try to get it off your mind. the worry is there and it is natural and its human to do the 'what if' thing. we all do it. but try to live in the moment. take each day hour whatever as it comes. say 'i feel awesome right now'...
  5. kello82

    I would be dead.

    i dont think i will have children either. if i want kids ill adopt. i mean and even if i DO have kids and they DONT have crohns? they still carry the genes right?? just cause they dont develop it themselves doesnt mean the line ends there. at least i dont think so. they still carry faulty...
  6. kello82

    I would be dead.

    yes i have thought of this before too. i would have died when i was 7. thats when the diharrea and such got horribly bad, i would have died of dehydration as many people used to from such things. see, this is slightly off topic, but THATS why every disease on the face of the planet is on the...
  7. kello82

    This is for all of us

    hahahah love it!! their name is the "laryngospasams" LMAO :D on the right theres links for "breathe" that one was hilarious too. the lyrics have me rolling in the floor hahahh!!! good find!
  8. kello82

    Silly Stoma Stories

    HAHAHAHAH nyx i am cracking up "bag in the ear" HAHAH i love it :D awww your bf sounds great, i love that you two joke about it like that :)
  9. kello82

    Could intestines be donated upon death? oo this ones good too
  10. kello82

    Could intestines be donated upon death?

    ive thought of this too!!! really i have wondered this, and actually if you google it, there IS some information of it. my understanding of it though is that its still highly experiemental. and for crohnies, while it might help in the short term or especially for thos with short bowel syndrome...
  11. kello82

    I had an excrutiatingly bad day

    so sorry hun =/ not been in that situation, but my parents are divorced so that feeling of broken family is familiar to me. even if you hate everyone for their mistakes in this situation, make sure you keep loving yourself. you are a wonderfully sweet and caring person, otherwise, we would...
  12. kello82

    Pretty upset

    oh hon im so sorry. it is truly losing a best friend, and hurts just as bad as when the humans in our lives pass away. a lot of people dont understand that, like woops said. had a kitty pass away a few months ago, hes been there my entire life, was too little to remember the years before we...
  13. kello82

    Quotes/Sayings/Words that get you through the day

    mine isnt really a quote or specific saying. but the phoenix's tale, i find a lot of meaning in. out of death springs life out of horror springs joy i see it that for every pain we endure, every "imperfection" in our lives, an inversely proportionate attribute or awareness or whatever, is...
  14. kello82

    Offering an healing pray to one person with Crohn's

    a couple of you have said things that made me think of the book "when bad things happen to good people" by harold kushner. i listened to it on tape recently, (at my moms beckoning *eyeroll*), wasnt particularly enlightening for ME. a lot of the points made i already had made up in my...
  15. kello82

    Silly Stoma Stories

    hahah merr i do remember that story, its a good one though. i love that you resurrected this thread! i forgot about it! though i dont have any recent stories that come to mind hmm...
  16. kello82

    Almost Time

    damn i wish i had caught this thread sooner! just reading thru this thread and your attitude, its pretty awesome. truly you inspire me. your acceptance of the things you cannot change is quite amazing :) good job to you, keep healing! :D
  17. kello82

    Offering an healing pray to one person with Crohn's

    allright, was just curious because i remember many many years ago, some close family friends were very into this book and, school? not really sure what to call it. but i read some of it. and i remember them asking for pics of our family members that would be prayed upon or something. and then...
  18. kello82

    Offering an healing pray to one person with Crohn's

    may i ask if it has anything to do with this book and beliefs and such?
  19. kello82

    Alternative Holistic Crohn's treatment

    hi there, i just thought id note that when speaking of crohns and/or ulcerative colitis type diseases, the term is IBD. IBD and IBS are two very different classifications of disease. both very real however, but very different. IBD is inflammatory bowel disease IBS is irratible bowel syndrome...
  20. kello82

    No period in 10 months

    yep happens to me all the time. i think, in my entire lifetime even, i have had less than 20 periods lol. i think being underweight of course is a resonable cause for it disappearing, but i also think that just LOSING weight/being unhealthy even if you are not UNDERweight is enough for your...