In lots of pain, kinda scared :(

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Dec 18, 2013
Heading to the ER soon Just waiting for my hubby to get home. My abdomen hurts all over from the belly button down. Pain started on Friday and hasn't really gotten better. I was afraid to go to the ER in case they admitted me, because hubby is at work and I would have had no one to watch my munchkin. I have been in pain for a couple of days at a time before, but never for 4 days straight. I just checked my temp and have a low grade fever. Everytime I cough or move too fast it feels like I am being stabbed :( As a reminder, I am still undiagnosed, still 3 weeks till I see my GI :(
Sorry to hear you're suffering so much. It sounds like you are doing the right thing in heading to the hospital. I hope they can find you some answers and get you some relief. Sending hugs
Doing OK I suppose. I went to the ER the other night, and sat for 2 hours, curled up in a ball because my pain was so bad :( I watched as people with coughs and sniffles, who came in after me, get taken in while I was waiting. I finally had enough and told them I wasn't waiting anymore, I was going home. If I was going to suffer, it was gonna be in the comfort of my own bed. Saw my doc the next morning, told him of my wait in the ER and he said he wasn't suprised. He gave me more pain meds and told me to up my amytriptaline to 40 mgs. I see the GI on Nov 18, I hope she has answers