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  1. Paulah28

    My husband is DRIVING ME CRAZY

    Once again I am so glad that I am not alone on this issue either. I just got back from my GI (AKA hottie life saver) and he agreed that sleep is necessary and the stress is only going to make me sick again. I told him that I had been thinking about leaving my husband and he said that if will...
  2. Paulah28

    My husband is DRIVING ME CRAZY

    Thank you all for the input. I do think it is time for a sit down. Most times that does not even work with him. I have an apt tomorrow that I asked him to come to so he can hear my dr say that being tires is natural but of course he will not because his work is too important. I have thought...
  3. Paulah28

    My husband is DRIVING ME CRAZY

    I think you all can agree that this annoying disease makes you so tired sometimes (almost all of the time) that all you want to do is sleep or at the least sit down and relax more tham most people. husband thinks that he is entitled to do whatever he whenever he wants and does not...
  4. Paulah28

    To Puke or not to Puke?

    When I get nauseaus to the point where it consumes my every thought I cannot seem to not puke. I hate to say it but when I was a teen I had the binge/purge thing so I have the voluntary pucking thing down. I would probably say it is about once or twice a week. It is not that I like it but I HATE...
  5. Paulah28

    Urgent Care

    That is always a difficult decision. Is there any other dr in his practice? If not I would go to urgent care as it sounds like you feel horrible. I hope you feel better soon.
  6. Paulah28

    Folic Acid?????

    I am not pregnant and not planning on being pregnant again...per doctors order. Is there a vitamin that you guys find works better as the ones I have tried often upset my stomach.
  7. Paulah28

    Dannon Activia??

    I love ogurt but it really does not like me. I have been seeing these ads for Dannon Activia. Has anyone tried this?
  8. Paulah28

    What do you do with you old pouches?

    That may be a bit far...I would check and see about local home health services.
  9. Paulah28

    Folic Acid?????

    I wish I could but it kills me. I can drink it in small doses. I will try that again and see how it goes....thanks
  10. Paulah28

    What do you do with you old pouches?

    When I had an iliostomy I had a home health nurse come to my house..(there was a lot of healthe issues going on at one time). When I had left over supplies for whatever reason I gave them to her. She could not give them back to the supplier but she appreciated them as she could use them with her...
  11. Paulah28

    In the Hospital Again

    Crohn's definately does suck. I am so sorry you are feeling so bad. About a year ago I spent more time in the hospital over a 7 month period than I spent at home so I can sympothize. Hope you feel better soon and keep us posted.
  12. Paulah28

    Folic Acid?????

    teeny thank you for the input. Do you know what foods I can find it in that will not hurt?
  13. Paulah28

    Folic Acid?????

    Hey dr told me to take a vitamin with a lot of folic acid in it. I think he called it folate. Does enyone know why this might be and what foods have it as I REALLY do not want to pop another pill everyday.
  14. Paulah28

    Help!! I've just been diagnosed with Crohn's

    One thing that works for me when I am in a lot of pain it to take a few days and go on a liquid diet to try and clean myself out. After that I try a few things...mashed potato one night maybe with a small piece of chicken and see how I feel the next day. I slowly add different foods and yes...
  15. Paulah28

    How were you diagnosed?

    When I was in college in 95 I was in a lot of pain and went through all test known to man with no official diagnosis. I decided to brush it off and go on with me life which was the biggest mistake. After having 2 kids and making sure they were happy and healthy I decided it was time to take care...
  16. Paulah28

    Just wondering

    I have had to have colonoscopys every 6 months and it is killing me. I do not mind the test so much since I am sedated it is the prep that I cannot take anymore. Is this pill cam thing as accurate as a colonoscopy? I am guessing the only thing they cannot do is take samples if needed. I am due...
  17. Paulah28

    Remicade Issues

    Thank you all for your input. My dr is wonderful. He just mentioned it. He would pre med me more than last time and I would be in the hospital also just in case. He is fine with me saying no. He saved my life and I trust him 110%. What are downfalls about Humeria? I have to make my next apt with...
  18. Paulah28

    No sleep and adicted to Zanax..HELP??

    Hey guys....Last year when things were really bad one of my dr perscribed zanax for me which really helped me through 7 months of being in the hospital. Now that I am in remission and feeling better I still cannot sleep. I am not sure if it anxiety related (I think it probably is) but I find it...
  19. Paulah28

    Books that Deal with Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and IBD

    DeanHP....what was the name of the book? Did you get anything out of it?
  20. Paulah28

    Remicade Issues

    Thanks for the response. I was not sure if anyone else had a bad reaction to it. It seems as though everyone loves what it does. I am going to ask about Humeria. So you have had success with that?