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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Kero

    Crohn's Disease

    A protein powder may help some. If you can find a consultant, Arbonne makes a fantastic one. 100% vegan, made with pea protein which is easier to digest and sweeted with cane sugar so a diabetic can also use it. There is chocolate and vanilla flavours. I love them, they taste awesome! That may...
  2. Kero

    Anyone heard of this prep

    I suggest putting it in the fridge and using a cup with a straw. That stuff tasted terrible
  3. Kero

    Really struggling, no end in sight, still no answers :(

    Really struggling, no end in sight, still no answers :( Updated with answers! I must first apologize for not being around much. The depression has started to get to me and I haven't felt I could be supportive being as depressed as I have been. My thread title basically says it all. Almost 2...
  4. Kero

    FODMAP diet, how long 'til results?

    Not even codeine works to solidify my bowels (It's what I take for pain). I stay away from nsaids since my doctor said that it could make things worse. I have had to cut down on the codeine (was taking almost 100 pills a month) because I didn't want to kill my liver either :( I will look into...
  5. Kero

    FODMAP diet, how long 'til results?

    There was inflammation found in my terminal ileum, but biopsies have shown nothing. I am at almost 6 weeks of the diet. There has been absolutely no change in my bathroom habits. Going 4-5 times in a day still. Still mucus, sometimes blood too I think (can smell the copperiness). I am just so...
  6. Kero

    FODMAP diet, how long 'til results?

    I don't think there is :( My diet is actually pretty bland now, which sucks because I love my spices, and onion and garlic. I'm honestly getting down to my last bit of sanity. I just don't know what to do anymore :(
  7. Kero

    FODMAP diet, how long 'til results?

    Hey everyone! I haven't been around a whole lot because I have been really down about this whole tummy thing. 18 months now of fighting to get help and get the tests I need :( What it seems to come down to is IBS. Biopsies from the scope have come back negative for any kind of IBD. So I am...
  8. Kero

    Can brown bread cause this? or fruit?

    I can't eat whole wheat anything. And as far as fruits and veg, anything extra fiberous and dense, I am in agony until it gets out of my small intestines :(
  9. Kero

    In lots of pain, kinda scared :(

    Doing OK I suppose. I went to the ER the other night, and sat for 2 hours, curled up in a ball because my pain was so bad :( I watched as people with coughs and sniffles, who came in after me, get taken in while I was waiting. I finally had enough and told them I wasn't waiting anymore, I was...
  10. Kero


    Librax didn't help me either. Hope you find something soon
  11. Kero

    In lots of pain, kinda scared :(

    Heading to the ER soon Just waiting for my hubby to get home. My abdomen hurts all over from the belly button down. Pain started on Friday and hasn't really gotten better. I was afraid to go to the ER in case they admitted me, because hubby is at work and I would have had no one to watch my...
  12. Kero

    My girlfriend is interested in Medical Marijuana

    Fair enough, lol I will admit I have been misinformed. Thanks for the info :D My doc actually studied in South Africa, and is open to alternative means of killing pain. I am pretty sure he'd be alright with using cannabis over Tylenol with codeine :D I was taking 100+ pills a month until I...
  13. Kero

    My girlfriend is interested in Medical Marijuana

    First off, I am in Canada, so American Federal laws don't apply. Second off, yes controlling the temperature will make a difference. THC is what makes you "high" and is usually released when you combust (AKA burn with a fire). If you vaporize, with a controlled temp, you can have the weed...
  14. Kero

    My girlfriend is interested in Medical Marijuana

    I self mediate with Marijuana. Honestly, it works the best for my pain. It also slows my digestion so I am not running to the washroom 20 times a day. I have done a ton of research. Vaporizing may give her a bit of a high, but not like actual smoking it does. I would suggest spending the money...
  15. Kero

    20 days post op...ok to smoke weed?

    Any time I have had surgery in the last 8 years or so, I have been toking immediately after and have never has a problem :)
  16. Kero


    Sorry to hear Faye! I too am undiagnosed, been fighting with doctors for about 18 months now. Hope you get answers soon! Many ((((hugs))))
  17. Kero


    MFLB was too much of a learning curve, and I'm lazy, lol Would love to get a desktop unit at some point :D
  18. Kero

    Annoying things friends say

    Some people just don't get it :( Sorry to hear you had to deal with that.
  19. Kero

    Update on me

    Hey everyone, I know I haven't been around much. Mainly because things haven't changed. Still don't know wtf is going on, still in pain almost every day :( I had my scope done in July, and I don't see my GI again until next month. Depression is getting bad. the list of foods I can eat continues...
  20. Kero

    Pouch and Gracillus Flap

    I haven't had this surgery, but I want you to know I am sending good thoughts your way, and hope for happy, easy healing :)