Pretty upset

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Sep 22, 2008
Today I had to do the hardest thing that I've ever done. I had to put down one of my dogs today and ever since I got home, my stomach has been queasy because of how upset I've been. I've slept most of the day and I just really don't know what to do to make it better, not that there is anything I could do I suppose, but eating has been difficult today. Today has been long and difficult and I guess I just need some words of wisdom I suppose dealing with loss and this disease.

That dog was my baby, you know? When I was first diagnosed and really sick I would lay on the sofa and on his own he would come up and lick my face, or he would jump up on the sofa and lay his head on my legs. When I'd be in the bathroom he would wait by the door for me and was just a real velcro dog. He was the first dog I had had a hand in training and we took classes together as well. I still have my other dog Zeus, and while I love him dearly as well, Apollo was truly something special.

Thanks for letting me ramble.
Hello I am so sorry for your lossand having been through this myself have an idea how you are feeling.
Our pets are always there for us and never judge, just love us.
When they get sick we must care even more for them,and when there is nothing more we can do must show the ultimate kindness in letting them return to their Maker.
My lovely one died in 2007 from cancer and was 19 years old. It is so hard to part with
them and I miss her so dearly.
You will be able to cope but give yourself some time.
You mention having another dog, perhaps you will consider another dog as companion as time goes by.. Your remaining dog will be mourning the loss as you are.
Meanwhile take care of youself and keep up your food intake, it will help you.
Hugs and prayers
Hey Crohns 08 , I just put down my 12 yr old golden last month and I know how heartbreaking it is. She was my first full raised by me from a pup, I even picked her out. I knew I wasnt going to be one of those who would let my dog suffer, I learned from my other golden 9 years ago when we moved here. I bawled for a week straight. I felt guilty that he was sufffering and I didnt know. Cancer...just like my girl who was put down last month. You did the right thing, it is like losing family. I had alot of support here when I had to do it too. Just know that you gave a dog a wonderful life, and the memories we hold dear. Take care, hugs.
I have a little dog, and she knows when I dont feel good. I am so sorry for your loss. I dont always think that many ppl understand what it is like to have a little family member who knows you so well, and loves you so much. My heart goes out to you. I will keep you in my thoughts.
oh hon im so sorry.

it is truly losing a best friend, and hurts just as bad as when the humans in our lives pass away. a lot of people dont understand that, like woops said.

had a kitty pass away a few months ago, hes been there my entire life, was too little to remember the years before we got him.

im so sorry that he had to go, but so happy that you had such a love between you.

will def be thinking of you and zues and wishing apollo all the best for his new life at the bridge
Thank you so much for the kind words of comfort, it was truly like losing a best friend and it's so hard having to make that decision but we knew it was for the best. We did have a lot of good memories together, it's just so weird how quiet the house is without him.
I am so sorry about your loss. This is definitely a very difficult time. It's been almost a year since we had our 12 year old dog put down and 6 months ago for our 16 year old cat. It was the hardest choice, but it's better than watching them suffer. It gets easier over time, but sometimes when I remember them I still get choked up. Even though we have other pets, it's not the same. Each one has their own special place in my heart, as I'm sure Apollo has in yours. Remember the good times and hold on to the memories. No one can ever take that away.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Dogs are wonderful in their unconditional love and friendship. Time will heal, know that he is in a better place.
I am sorry for your loss. No words of wisdom for you, just sadness that you've had to put down a good friend, and hugs to help you get through tomorrow.
Oh Crohns08 how sad and devastating for you. Even when you know you have done it for all the right reasons it doesn't make the pain and sorrow any less. It will be difficult for the next few days in particular but over time the sadness will be replaced by beautiful memories and you will always carry him in your heart.

Sending big ((((((Hugs)))))). Take care, you are in our thoughts.
My deepest condolences to you. It really is like losing a member of the family. Be gentle with yourself, it will take time for the pain to go away. Love and hugs to you and Zeusy.
Sorry to hear youn lost your companion - take comfort in knowing he is in a place he can now enjoy forever.....

I too have gone through the loss process with pets - a cat I raised from a kitten died suddenly (car)......a horse I raised from a foal I lost at 15 suddenly....and her mother, who I had for about 22 years I lost a few years ago - none of them were easy - but at least nowI can look at pictures of them without breaking out in tears (although I'm a little teary now!).......

Hugs to you - and please don't forget Zeus is grieving also and needs attention at this difficult time.
I'm so so sorry. It must be awful. l be completely honest. Id never been a pet person and could never understand why people would spend so much time and money etc on pets.

Well....I was very ignorant at that time as when I got my first house I decided to get a house rabbit. Within that first day I finally understood why people love there pets so much. I love her too pieces. She is my baby too. She is amazing, perfectly house trained, she follows me everywhere I go, she knows when Im feeling awful, she licks my toes, she never ever fails to make me smile.

I honestly do not know what I would have done without her this last year and a half.

Im so so so so sorry you have had to loes your best friend. Im not sure what I can say to make anything feel better but please know that I am thinking of you and your not rambling at all. Im sending you lots of hugs and wishes. Cry your eyes out and let it all out and do lots of comforting things that you wouldnt usually allow yourself to do....for me it would be eat a whole tub of cookie dough icecream in front of confessions of a shopaholic! Please be good to yourself.

loadsa luv xx
:( I am so sorry for your loss :( I can understand - it was very painful to put my last dog down. A big void you know? All I can say is do what you have to do to take care of yourself - even if you have to sleep all day. Do a lot of crying if you can b/c it's not good to keep it bottled up. I felt really guilty when I had to put my dog to sleep (he was 17 and had skin cancer on his ear). The vets immediately wanted me to buy a burial plot and headstone for him in a pet cemetery. I am a student and couldn't afford it so he was buried in the cemetery with a bunch of other dogs with just a tarp over him. It would have cost 100.00's of dollars otherwise. Then I realized he is not even in the cemetery. My vet asked me if I have thought about getting another dog and I hadnt. He gave me a website and that is where I found my dog I have now. I named her Keona (Hawai'ian name meaning: gracious gift). She was a good distraction and she was also a rescue dog so she desperately needed a home. I learned that the length of time you grieve doesnt equal the amount of love you have for your loved one. I am telling you this b/c by the sounds of it you are an amazing pet owner just by the way the loss of your dog has impacted you. I hope one day you decide to get another one when you are ready as there are a lot of them waiting for loving homes :) Again, I am so sorry Crohn's8. I wish you didnt have to go through this. Very wonder you are sleeping a lot!
Here is a big hug from Hamilton ON for you and Zeus. Please take good care of yourself.
Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughts, they truly mean the world to me since I've been feeling down and upset over Apollo. My stomach isn't as queasy today, but it's still so strange how quiet the house is. I still expect Apollo to be right around the corner ready to jump on my bed to wake me up, but he isn't there anymore. There's still a picture of him in my lap as the background on my cell phone. I can't bring myself to change it yet. :(
I am so sorry for your loss Crohns08. I work in a vets and so I see every day the pain of people losing their beloved pets. I also have my own dog and she is my constant companion who knows more about me and how I am feeling than anyone I swear.

Our animals are a consistent and reliable friend, (particularly for those with long term illnesses like us) even through our darkest hours, and their loss is always very painful. I understand the dog you lost was your baby, but look to your other dog for comfort and I'm sure you will find you have a companion there who can see exactly how you are feeling, and will bring some comfort to you while you grieve.


Crohn's8 - after reading your post, I took my dog for a 7 1/2 hour hike with lots of swimming. Had to stop quite often and sit but still outdoors!

My heart still goes out to you and you dont have to remove the photos :( I bet Zeus wonders where he is also. :( Wish I could bring him back for you!