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  1. K

    Blood in stool

    Will def check with GI today...thank you for all the information 🌸🌸🌸
  2. K

    Blood in stool

    The Dr had said daily miralax, but after the first dose, he had the blood in could have been bc he was backed up anyway. I’ve never heard of uceris foam. Will look into that in case it’s needed. Like your son, mine also has not had diarrhea, but looks like the meds are giving him...
  3. K

    Blood in stool

    @my little penguin thank you for checking up. No bowel movement since the last. He keeps having this feeling of pressure and having to go, but nothing coming out. We gave him stool softener so hoping that helps. He’s been getting really hungry...Dr said side effect of prednisone. Just waiting...
  4. K

    Blood in stool

    I hope so 🌸🌸🌸
  5. K

    Blood in stool

    Will tell him tomorrow...My son said blood was in the’s the first time. I had told the GI yesterday that he was constipated, and Dr advised miralax. Gave it to him today and then he had hard bm with blood a few hrs later. I’m hoping it was bc of strain. But concerned. Last remicade...
  6. K

    Blood in stool

    Hey guys, My son has blood in his stool. This has never happened before. He was constipated most likely bc of the prednisone and EEN. Is this common?
  7. K

    16 yr old boy/just diagnosed

    @Lady Organic and @my little penguin ...I am also confused. His GI Dr. and nutritionist both recommended 6 cans to begin with. They gave us a choice bt. Ensure and Kate Farms, etc. but he preferred the Ensure taste. They said any of these shakes work. My son is 5’6”...perhaps that had something...
  8. K

    16 yr old boy/just diagnosed

    oh I see...thank you. I hope your son is doing well now. 💕
  9. K

    16 yr old boy/just diagnosed

    Thank you so much for responding. He’s on steroids as well as EEN. He’ll be on steroids for a month...I wonder why Dr. put him on both. Will ask.
  10. K

    16 yr old boy/just diagnosed

    Hey everyone, My son was recently diagnosed with moderate to severe Crohn’s. What a stressful few months:( It started with stomach aches, then weight loss, then throwing up. He constantly felt the need to go to the bathroom. Luckily no diarrhea. After CT, endoscopy/colonoscopy, a week in the...