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  1. GirlwiththeCurl

    How important is AST?

    For what it's worth, L's AST and ALT always rise and fall together. She has liver disease as well as IBD, so I realize the two cases are not parallel.
  2. GirlwiththeCurl

    Question about 'solid' stool

    Thanks, pdx and Maya. The nurse never called back. She's usually very prompt. :/ I'm going to try again Monday. She hasn't had blood work for a long time now--six months. I was surprised when at her last appt the doc said no labs.
  3. GirlwiththeCurl

    Question about 'solid' stool

    I've been a little unhappy with L's eating and bowel movements lately. She's hungry all the time, but eating makes her feel a little sick (not so sick as to miss school). Every couple or three weeks she has diarrhea for a couple of days. About half of the rest of the time, her​ stool appears...
  4. GirlwiththeCurl

    Strange stomach pain

    I did call the GI after the ER trip and they haven't called back (they usually return calls in 24 hours, so not sure what's up there. I need to call again.) All the liver function bloods came back normal. The other times I've called GI about digestive issues, they always order liver function...
  5. GirlwiththeCurl

    Strange stomach pain

    L (7) has had some strange stomach pain lately, and I was wondering if this sounds like anything of note to any of you. What happens starts in late afternoon or evening. She says her stomach doesn't feel well, but it's mild. She decides not to eat dinner or eats only a few bites. Around bedtime...
  6. GirlwiththeCurl

    Bartholin's Gland duct cyst lancing

    Disclaimer: my daughter is the one with IBD. But I have had a bartholin's cyst lanced three times (and then I finally had surgery to have the duct enlarged and stitched open). I had it just lanced and drained twice, which resulted in very minor pain that was easily taken care of with Tylenol. No...
  7. GirlwiththeCurl

    S Update

    Everything went very smoothly for S over the weekend. His upper GI scope was perfect visually. We're waiting on biopsy results, but the doc doesn't expect to find anything abnormal from them. The doc sort of shrugged and said they get a certain number of kids that stop eating and they never do...
  8. GirlwiththeCurl

    CRP question

    GI wants S in hospital for four days starting Thursday to put in feeding tube and determine whether his lack of growth is from inadequate intake or something else (malabsorption or increased caloric demand). She's also doing an upper GI scope, I think to look for EoE, but she didn't exactly say...
  9. GirlwiththeCurl

    CRP question

    Good to know. The absolute count wasn't on the report, though. 😕
  10. GirlwiththeCurl

    CRP question

    I don't remember a specific cold when he had his blood draw, but we've had a kind of continuum of sickness in the family since Thanksgiving, so maybe he had something.
  11. GirlwiththeCurl

    CRP question

    Sed rate was 10, range reference 0-15. (Incidentally, I believe L's sed rate was lower than this when she was diagnosed). So odd.
  12. GirlwiththeCurl

    CRP question

    I picked up all S's bloodwork results in preparation for taking him to see the GI Monday, and found that the results were not as normal as the PED led me to believe. I don't have a good feeling for how far out of normal some of the things are, particularly the CRP. His came in high at 4.7, with...
  13. GirlwiththeCurl

    Anal skin tags

    Thanks, mlp!! I read a bit about rectal prolapse from your link, and I actually think it might be an extruded rectal polyp, which is one of the differential diagnoses of prolapse. It's kind of weird in that it seems to be a blob of tissue on a stalk, which then is sometimes extruded and...
  14. GirlwiththeCurl

    Anal skin tags

    Have any of you dealt with anal skin tags? My son S (the underweight one that I'm taking to see L's GI next Monday) has had something that looks like a skin tag since he was born. Here's why I'm asking: his tag isn't on the surface of his anus. It is sometimes visible (often after a bowel...
  15. GirlwiththeCurl

    Is it normal to have green/grey stools whilst on Modulen?

    Have you ever had bloodwork to test liver function? Gray-colored stool can result from bile not making it into your digestive tract. There are some liver diseases that can co-occur with IBD that will produce gray or white stool if the is a blockage of the bile ducts. Primary sclerosing...
  16. GirlwiththeCurl

    L update and worries about son

    Hi! I just (finally) talked with L's liver nurse about S. L is almost due for her six-month follow-up, so they scheduled her right away (well--in a couple of weeks. That's right away for them, for something not emergent) AND S immediately following. So that's on 13th Feb. Thank goodness!
  17. GirlwiththeCurl

    L update and worries about son

    Thank you all so much. I'm glad that I don't sound crazy. I need to call L's liver/GI nurse to check up on blood results, so I'll talk to her soon, too. I appreciate your support. <3
  18. GirlwiththeCurl

    L update and worries about son

    Thanks! He really prefers milk and water, so I'm going to try both.
  19. GirlwiththeCurl

    L update and worries about son

    We're still offering Miralax, but sometimes it's hard to get him to drink juice. Is says you can put it on any liquid. Have any of you ever mixed it in milk?
  20. GirlwiththeCurl

    L update and worries about son

    We're still waiting for the blood test results for celiac. Hopefully we should get them Monday.