Does anyone have active crohns w no pain or fatigue but w diarrhea?

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Oct 26, 2014
Maybe I'm in denial but I can't tell if my crohns is acting up. I have lost ten lbs but have no pain and no fatigue. I keep wondering if maybe the diarrhea is caused by sweets or peanuts. Or it is the fact that Ive been cut on three times although they dudnt remove a huge amount. Does anyone else have regular diarrhea but no pain or fatigue?
I would be get bloods and faecal protectin done if possible.

My daughter has active Crohn's with no symptoms at all. No bowel symptoms or pain or fatigue.
My son too only has diarrhea and it's not the constant running to the bathroom kind either. That and inflammatory levels from blood work were the only way we knew we had to change his course of meds.
My son has had no symptoms, including diarrhea but active disease. His lab work was normal including inflammation markers. Colonoscopy, SBFT and fecal calprotectin result showed active disease. His only outward symptoms was no weight gain. He had an ileocecectomy and is now back on remicade.

I would get some testing, maybe fecal calprotectin since it non invasive and can be a good indicator.