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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. emmaaaargh

    How are you feeling today?

    I'm doing okay today, but I seem really mentally exhausted for no reason. It's probably just stress. I've got a Biology practical exam and a German oral exam on Friday and it's two weeks until my first exam of the proper exam season. To be honest, I feel a little defeated. I feel like I've done...
  2. emmaaaargh

    16 year old girl with Crohn's - The long journey to a diagnosis

    Welcome to the forum! I'm 16 too - and I'm really sorry this has hit you when it has. There's no good time, obviously, but right now - well, it's probably one of the worst. I don't have any experience with methotrexate, but I just wanted to echo that there are so many members of the forum that...
  3. emmaaaargh

    Years w Crohn's & Current Age????

    Crohn's for 7 years. I'm 16.
  4. emmaaaargh

    Mild patients: Have you taken Pentasa ALONE?

    I did, for two or three years after diagnosis! I was considered a fairly mild case back then. Started on it as my firstline medication, and I would definitely say it helped, as I went from uncontrollable watery stool to fully formed and in total control. I developed a stricture after two years...
  5. emmaaaargh

    Teens with Ulcertive Colitis or Crohn's Support Group

    I found that it's best to try and keep stress to a minimum. *Kind* of an absurd thought when it comes to school, but you've got to remember that you and your health come first, and everything else will follow :) Don't feel bad for not being able to, I don't know, take part in sports, or...
  6. emmaaaargh

    Did you lose your desire for other food after starting Enteral Nutrition?

    I wasn't allowed anything - even boiled sweets or gum - with my EN, but I found that after a while I didn't really want to eat any real food because I was full from the EN. It was odd because it definitely made it easier to be around family or friends who were eating food, and I wondered whether...
  7. emmaaaargh

    Treatments for strictures?

    Resections in the terminal ileum can be reconnected and don't always require an ostomy! I had a resection of about 30cm of intestine in 2009 - the ends were reconnected and life went on as usual. :)
  8. emmaaaargh

    How are you feeling today?

    This thread is such a great idea! :) Today I'm feeling kind of frustrated. I saw my GI yesterday and all seemed okay there. Platelets down, haemoglobin in range (finally), but my CRP was up. We agreed that if it was still up by the time of my next appointment, we'd move on to 100mg of...
  9. emmaaaargh

    Teens with Ulcertive Colitis or Crohn's Support Group

    I don't personally, but I know there are lots of other teens on here who are on/have been on Infliximab. Welcome to the forum, though - I was diagnosed in 2007 too! Hope you find the answers you're looking for :)
  10. emmaaaargh

    Do people take IBD seriously?

    I agree that the broadcast this morning and subsequent article did absolutely nothing to show people what living with Crohn's is really like. I was actually really disappointed with how it was shown - one GI's opinion was taken as fact and the presenters latched onto it for the entire duration...
  11. emmaaaargh

    Anemia- IV supplements

    I get the newer form of iron and it only takes about 15-20 minutes - takes longer for them to put the IV in me than it does for the infusion to run! I also felt pretty tired for a day or so afterwards but I didn't have any Benadryl so I think it might just be down to the iron. One of the good...
  12. emmaaaargh

    6- 10 Year Club

    6 years and 8 months now!
  13. emmaaaargh

    Taking exams and crohns

    Hello! I'm in the middle of my GCSEs right now, so I thought I'd chip in, as I did a bit of research about this a while ago. On the JCQ website there's a .pdf on access arrangements, and it states: The link for that .pdf is here. I've definitely heard of toilet breaks with the time added back...
  14. emmaaaargh

    IBD nurses

    I've never had an IBD nurse, not when I was being treated by a paediatric GI and not now that I'm being treated by an adult one either.
  15. emmaaaargh

    How many people do you know with IBD?

    Two - my godmother and my previous PE teacher.
  16. emmaaaargh

    Small for age

    Yep! I'm 15 and I haven't grown since I was 11. I'm still 4'11. My numbers are getting better, though, so with any luck I'll see some catch-up growth soon. :P
  17. emmaaaargh

    Oh god 6mp

    Hiya Julia! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I'm not *great* at giving advice, but I've had Crohn's for almost 7 years now and I've been on Azathioprine (basically the sister drug to 6MP - Aza is converted into 6MP in the body) for about two of them, so I thought I'd tell you my experience in...
  18. emmaaaargh

    Iron infusion - what to expect

    I've only had one. I saw my GI in November and I don't remember him mentioning it much, or if he did, it was a 'we'll see how things go' kind of reaction since I get bloods done every 3 months (need to book an appointment before the month ends!). My haemoglobin was 7 and my ferritin was 4 at the...
  19. emmaaaargh

    Stool color while on Elemental diet???

    Good to hear it's working for you!! The bile thing makes sense, I think. I was on the E028 for six weeks after surgery as bowel rest, and I ended up putting on lots of weight and even growing a few inches so that was a pretty good outcome. Can't say I'd ever want to do it again, though! But...
  20. emmaaaargh

    Stool color while on Elemental diet???

    I was on EEN with solely E028 and my stool didn't go green at all. Doesn't that generally mean a fast transit time? I'm not sure! I think mine remained fairly normal (if happening less frequently!). Where does it say the stool is expected to turn green? :0