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  1. tots

    Prometheus test

    Thank you!
  2. tots

    Should I go tho the ER or wait until the morning?

    So, I went and had my Remicade today and spoke to the nurses there about my bleeding. They in turn called my Dr, had wanted me to go to a lab for blood work. I was not comfortable with that so I asked for an appt. Well, his medical asst. said that they "sigh" hers not mine, could get me in late...
  3. tots

    Prometheus test

    does anyone know when they started using the Prometheus test? Lauren
  4. tots

    Should I go tho the ER or wait until the morning?

    I have been having trouble for the past few weeks, ya know when you get to the point that even the "good" foods have you running to the bathroom? so, today I started bleeding, its not real bright or real dark. It is enough to make it so I cant see the bottom of the toilet, I would say at least...
  5. tots

    Dealing with anxiety

    I take Wellbutrin for my anxiety. For the most part it works pretty well. When my husband was diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer I added Lexapro at night. Not sure how many more meds I could possibly take, although if I were to go off them I would be bat *&^% crazy! I hope you feel better...
  6. tots

    Scared and hopeless, abandoned by PCP

    My CD only shows on a CT scan and with a small bowel series. I am guessing if it shows on a CT it would show on an MRi although as I have never had one I cant say from experience. My Dr cant reach the part of the small bowel where my CD with a colonoscopy where the other tests show it. If you...
  7. tots

    Visceral hyperalgesia and pain relief

    My GI was the same way with pain meds, his feeling, it dosent cure CD so he wont prescribe it. My response- it didn't cure his kidney stone but, I bet the Drs still gave it to you. We all know pain meds cure nothing. At times though its the only way to make it though the night or though a shift...
  8. tots

    Scared about starting MTX

    I am on Remicade and I know despite my joint and bone issue its supposed to help prevent the build up of anti bodies to the Remicade. I do have joint pain and damage, still no official Dx on that other than its autoimmune? Good lick I hope it helps and you feel better soon! Lauren
  9. tots

    No Folic Acid with Methotrexate?

    I was told to take Folic acid with my Methotrexate. I have only been on it a few months. Have good days and bad days, very tired of the bad days. i really really want to turn this around!! Good luck to all on this medication we are talking. Lauren
  10. tots

    I don't want to do this anymore

    I am sorry, truly sorry your having such a hard time. Please know you are not alone. I know the above posts have already said it, I just don't think you can hear it enough. At some point most of us have felt the same way in different degrees. Tis is a very lonely and isolating disease. Outside...
  11. tots

    I can't cope anymore

    I am sorry your having so much trouble! I hope something turns around for you very soon. Lauren
  12. tots

    The Vicissitudes of Crohn’s illustration

    Well done, my first emotion towards the picture was- haunting- then I thought yep that describes this disease for a lot of different reasons! lauren
  13. tots

    Seeking advice on getting diagnosis

    If you think something is wrong don't take no for an answer! You know your body best and you need to trust your "gut"! Lauren
  14. tots

    Taking a break from meds and drs...

    I didn't read all the above posts, so this may have already been mentioned. If so, I am sorry! Does your employer carry disability ins? I know in Texas they do not have state disability like Calif does. To be honest I am fighting my long term disability as Liberty Mutual denied it. Lauren
  15. tots

    Remistart 2017

    thanks for the info! Lauren
  16. tots

    Does probiotic help with your crohn's

    I have never been able to get over the stomach ache to stay on it long enough. Lauren
  17. tots

    Epigastric Pain?

    I agree with Jabee- when I read your post Prednisone was the first thing I though of. I sure hope things get better soon. Lauren
  18. tots

    Normal colonoscopy biopsies?

    My colonoscopies have all been normal except got my first one, many years ago. My Dr here in Texas was wavering on my Dx a few months ago. My scope was "normal". I asked him if he was able to reach the point that my two CT scans showed the CD, he said no he couldn't get that high. I have had two...
  19. tots

    Anal spasms/contractions: confused

    I have them too, OMG they hurt! Always end up with diarrhea. I take a bath with epsom salt, I have no idea if it works. I am guessing it only helps in my head! feel better soon lauren
  20. tots

    Stopping all treatment

    As you know, I was going to start to taper my steroids today- unfortunately we got some bad news on my husbands pancreatic cancer. His tumor marker went way up- higher than his initial dx. so he will be getting scanned again tomorrow. there are very "good" reasons for this- his recent hospital...