How many people do you know with IBD?

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Oct 29, 2013
How many people do you know with some form of IBD? Not including on this forum.

For me, 6 people.
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At least ten, I'm pretty sure. Every time I bring up having Crohn's to someone, it turns out they at least know someone else who does.

When my mother was first diagnosed back in 1998 I don't think I met anyone that knew but now it seems like everyone has a sister or a mother or a friend with some form of IBD, it's on quite a rise in the developed world. Personally I would say...five.
Only one person. My ex-girlfriend. Ironically enough this was before I was diagnosed and when she heard my symptoms encouraged me to see her GI. Probably would of been a while before I started seeing doctors if it wasn't for her.
At this point, 3 people with Crohn's one of which is my brother, and while not classified as IBD, I know 5 with coeliac.

I wouldn't say that cases are rising, I would say that diagnoses are rising. We've hit a turning point in society. For centuries men have been told to "suck it up and be a man", and in that exact same period there has been a male dominated health industry ignoring the issues of women because "she's just over reacting, women are crazy". While we are in no way close to an enlightened society, we are getting better with diagnostic tools and methods. I could go on at great length abut this as it spans everything from the alleged "autism epidemic" to the increased rate of lupus in women.
In 15 years I've known 4; 3 CD (one being my mother) and 1 UC. I do know much more people that knows a relative that has it though.
I know zero people, I have heard that a boy at my school has crohns but Im yet to know who he is
Before diagnosis, 1 (UC). After diagnosis 21. (All adults) Most are through the local IBD support group in my area. Our last hospital stay we finally met another kid so my munchkin has someone to relate to. Kid connections have been the hardest. Hoping to connect at this years Gutsy walk with some kids for her. She needs the support more than I do
Three. My wife, a cousin (who died of it, over 30 years ago, first I had ever heard of it), one on-line friend (not from this forum). There was also a recruiter I dealt with years ago whose son had it, but I didn't know either particularly well. I also have two friends with Celiac Disease.
My friends Husband has UC and his mother has crohns. My sons best friend was also dx with Crohns as well when he was 16. He is doing well now, no issue for 6 years and has not even been on any medications. I do believe there are more and more people getting sick with lots of chronic illnesses because of environmental issues as well as the foods we eat( GMO's, pesticides, preservatives etc...). I also do not believe it is innocent. I think sometimes they are using people as guinea pigs to see how the body reacts. I mean honestly, lets face it, back years ago lots of these diseases just did not exist. Even when I was in grade school, having a kid with a severe life threatening allergy was rare. My husband is a teacher and every year now he has more than 2 kids per class that have a severe allergy( peanut, fish, etc..). Definitely a rise in these diseases..
I have met quite a few ppl with IBD over the years. Some by chance and most through crohns and ostomy groups.
I met four of them in hospital: now they are my friends. They are all in their twenties, except for one.
The other one is the fiancé of an old friend of mine: she discovered to have colitis one year after I discovered my Crohn's.
An assistant who worked at my chiropractor's office, a nurse that calls me from BC/BS. My mother-in-law when she was alive had Colitis. A lady that used to go to my church. Except for my mother-in-law, everyone else I mentioned has had Crohn's Disease.

2 friends and my auntie who passed from CD 2 years ago :-( and 2 uncles 1 living and one passed with UC, DM as well as other multiy factorals.
I only really know one other person, my step cousin Chloe, who has severe crohns disease and almost didn't make it.

I have met 3 other people with it during hospital stays, but I wouldn't say I 'know' them as we didn't stay in touch,
Before I was diagnosed I knew of 1 person now I know of 5, 2 I work with, 1 used to be my teacher, 1 of my boyfriends friends & another friends mum. It's amazing when you start talking about it how someone knows of someone who has a form of IBD it just needs talking about more.
I found out this week that one of my former neighbors has Crohn's Disease and controls it through diet and Metamucil. One of my Facebook friends has I BS.

After my daughter was diagnosed I had 3 friends/acquaintances admit that they have Crohn's. I've known them all for several years now and had no idea. I know of a few other people (person I work with, the husband of a high school friend, the husband of an acquaintance and 2 or 3 people on another forum I belong to).
At this point, 3 people with Crohn's one of which is my brother, and while not classified as IBD, I know 5 with coeliac.

I wouldn't say that cases are rising, I would say that diagnoses are rising. We've hit a turning point in society. For centuries men have been told to "suck it up and be a man", and in that exact same period there has been a male dominated health industry ignoring the issues of women because "she's just over reacting, women are crazy". While we are in no way close to an enlightened society, we are getting better with diagnostic tools and methods. I could go on at great length abut this as it spans everything from the alleged "autism epidemic" to the increased rate of lupus in women.

don't forget that we've taken so many lifestyle changes including:
tons of junk in packaged food you'd never dream of putting in home made food,
staring at screens,
and many more,
and to top it all off tons of meds that have all different affects.
how many people do i know, that also have Crohn's.
how many people do i know that they have Crohn's.

i would say 2 and 5 respectively.