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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. My Butt Hurts

    Asacol headaches

    The location sounds like it might be a sinus infection maybe? But I have heard most headaches are due to dehydration. Maybe up your water intake and see if that helps? I did very well on asacol for quite a while. I hope it works well for you. Welcome to the forum. Sorry you have to be here...
  2. My Butt Hurts

    Squatting Therapy for IBD?

    I pooped for the very first time... ... in front of my husband. We have been together for 25 years, and I never pooped in front of him before. We were in a hotel room, and he was in the shower when I HAD TO GO. There was no choice but to let it fly. He said he didn't even smell it. That is...
  3. My Butt Hurts

    Stopping Medications

    Yeah, you don't need to taper asacol. The 40 mg of pred should hold you over until you can start taking something else.
  4. My Butt Hurts

    Surgery Time

    The new one looks way less splotchy, so I am thinking this one is better, right? I can't see them side by side so I scrolled back and forth like 203948 times trying to compare, lol. In general, does it give you a lot of pain still? You're off the strong pain drugs if I remember right. The...
  5. My Butt Hurts

    Surgery Time

    WHOOOOO-HOOOOO for weight gain Kell!! Now what about the suspected AS? Call a doc? Wait a week or two? Your "but overall not too bad" sounds better than your other updates. Baby steps girl, baby steps.
  6. My Butt Hurts

    Pumpkin seeds REALLY help

    I feel that way with a Wendy's cheeseburger when I am flaring. It's the only thing that will make me feel like I have some energy. It's got to have mayo, ketchup and pickles on it though. I can tolerate nuts when I am not flaring, but try not too eat too many seeds. Those pumpkin seeds have...
  7. My Butt Hurts

    Incontinence Pads

    I have had to wear a kid's diaper in my pants just to go to the grocery store before. It's not as big and bulky as an adult sized diaper, but it gives more coverage than a menstrual pad. Hope your trip goes well for you. Enjoy!
  8. My Butt Hurts

    Food to gain weight

    Are you on any meds or anything yet? What are they doing to help you control your symptoms? The time that I was trying to gain weight, I had just started Humira and was on steroids (so that helped with my hunger) and I tried to gain it as fast as possible while I felt great, and before I...
  9. My Butt Hurts

    Which one?

    Is it vedolizumab? Here is a thread on it, and if you do a search on here with that spelling, you should find some more threads too. Rob is on it right now I think, and Shmooda was too, but I haven't seen her here lately. As far as deciding...
  10. My Butt Hurts

    Skidmarks in toilet bowl?

    I agree with Rob, we do that in the toilet in our camper. As for the reason it's happening (and this is only a guess, but it makes sense if I can figure out how to explain it) - When my kids go poop, they go completely, and rarely have to wipe more than once. Usually when they wipe the first...
  11. My Butt Hurts

    Offering an healing pray to one person with Crohn's

    I think that really sucks that she asked you not to, yet you did it anyways. Normally I wouldn't condone name calling, but GoJ has now made me spit out my drink, and it made me giggle. A few times. I might just scroll back to see if it happens again... Yup! It did! LOL!
  12. My Butt Hurts

    Starting Remicade...

    I know that I was on steroids just before I started Remicade, but I can't remember if I took them at the same time or weaned off just before starting it. I hope it works as well for you as it is working for me right now. Good luck!
  13. My Butt Hurts

    Quality of life

    My quality of life is probably better due to having Crohn's. As hard as it is to get off the couch during a flare, it makes me appreciate the times when I am feeling well. I appreciate when I can eat and enjoy food. As bad as Crohn's gets, someone always has a situation worse than I do. I...
  14. My Butt Hurts

    Trigger foods??

    I can't eat onions, apple cider, popcorn, or beans. Lots of things bother me when I am flaring, but I can eat most everything when I am feeling well. Those 4 things I stay away from no matter what. I also limit peels and seeds, especially apples and cucumbers with those thicker skins. Nuts...
  15. My Butt Hurts


    I did a search on here for 'modulen', and 44 threads came up. These threads have the word 'modulen' somewhere in them. Also - if you search for 'elemental', that is a product that is similar to modulen I believe. I'm not sure what country...
  16. My Butt Hurts

    Hi all!!

    Hi nny'er! Sorry you have to be here, but glad that you found us. You might be surprised that the one glass of wine makes you a bit tipsy. I would SO have two though! Low residue isn't too bad once you get used to it. Good luck with your scope. Welcome to the forum! MBH
  17. My Butt Hurts

    Offering an healing pray to one person with Crohn's

    I would say that if you really want to pray for someone, just take your pick. Many people here have their first name as their user name, and many have a picture up. Take KatieSue for example ^ I think she could use a prayer or two right now, lol!
  18. My Butt Hurts

    Crohn's "Take Steps" walk - help

    Crohn's Walk is over!!! YAY!!! With help from family friends and co-workers, I raised $1,165.69 for the CCFA!!!!! I read somewhere that 80% of the money raised goes directly to research. My local chapter raised $77,195.98. They were STILL lacking port-o-potties on the 3 mile walk. There...
  19. My Butt Hurts

    Fistula and medications

    Here is a recent thread with some discussion about that - Hope that helps =)
  20. My Butt Hurts

    Humira- Here I come !

    YES! It's possible! I started feeling my Humira start working on day 6. Isn't it crazy? And though Remicade (a similar drug) usually takes a little while for the Crohn's patients, it can sometimes start working right during the first infusion for RA patients. Enjoy it - I hope it lasts a...