Son dx with crohn's about 3 weeks ago. Went back to GI today.

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Feb 23, 2012
I am new to the board so I hope I am doing this right. I know this is going to get really long so please bear with me.
My son has been having issues with his stomach forever. He actually had his first test on his tummy when he was 8 weeks old and we found out he had reflux. He has been through a couple colonoscopys, egds and ph probes. Not to mention ct scans and mri's & etc..

My son wants to act like nothing is wrong all the time but he has been in out and out of hospitals for years. He has been on medicine almost everyday of his life. He has a kidney disease called hypercalcuira, and also benign rolandic epilepsy. He gets allergy injections once a week and has severe nose bleeds. So having stomach issues adds to it s but he alwasy just goes with the flow.

I have tried for years now to get something done about his tummy. I knew there was something not right but GI doctor always blew me off.. Now we have changed GI doctors after this last hospital stay.

I had to take my son to the ER on Valentines day because he was in so much pain. (He has a very high pain tolerace 4 years ago he rode his bike home from down the street with a broken ankle.) They did lab and urine cultures and said he had they thought a UTI because of blood in the urine. Uh no he doesnt. He always has blood in his urine. We were sent home. Ko started running a high fever during the night and by morning was throwing up and crying because he was in such pain. I called GI doctor and was told ER said it was UTI so now it was a Kidney issue I would have to call kidney doctor. I said I am looking at release papers from hospital and it says call GI in the morning. And this is what I am doing. Well we ended back up in the ER. Doctor that time said she thought it was GI issue. She ordered ultra sound of gall bladder and kidney. Ct scan with dye and contrast of kidney and gall bladder. Kidney looked good. But he had redness or something around appendix area. He was admitted into the hospital and did colonoscopy just a few hours later. Had to try and clean him out the best we could. Colonoscoy showed red streaks and abnormality where large and small intestines met and it was covered with puss. So byopsies were taken. Later that day they did an MRE with contrast which showed inflamation in a couple of different places.

After a few days in the hospital they were afraid he was also having seizures again. So he was sent to have MRI of brain and EEG of brain. A few minutes later they were rushing him back down to have MRI of brain with contrast to check his brain tissue. Yes I was scared to death. They thought he had a brain tumor on the right size but after this MRI said it was just a malformation on the right side that could have happened if he bumped his head when he was younger. All this time his heartrate never came out of the low 50s. So an EKG was ordered and came back fine.
Ko was asked how he was feeling when he was in the hospital. He said I feel okay other than my stomach. HE was told well honey your stomach is why you are here. He said I know but my stomach has hurt all my life. I dont ever remember not having stomach pain. That just about broke my heart.
He stayed 8 days in the hospital. The last 5 he was gettin IV steroids and Pentasa. .
Okay thats a little bit of what was going on the first couple of weeks ago.

So starting last Wednesday night his heart rate started going high. By Thursday morning I was calling GI and Neuro. I was advised to take him off of Elavil. They thought that was making his heart race. So stopped that and Neuro called me that afternoon and heart rate was 130. I waas told to take him to the Er. When we got there heart rate was 135. He said he felt like he had been running.They did EKG and chest xray and said everything was okay. Sent us home. Friday heart rate was still high. He finally thought he felt like going to the store. So we went to get finally things for his birthday party the next day. We were in store for about 10 minutes and he said his feet hurt really bad. SO I said we would go home. BY the time we got to check out his feet felt numb. So as soon as we got home I had him take socks and boots off. His feet where swollen and he said he couldnt feel them. I rubbed heard even tried to tickle his feet with him not even movign them. He said he couldnt feel it. Called doctor back and they said if it didnt get better to take him to er. Ko was so afraid of being in hospital and missing his party. And I was afraid of taking him back to er and catching something from another child there. SO we decided to watch him. The swelling went down. Heart rate stayed high all weekend.

We got to GI office and doctor came in and asked how Ko was feeling. Ko let him know he feels the same stomach wise. But now he feels tired and achy. He let him know that he was having alot of trouble sleeping. I let the doctor know about the concern of the heart rate, swelling and numbing of the feet. He acted like he didnt know anything about Kota being at the hospital Thursday with the high heart rate and the swelling of the feet. Acted like it wasnt a big deal.

Then I told him he says his knees and shoulders ache all the time. He said he had no idea why that was happening. I said he had been in alot of pain but doesnt see the point in taking tylenol when it doesnt do anything. He said well he can take Motrin. I let him know UH no he cant.. He said it wouldn't be effected by his crohn's. Okay well we were told years ago he cant take it becasue of his nose bleeds. He said well one dose want effect that Uh yes it will because the first night I called GI clinic and you were on call before Ko went into the hospital you advised me it was okay for him to take Motrin and guess what we woke up the next morning to nose bleeds. He said well if his pain is so bad that tylenol is not helping then he needs to be in the hospital. Well thats great now Kota will not tell me that he is hurting out of fear of having to go back to the hospital.

He then said we needed to treat Ko like a regular 12 year old boy. Okay we pretty much already do. He has chores, he does homework and etc. I told him he stays so tired but cant sleep. Its been 4 in the morning the last few nights/mornings before he goes to sleep. He will lay there for hours and not be able to sleep. Well I have always been the type of mommy thats not asleep til my kids are sleeping. So I know when he is sleeping. He said well when he was a 12 year old boy his momma would have smacked him if he wasnt asleep at 4 in the morning. (Well your momma is not Kotas momma). He said there is no reason why he isnt sleeping. He asked what time he wakes up in the mornings. I said he gets up at 8:30 takes medicine and eats breakfast and then goes back to sleep until about 9:30-10. He is homeschooled so I have been working his days around him and how he feels. We have been having to do class work when he is laying around but he hasnt felt like doing alot at a time. He said he shouldn't be sleeping during the day or really having to rest. If he didnt rest or sleep during the day he would be tired at night. Which I call bullcrap on that. I know Ko and know his not sleeping at night has nothing to do with the day time. He is so tired. HE said he had no idea what to do to help him sleep. Because he has never had troube sleeping. He said we could try melatinin (sp) we have tried that in the past but caused head aches.
Then he said just like any other 12 year old we have to watch his weight and not let him get over weight. He has gained 5 pounds in 3 weeks. I said yes I understand that can you give me any ideas what he can snack on because he says he is always hungry but your office said he could not have any fruits or veggies. He once again said he really didnt have any ideas on snacks. We just had to watch his weight and he didnt need to be gaining weight or snaking. Okay great now Ko is going to be worrying more about his weight. He already gets so upset because he says he is always hungry. Doc said he needed to get more active. Outside playing, walking running or bike riding. All things Ko loves to do and use to do but says now he doesnt feel like it. Plus I worry him running or being really active with a heart rate thats staying at 115 and up. If he feels like he is running when he is really just sitting still.

We are taking 17 year old son to see this GI doctor on the 2nd on April because he has always had trouble with his stomach and had blood in in stool.

So I got a little discouraged at the doctor today and I know Ko did. Because he was in a horrible mood when we left there. I feel we didnt accomplish anything. He still has high heart rate, still going to be in pain, still cant sleep, and now worry about him gaining weight.

Right now his meds are 3/250mg Pentasa 2 times a day, 20mg Prednisone in morning and 15 at night 2, 40mg nexum 1 time a day, 1 culturelle a day, mg 6mp and multi vitamin
He is so tired all the time and always hungry.

Any advice on snacks.. Should I be worried about heart rate.. Is there anything he can do to help him sleep.. From what I read it seems to be normal for him to be tired but dr acted like it wasnt.. Is it normal for him to hurt.. The attitude I was told was probably from the pred.. Thanks so much for any help or advise.. Just want to be doing the right thing for him and I feel so helpless. I dont want to be a mother that is crazy and drives people crazy but I dont want to over look anything either..
Lots of information here and please forgive me if I missed something of importance (cause I don't have any info on his other conditions). First of all, how old is he? You mentioned 12 and 17 so I'm not sure if you're talking about the past at 12 or if there are two different kids here (sorry). How long has he been on Prednisone?

Yes the heart rate could be from the Prednisone (so could the feet swelling, weight gain and sleeplessness) since he's taking 35mg a day. I know it made my heart race but my heart doc says I can't take it as I have Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) so since my heart rate is already irregular its not a good med for me to take. Entocort works a lot better for me and my heart.

Is the heart rate important? Yes it is. High and low blood pressures are silent killers so his heart should be checked out as much as possible (EKGs hardly show anything. I had to do a 24hr halter, a 72hr halter, an ultrasound and a stress test. I take medication for it now to make my heart more regular. Heart problems also run in my family.). He's already had swelling and loss of feeling in his feet (which is a sign of poor circulation or could be a number of other problems, even high blood sugar). I know every time I see my heart doc he checks my feet for swelling. As you already know, it is possible to have multiple health problems so do your best to see a cardiologist. Your General Practitioner should be able to refer you to one. They should also be able to refer you to a sleep disorder clinic. I have insomnia too and take Ambien sometimes when I can't fall asleep (his blood pressure is likely affecting his sleep along with the Pred but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to sleep).

Whatever doctor told you to hit your kid for not sleeping needs to not be your doctor anymore (unless you got rid of them already) or be allowed to practice medicine at all. Let's all hope they slip on some soap and get a nose bleed and take Asprin for the pain and accidently make it bleed more cause they're an idiot.

It takes forever to find good doctors sometimes. Gotta have a good GP to start out with so they can help you find the specialists (that aren't morons) that you need.

You guys have had a rough time. We all understand his not wanting to say when he feels bad cause he's afraid of more doctors or more tests etc. But one good nail to drive home is that once everything is diagnosed and treated properly, he'll be feeling a lot better and wont have to worry as much. Remission is possible for everyone. Tell him to not give up. We're all here for you and him. Welcome to the forum! :D

Sorry moving your thread to the Your Story Section. Almost got it right. ;)
My son had a high heart rate while on Prednisone too. We ended up in the ER and also with a pediatric Cardiologist because his EKG showed a prolonged QT. His G.I. was convinced it was anxiety and wanted him to see a therapist. Long story short, it was the prednisone. It made his heart race, he felt dizzy and sometimes was very short of breath and yes this did cause him anxiety. Once he was off the Prednisone he has been completely fine. I am not suggesting you don't check things out if they worry you or don't talk to your DR. but this might all be due to the Prednisone.

My son also couldn't sleep and had aches in his hip, ankles, knees, shoulders. This all went away after the prednisone too. It was like the poor kid was falling apart more every day. But the prednisone put him into remission and he has been great since he has been off, so I would do it again. Just keep telling him once he gets off he will feel normal again. It is hard and even harder to watch your son go through this. You do whatever you need to to get through this time together. If that means letting him stay up till 4 am, or homeschooling do it. And don't feel bad about it.

Take care, we are all here for you. :)

I forgot snacks, we are experts on snacks!

I buy those roasted chickens at the grocery store and cut those up for him. He also has a yogurt that has 2X the protein in it. He does peanut butter and white bread. He also loves beef jerky, which has tons of protein. It doesn't upset his stomach at all. Pretzels, oreo's , goldfish, drinkable yogurts, Ravioli, (the chef boyardee caned stuff it has high protein and no preservatives), pancakes with strawberries sliced up and made like tacos, cream cheese and bagels, oatmeal with brown sugar and whole milk, cereal, and canned tuna.

Hope those help, feed the boy if he is hungry and enjoy the weight gain. I was grateful for every pound!

Hi there and welcome to the forum. I am sorry that your son is not doing well, I agree that a fair bit of what he is experiencing could be down to medication side effects. I think the doc you have had to deal with is an idiot and I really would say that you should try and get to see another one for second opinion really soon.

It is good you have joined us here as there is a lot of advice and support here. If you have not already done so pls check out our parents sub forum.

Wishing you and (both) your boys well :hug:
Thanks everyone its nice to know I have a place I can go and people will listen and not think I have totally lost my mind..
Crabby my 12 year old son is the one that has been dx with Crohn's already. My 17 year old is the one thats going next month to see the doctor.

When we got up this morning and he took his medicine his heart rate was still high. I decided that I was going to take him in to see his pedi. His regular doctor wasnt in, so we seen a new doctor. She was very sweet. She said she didnt feel she was of much help but I felt she was. SHe said she very much thought his heart rate being up, his aches and pains, him being tired, but not able to sleep and always hungry was becasue of the steriods. She sid by looking at him he looks like a perfect little guy but she could tell he was on steriods before we even said becasue of his round chubby little face. She did think that we needed to be checked out by a Cardiologist. SO she is setting up that appointment. She said she did think that the best thing was for him to be on the steriods. And if he started having chest pain to take him straight to er. She said if he wanted to rest during the day let him rest. She said since his heart rate is up so much that she thought he should be taking it easy. She said if he is hungry let him eat. She said she though alot of his weight was water and it would go away when he came of the Steriods. His blood preasure was good.

The doctor today said he could start melatonin for sleep if he wanted to.

I know the GI he uses may know about GI issues but he has not lived through it. He doesnt have it or his kids dont have it. So he really doesnt know what we are going through. I will handle what happens at home. How I think it needs to be handled (being up until 4) And my way of dealing with it is by telling him its okay. This feeling these steriods have on him wont last forever. That I am there for him and with him if he needs anything

All the boys were outside in the neighborhood today. So when we got home everyone came running to our house. Our house is usually always the house all the kids are at lol. So they ask if Ko wants to play. So I sit outside with him and he walks to the neighbors house and comes back. He didnt do any running.. Well I can tell something is wrong. I take his heart rate and its 149. So he sits with me for a few minutes and then we go inside. His head starts to hurt really bad and his vision got all jacked up. So I convinced him to take a tylenol and get something to drink and take it easy.

I know we will have hard times but please tell me it wont always be like this. He will at some point feel better.

My heart just aches for him.. His whole world has been turned upside down :(
Yeah if he has the chubby cheeks or "moon face" from the steroids then the weight is most likely all water and will go away once he's off of them. It all depends on the dosage and the length of time for the drugs to affect you that badly (unless there were an allergic reaction of course as that would be pretty instant).

It's great that he'll be able to see a cardiologist to make sure that he's ok but it would also be great to see a different GI doctor as well as this one sounds horrible. If you feel that way about him (the whole since he doesn't go through all this stuff then he doesn't really know anything), then he's a really bad fit for you guys. Hopefully you'll find a GI that works for you.

I was diagnosed when I was 9 and took Prednisone back then. It was very hard to stay focused and play. I even collapsed at school from overexertion. Rest is very important and snacks with less salt can help minimize the water weight (a little).

Of course it wont always be this way. I went in and out of remission a few times in the past but since my resection when I was 17 (I'll be 30 next month), I've been in remission ever since. My first and my last (not last last but before my surgery) flares were the worst but as long as you keep up with the medication (even while in remission), have regular doctor visits/tests and do your best at eating foods that don't aggravate the intestinal lining during a flare (like nuts, skins from fruits and veggies, fiber, darker and red meats, spicy or greasy foods etc.) then you're already in really good shape.

Prednisone is an evil evil drug but it is literally a life saver (I'm not the only person on the forum who has mentioned that they would have died had they not taken it when they did). Crohn's is not a death sentence though and the flare will pass. Keep up the good work at being a wonderful mom by taking great care of him and your other boy. :)
Welcome to the forum. We have a lot to cover so I'm going to keep it short and to the point.

1. The Hypercalciuria is quite possibly due to the Crohn's Disease. Hypercalcemia which can lead to the Hypercalciuria is often seen in granulomatous diseases. Not all Crohn's Disease is granulomatous but if those biopsies he had confirmed granulomas, that would explain a lot. I hope that makes sense.

2. Your son needs to have his vitamin B12 checked. Pronto. People with Crohn's Disease are commonly deficient in B12. And some of the symptoms he is complaining of (including the rapid heart beat and nose bleeds) would fit that deficiency. If they're willing to test vitamin B1, I'd get that one done too. Demand this stuff, it's important. No, that multivitamin will NOT solve this problem. If you only pay attention to one of these seven, please pay attention to this one.

3. Nobody with any form of IBD should take NSAIDs such as Motrin.

4. I strongly suggest reading up on Enteral Nutrition. It has very high remission induction rates, especially in the pediatric population, without the side effects.

5. If you don't like your GI, find a new one. There's plenty of great GIs out there and it's very important that you find one you trust and have a good rapport with because you're going to get to know each other well.

6. Are you giving him vitamin D in the form of calcitriol by chance?

7. We have a forum for parents of kids with IBD. I suggest you check it out, there's a lot of amazing people there :)

Please keep us updated.

*hugs* to you, I know you're going through a lot :(

Once again, I believe David is right on. Sure the steroids can cause all of this crap. But high sustained heart rates and always being tired, fatigued, and maybe a little disoriented can also be a sign of low red blood cell count (anemia) or pernicious anemia (anemia caused by the body's inability to attain enough B12 to make enough red blood cells). Either way there is absolutely no reason not to get it checked.

Good Luck.

Love and kisses

Live long and prosper

Okay I am totally stupid sorry.

1) So the Hypercalciuria can be due to the Chrons.. Although we have known he had the Hypercalciuria for about 5-7 years and just dx with Crohns. Gonna have to look up granulomatous diseases. I have never heard of that.

2) I asked when we went to his last appointment(Monday) how his blood work looked and he said it all looked great.Probably better then any of ours would if we had it done. He said he was not anemic. So I need to tell them he needs his vitamin b12 checked.. Right

3)No he doesnt take Vitamin D.. I had to get it cleared from Nephrology to even let him take a childrens multi vitamin with iron. And he said that was okay as long as it wasnt a high amount of vitamins.

4)I am looking for a new Gi. I just dont get real good vibes from this one but we just changed to him when Ko got sick in the hospital. Kota had the same GI for years and he never took us serious about the pain Kota was in. So when this GI found out what was wrong we thought that was great. But not feeling he is so great now. Both GI are in the same office.

I am calling tomorrow because I havent heard back from them on the new labs they took Monday. We were told he didnt need to come back for 4 months. To me that seemed like a long time considering he doesnt feel any better now then he did. He feels worse and has more side effects.

I just dont want to over look anything but dont want to over react either. They make me feel like I am being an over protecting mother. I told GI when we started the 6 mp I realized he treats kids and babies everyday but this time it was my baby and I was scared. GI said yes it is your baby today but its someone elses baby every other day. Made me feel a bit stupid and mad at the same time.

Kota doesnt know the side effects the medicine can and might give him. I usually dont tell him because he is a worrier. Wonder where he gets that from OH yeah me his mommy. But if he mentions a having a problem like joint pain or always being tired, hungry all the time. I know then thats a side effect because I have read it can be.

I thank God everyday for guiding me to this site. You all have helped me more than you can ever dream. I know I am not be the smartest person in the world. But I do put everything into being a mommy. I put my kids above and in front of anything else. They are my world.
Thank you all so much. There is just so much I dont understand and may not know or understanding I just dont want to do something thats going to hurt my son. So I am sorry if some of my questions seem dumb. My heart just aches for him and I try to stay so strong for him and not cry around him. I know it could be so much worse and I thank God everyday for everything we have and for giving us one more blessed day.
Ya 4 months is a long time if the symptoms are worse and there was no recent med change. Bad idea to go to another GI who's in the same office as the old one. Chances are if the first one sucked, the other isn't going to be much better. Saying something like, "ya I know they are someone's kids, what's your point?" Is pretty lame and makes them a crappy person in general. You don't want someone like that looking after your kid. A GI should know to check B12 and other possible vitamin deficiencies automatically. This guy totally sucks. Try to get a sooner appointment since he's having more symptoms and in the meantime try to get a referral to another GI (at a separate location. My first and best GI ever was 4 hours away).
1) So the Hypercalciuria can be due to the Chrons.. Although we have known he had the Hypercalciuria for about 5-7 years and just dx with Crohns. Gonna have to look up granulomatous diseases. I have never heard of that.
Start here.

I realize he was only recently diagnosed with Crohn's but you said he's pretty much always had digestive issues. In addition, I could very well be wrong about the cause of his hypercalciuria I simply remembered reading about it in a study so thought I'd mention it.

Has he ever had his vitamin D levels tested? That could be an interesting clue as well.

2) I asked when we went to his last appointment(Monday) how his blood work looked and he said it all looked great.Probably better then any of ours would if we had it done. He said he was not anemic. So I need to tell them he needs his vitamin b12 checked.. Right
B12 isn't covered in the regular blood tests. When they get it done, ask them what the exact level is and let us know. It's a good idea for you to start getting exact numbers so you can keep track of these types of things. The more information you have, the better advocate you can be.

I told GI when we started the 6 mp I realized he treats kids and babies everyday but this time it was my baby and I was scared. GI said yes it is your baby today but its someone elses baby every other day. Made me feel a bit stupid and mad at the same time.
My mom always tells the story about the best doctor she ever had. It was my pediatrician when I was little. That doctor said he ALWAYS listened to the mothers because the mothers know. Trust your instinct. You know when something isn't right.

I know I am not be the smartest person in the world. But I do put everything into being a mommy. Thank you all so much. There is just so much I dont understand and may not know or understanding I just dont want to do something thats going to hurt my son. So I am sorry if some of my questions seem dumb.
There's only one smartest person in the world and he or she can go screw themselves as far as I'm concerned. You're doing great. Don't be self-deprecating. You're an amazing mother doing an amazing job, there's no need to compare yourself to others when your heart is in the right place. None of your questions are dumb. Please ask every question that you can think of, that's what we're here for.

David- my pedatrician said the same thing to me along time ago. It very well probably saves my sons life a few years ago!! (he dosent have Crohns but he does have an L1 fusion in his back. Obviously when i said NEVER get on your friends motocycle I wasnt scary enough!)

Littlebitsmom- do you live near a Childrens Hospital? If do and you havent already done so try them for a GI. Ask if they treat much IBD.

This forum of a great wealth of info! I have learned more here than 20 years of GI docs. I was taking Aleve everyda twice a day as my shoulders were very sore after work! I learned from my hospital nurse a few weeks ago thats a bad idea!

It seems alot of us have a hard time getting a complete picture of this disease- although Crohns ( and UC?) have so many variables, almost as if its custom made for all of us!

Take care and I hope you and your son get the help and relief you and your son need! :Flower:
Crabby I dont care how far we have to drive. I will go where ever I have to. I have been checking into other children hospitals in Dallas and their GI. We have only used the one childrens hospital before. Thats where all his doctors are. The only GIs I can find there are all in the one office. I thought 4 months seemed like a really long time to wait to see him.

I am going to see if I can get a a print out of all his blood work results to have in my records.

David yes he has always had stomach problems. I have fought to try and get something done. But so many drs think moms dont know anything. Kota keeps saying mom if the would have listened to you a long time ago I would be feeling better. As far as I know he has never had his vitamin D levels checked.
I'd discuss getting his vitamin D levels checked with his doctors. BOTH 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and 25-hydroxyvitamin D. If your doctor asks why, point them here as an example.

I would hope that his vitamin D levels were tested long ago when it was found that he had high urine calcium though. If not, someone dropped the ball.
Kotas stomach usually hurts in the same spot. Well tonight he says it feels different. The best I can describe it is it hurts right where the ribs come together. SO would that be his stomach or his chest
The area that he is describing is his epigastric so it is most likely his stomach that is hurting.

I don't know it was mentioned previously but don't split the Prednisone dose, consider giving it all in the morning, that way he may sleep better at night.

Dusty. xxx
Ugh Doctors offices just fry me. I called kidney doctor this morning to get results from the urine test that were dont on Monday. Well it took them forever to find them and I am not totally convinced that they did find them. Becasue she kept saying are you sure you have them done this monday here at the hospital. Yes he did. Well can you tell me what he had done. So I go get the slip and read off what test were done. She then says oh yes here they are.. calcuimurine with Creatinine was normal. Uric acid test said that one no longer needed to be done and could be dropped. Then the Complete unrinalysis showed keytones and some bacteria. I asked okay what kind of bacteria and she said oh th ekind not to worry about it could have been contaminated if they touched it.
Cant get through to GI to see what lab results were from them.
My GI never had me take some in the morning and the rest at night. I agree with Dusty.
When I called yesterday to see if they had results from last weeks labs I was told No they didnt have them. They should have already had them and were trying to track them down.

We went and had more lab work yesterday.

I called twice today trying to get lab results from last week. Was finally called back and told they had tracked them down but dr was on call and might not have a chance to read them until tonight when he gets home. Then norse calls me back about 10 minutes later and says dr looked at them and said everthing looks normal. Okay what does normal mean? I told her I wanted her to mail me all his lab results. Maybe I can give yall some of the numbers and you can help me to understand them.

I am still trying to find another GI. I am going to go and talk to his PCP and see if she can recommend me to someone that takes his insurance but thats in a different office them his current GI. We have seen 4 of the doctors out of that office over the years and I am not impressed with any off them.

GI was so fast to take him off his headache sleeping medicine cause that was what he thought was causing the high heart rate (also thats the only medicine he didnt put him on). Two weeks later we still have a high heart rate and he isnt taking head ache medince and still cant sleep.

We do go see a Cardio Thursday. We will see what he has to say. Then Friday is my first free day thats when I am going to talk to his PCP. I hope she can tell me someone.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and feeling well
Hope your son feels better soon. How long must he be on the prednisone? Speaking from experience, the prednisone will make him sore, gain a ton of water weight and he will be quick to lose his temper. Whatever you do, dont go off the prednisone cold-turkey. It can be very dangerous and life-threatening to do so. The moon-face, water weight and soreness will subside very quickly after he is allowed to taper off the drug.
Thanks Judith
He has been on it since February 16th. He was started out on IV steriods so I am not sure the dosage then. When we came home he took 40mg for 2 weeks, Then 35mg for 1 week, 30mg for 1 week, 25mg for one week. Today we step down to 20mg for one week. Then 15 for week and then when we get to 10 mg we stay there until we go back to see the doctor in June. To me thats a long time to be on steriods but what do I know.

He aches all over all the time. He still has no strength to do much of anything. The moon face that bothers him so much. He is such a sweet and loving little guy and when his temper is effected and he gest mad he feels so bad after he has claimed down.

I am so ready for him to feel better.
Ahhhh, EXCELLENT! They are stepping him down already. Believe it or not, that is not a long time to be on prednisone for this. It seems like a lot because if you have some mild allergy or rash and go to the doctor for it they might give you a blister pack for a week or so worth of prednisone. But, to really suppress the immune system can take a while. My last round of prednisone for my body attacking itself due to rheumatic fever was 90mg for 1.5 years. I know how your son feels about the moon face. Those cheeks get sore too because they are so big. Once you are off the drug, the moon face disappears very quickly but he will start to feel better very soon since he is stepping down. For me, if I recall correctly, it was around the 15mg dose but definately felt in the home stretch at the 10mg dose. They will likely cut his dose from the 10mg as well. You will be giving your son a sliver of a pill for a period of time too so his body can get back in balance because your body will reduce cortisol production while on prednisone. Tapering the dose over such a long period of time allows the body to increase its own cortisol production.

The short temper is very normal. It is all due to the drug. After you get down to the low low doses his temper will get back to normal too. None of this is permanent.
Judith Thank you so much. All this is new to me and it all worries me. I just want the best for him and he has so many other health issues on top of this.

I keep telling him he will feel better and be back to himself before long. We had to go get new clothes the other day because his stomach stays so bloated and none of his shirts of shorts that he had just gotten a few weeks ago would fit :(
You are worried because you are an excellent mom. You are absolutely doing everything you possibly can. *Sending good thoughts to you both*

By the way, never think a question you have about your son's health is stupid. If a doctor even gives the slightest hint that your question might be dumb- know that it isnt. Your doctor's job is not only to treat your condition but to help you to understand how you can manage it as well. Too many doctors today do not understand this part of their job.... If you do not understand something, that is on them not you.
*stepping down off soapbox now*