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  1. LittlebitsMommy

    Kota went to see Cardiologist today.

    kimmidwife now you have me worrying or wondering also.. Kota just turned 12 on the 6th of March. This is the first we have heard of him having it. But he had never had a echo until yesterday.
  2. LittlebitsMommy

    I feel like the worst mom ever today...

    I hope Izzis feeling better. I know it is hard on you to momma. Hugs to you both. I also know how the steriods suck. Ko is so worried about his weight and his chubby cheeks. I think he is totally perfect but he doesnt think so. I am glad they are doing both scopes at the sametime. This last time...
  3. LittlebitsMommy

    Kota went to see Cardiologist today.

    I knew I couldnt get this right,(posted in th eparents with IBD) but I dont want to give up on trying to get it right. Just please bear with me :) I am not sure if I am posting in the right spot now or not. I have only posted one other thread and it got moved lol We went to see cardio today...
  4. LittlebitsMommy

    Just got Kota home from the Cardiologist

    Dang I did post this in the wrong spot.I am so sorry. I dontthink I will ever get this right. I meant to post it in Parents of kids with IBD. Thanks Manzyb he is such a sweetie. Your Little Sadie is so cute. Kota just walked into my office and seen her picture and said Mom who is she she is so...
  5. LittlebitsMommy

    Were you delivered vaginally, or by Cesarean?

    All 3 of my kiddos were Vaginal births
  6. LittlebitsMommy

    Just got Kota home from the Cardiologist

    I am not sure if I am posting in the right spot or not. I have only posted one other thread and it got moved :) lol We went to see cardio today because Ko usually has low heart rate but the last few weeks (since starting on meds for Chrons) his heart rate has been really high. It will go to 160...
  7. LittlebitsMommy

    Son dx with crohn's about 3 weeks ago. Went back to GI today.

    When I called yesterday to see if they had results from last weeks labs I was told No they didnt have them. They should have already had them and were trying to track them down. We went and had more lab work yesterday. I called twice today trying to get lab results from last week. Was finally...
  8. LittlebitsMommy

    Son dx with crohn's about 3 weeks ago. Went back to GI today.

    Yes he started off at 20mg in the morning and 20mg at night. Now we are still at 20mg in the morning and 10mg at night.
  9. LittlebitsMommy

    Son dx with crohn's about 3 weeks ago. Went back to GI today.

    Ugh Doctors offices just fry me. I called kidney doctor this morning to get results from the urine test that were dont on Monday. Well it took them forever to find them and I am not totally convinced that they did find them. Becasue she kept saying are you sure you have them done this monday...
  10. LittlebitsMommy

    Son dx with crohn's about 3 weeks ago. Went back to GI today.

    Kotas stomach usually hurts in the same spot. Well tonight he says it feels different. The best I can describe it is it hurts right where the ribs come together. SO would that be his stomach or his chest
  11. LittlebitsMommy

    Son dx with crohn's about 3 weeks ago. Went back to GI today.

    Are there certain things I should ask when I call looking for a new GI?
  12. LittlebitsMommy

    The Emotional Needs Of A Child With Crohns

    Thanks I am letting him rest. We both laid down today and took a short nap. It was nice :)
  13. LittlebitsMommy

    Son dx with crohn's about 3 weeks ago. Went back to GI today.

    Crabby I dont care how far we have to drive. I will go where ever I have to. I have been checking into other children hospitals in Dallas and their GI. We have only used the one childrens hospital before. Thats where all his doctors are. The only GIs I can find there are all in the one office. I...
  14. LittlebitsMommy

    Son dx with crohn's about 3 weeks ago. Went back to GI today.

    Okay I am totally stupid sorry. 1) So the Hypercalciuria can be due to the Chrons.. Although we have known he had the Hypercalciuria for about 5-7 years and just dx with Crohns. Gonna have to look up granulomatous diseases. I have never heard of that. 2) I asked when we went to his last...
  15. LittlebitsMommy

    How old was your little one when diagnosed?

    Kota was DX about weekes before he turned 12. He had symptoms for years befoere being DX
  16. LittlebitsMommy

    Son dx with crohn's about 3 weeks ago. Went back to GI today.

    Thanks everyone its nice to know I have a place I can go and people will listen and not think I have totally lost my mind.. Crabby my 12 year old son is the one that has been dx with Crohn's already. My 17 year old is the one thats going next month to see the doctor. When we got up this morning...
  17. LittlebitsMommy

    Son dx with crohn's about 3 weeks ago. Went back to GI today.

    I am new to the board so I hope I am doing this right. I know this is going to get really long so please bear with me. My son has been having issues with his stomach forever. He actually had his first test on his tummy when he was 8 weeks old and we found out he had reflux. He has been through...
  18. LittlebitsMommy

    The Emotional Needs Of A Child With Crohns

    My son is on Pred stepping down Wednesday to 30mg. He has had a rapid heart rate of 110-135. For the last 5 days. His heart rate usually is really low ranging from 40-52. We took him to the ER on Thursday and they did EKG and chest xray and said everything was okay. We went to GI today and he...