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  1. cre

    Diarrhea and Imuran

    Almost Black. It doesn't have a tar consistency, it's pretty runny.
  2. cre

    Diarrhea and Imuran

    My son just started taking Imuran on Friday. He has been on Prednisone for about 2 weeks now so his stools were getting pretty good until today. He now has diarrhea and it is dark in color. Is this a "normal" side effect?
  3. cre

    Does anyone have active crohns w no pain or fatigue but w diarrhea?

    My son too only has diarrhea and it's not the constant running to the bathroom kind either. That and inflammatory levels from blood work were the only way we knew we had to change his course of meds.
  4. cre

    Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

    3 year old will start taking Imuran when the compound prescription is filled. He will be taking this along with his bi-weekly Humira. The Dr. has told us they will have to do regular checks on his bone marrow and liver. I didn't think to ask how the tests are done and how often? I...
  5. cre

    New to the forum - Confused and worried about my daughter

    My heart goes out to your little one and you. As Farm wife has said keep pushing until you get answers. We had to beg our PCP (he was our 3rd opinion in 3 months) to send us somewhere else. This after he had prescribed many antibiotics and treatments for what he thought was several different...
  6. cre

    Thoughts on Imuran with Humira and cancer

    Thank you all for your input. I feel a little relief with all your encouraging words and experiences. I think I too rapidly started searching the internet (big problem for me) only to see statistics showing 1 in 1000 chances and it just really scares me. I am leaning more to the side of this...
  7. cre

    Thoughts on Imuran with Humira and cancer

    Thank you for the info, I will check it out now.
  8. cre

    Thoughts on Imuran with Humira and cancer

    Dr. is ready to start 3 year old on Imuran in addition to Humira. The deadly cancer that goes along with it is really freaking us out!!!! He developed antibodies to Remicade after 6 months of infusions. We have recently switched to Humira and it doesn't seem to be doing the job either. I was...
  9. cre

    Child going from Remicade to Humira

    Thank you all for the responses, they have been very helpful and insightful in helping us realize the importance of a drug that is working. I think I made the doctor sound careless when I said the switch was just to try it, I think he has more experience with Humira and is a big believer in its...
  10. cre

    Child going from Remicade to Humira

    We just moved to a different state and had to switch to a new specialist, we like him just as we did our first and only specialist, though he believes it would be better to switch our 3 year old over to Humira from Remicade. Our son has been on Remicade since he was diagnosed with Crohn's at...
  11. cre

    Still confused for my 3 year old.

    Thank you theOcean, I suppose I should be more blunt. I feel I am being a bit niave about my 3 year old just going through his 5th infusion. I am so torn as to keep on remicade and if it will kill him and at what point to try something more natural......oh what i would do to trade places with...
  12. cre

    Still confused for my 3 year old.

    How long can you be on Remicade?
  13. cre

    Feel so helpless

    You should take a look at the cookbook called Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld. I haven't used it since my son has been dx for he is on a low residue diet and i know she adds lots of pureed veggies. I did however use it before, I had an extrememly picky eater and she has some great ideas.
  14. cre


    Can anyone tell me the difference between calcium citrate and calcium carbonate?
  15. cre

    Feel so helpless

    My son was diagnosed 6 weeks ago, 2 months shy of turning 3. He just had his 3rd remicade infusion and he is tremendously better. There is hope!!!!! I crush his steroid, mix it with liquid and give it to him in a oral syringe. He always has a chaser of water ready. I hope it works well for...
  16. cre

    Do I belong here?

    I am so sorry your poor little guy (and you) is having these issues. Your son has many symptoms that mine did. My son was diagnosed with CD at 2 years and 10 months. He too had many skin issues starting as a newborn with eczema. He has never had a not red bottom, if he didn't have a yeast...
  17. cre

    Son just diagnosed - how do you deal with colds?

    Very noticeably since December 2013 but thinking back he has never had what we now know is normal bowel movements. December is when the throwing up, cramping, high fevers and bed ridden started and then other things in the months to follow. it breaks my heart knowing how terrible he was...
  18. cre

    Son just diagnosed - how do you deal with colds?

    My son just turned 3. He was just diagnosed 6 weeks ago and since we have taken him out of daycare and not been in public much due to the steroids and doctors advice. I don't at all want to keep him totally confined but just worry that without a "normal" immune system he wouldn't be able to...
  19. cre

    Son just diagnosed - how do you deal with colds?

    So young they are. He is on methylprednisolone (we are tapering now), remicade infusions, a protonix, calcium, vitamin D and probiotics. Was it also a long process for a dx for your Grace? i just love that name btw.👼
  20. cre

    Timing of blood work with Remicade

    We have only had 3 infusions thus far with blood work each time, taking blood from the IV site. They have perscribed a numbing cream for future visits to put on our son.